Archived [suggestion] Add Water Bottle Feeding To Maiars

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Oct 19, 2013
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Well, hello there.

My suggestion is simple: Maiars should regain water-feed level when they drink a water bottle.


*Mostly, because in certain places like Spawn or Factions, you can't place water.
*Also, sometimes it tooks a while for the server to realize you are in water; and you can die being in water.
*And, to finish; because it makes sense.

Please, post any ideas/improvement to this suggestion, and lets try an admin/mod considers the idea.

[Highly suggested to read all the thread, to see other people opinions and improvement of the idea]
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This suggestion has been made before and rejected, mainly because in roleplay maiar stay in water. It doesn't exactly make sense that a maiar would be able to regain "hunger" by drinking water, mostly because if they're like normal fish they use water to breath out of. Therefore a fish would need to be submerged in water to breath and live, and so would a maiar.
All I'm going to say is that if you choose Maiar, that is your choosing. You know what it brings, so you need to prepare, set up your own water ponds, tubs, etc around your home. Stay in water in Regalia. And if you're the PvP type then raid by the ocean, you'll kick ass in water.
Here it is again folks. I think this has been suggested about 7 times now. All rejected. Telling you something?

This has been suggested as many times as werewolves and has been rejected each time. I mean, come on. You've been on the forums since October. I would think you would know this by now. The reasons behind this are that Maiar are aquatic creatures with some amphibian aspects but really need water as their habitat. It is like saying a human could survive in space if they would just blow an air gun at themselves each time they needed to breathe. There is more than just breathing involved and even if it was just breathing, a bottle would not be near enough to provide the oxygen they need.
@favoured You have a good point there, but first, water could hydratate maiars, even if it is on their stomach, and second, you can only carry a few water bottles, and what you say could be avoided by assigning to the drinking water bottle less hunger addition than standing in water one second.

@Teddie000 You are right, being maiar is a personal choice, but the features are a little nerfed, i think. That little addition could balance the things.
@favoured You have a good point there, but first, water could hydratate maiars, even if it is on their stomach, and second, you can only carry a few water bottles, and what you say could be avoided by assigning to the drinking water bottle less hunger addition than standing in water one second.

@Teddie000 You are right, being maiar is a personal choice, but the features are a little nerfed, i think. That little addition could balance the things.
Just remember that Maiar wasn't made for Minecraft. In a MC aspect, yes, it's a bit nerfed but roleplay wise they are one of the deadliest races. You should see some of the praedator Maiar, man... Amazing. What I'm saying is the Maiar lore was made to fit Aloria. That's it, really. I hope I'm making sense.

This has been suggested as many times as werewolves and has been rejected each time. I mean, come on. You've been on the forums since October. I would think you would know this by now. The reasons behind this are that Maiar are aquatic creatures with some amphibian aspects but really need water as their habitat. It is like saying a human could survive in space if they would just blow an air gun at themselves each time they needed to breathe. There is more than just breathing involved and even if it was just breathing, a bottle would not be near enough to provide the oxygen they need.

I understand what are you trying to tell me, but even a little water bottle can handle a little oxygen, and it could be usefull in some situations. Imagine that when you drink a water bottle, you regain half the hunger you get when in water for one second, that would not be exploited, and could "hydrate" the maiar for a little more, just to last some longer.

But at the end, they will always have to return to the water.

About the time im in the forum, this is the first time i use my account :)
I understand what are you trying to tell me, but even a little water bottle can handle a little oxygen, and it could be usefull in some situations. Imagine that when you drink a water bottle, you regain half the hunger you get when in water for one second, that would not be exploited, and could "hydrate" the maiar for a little more, just to last some longer.

But at the end, they will always have to return to the water.

About the time im in the forum, this is the first time i use my account :)

Pouring a glass of water on a fish on land will not save it, particularly since a fish's gills rely on countercurrent exchange. I simply don't think drinking water would cause countercurrent exchange to occur, and even if it did, it probably wouldn't be enough to last more than a second or two.
Pouring a glass of water on a fish on land will not save it, particularly since a fish's gills rely on countercurrent exchange. I simply don't think drinking water would cause countercurrent exchange to occur, and even if it did, it probably wouldn't be enough to last more than a second or two.

That is the point. The point is not saving the maiar's life if he stays out of the water. The point is to give him that extra one or two seconds.

It is more than just breathing. A maiar's gills collapse in air as they are not supported by water, therefore they can't breath. It's skin, in order to remain moist, would need more than just a bottle of water. It is quite simple really.

It is more than just breathing. A maiar's gills collapse in air as they are not supported by water, therefore they can't breath. It's skin, in order to remain moist, would need more than just a bottle of water. It is quite simple really.

My point is not to try to save the maiar, just give it one or two extra seconds to get to the water, if the maiar is quickly enough to have a water bottle and drink it, so he can go to water.

Another posibility to un-nerf a little the Maiars, is to make some sort of anti-Water Breathing potion.
Well, the amount should be 1/3 aprox from what they regain normally.

Also, my point is not fix the maiar's rp, for that we have cool people. The point is to make the maiar more playable by adding a little feature to enjoy that race more. Then, if neccesary, add a Rp background. The need to improve the features of this race is big.

Also, sorry for the bad english, im spanish.
No. There is a difference between drinking and breathing. If a fish were on land shoving water down its throat wouldn't do anything to help it.

I do not mean to defend this idea, but I should point out that fish actually do breathe by taking water in through their mouth. The way it works is they take in the water. The water is brought to an area that has a thin barrier between capillaries and the water, where the oxygen is able to replenish the blood. Then, the leftovers exit through the back of the gills.
No. There is a difference between drinking and breathing. If a fish were on land shoving water down its throat wouldn't do anything to help it.
You never saw a shark, fished and being keeped alive by pouring water on his throat?

The problem is still the same, maiars need to be a little less nerfed.
Maiars were never nerfed in the first place, they are completely balanced. Especially with their special subraces.
My point is not to try to save the maiar, just give it one or two extra seconds to get to the water, if the maiar is quickly enough to have a water bottle and drink it, so he can go to water.

Another posibility to un-nerf a little the Maiars, is to make some sort of anti-Water Breathing potion.

This seems a bit silly. It takes about three seconds to drink a bottle of water anyway. If they were to function how you propose, it'd be more efficient to just book it to the nearest water source.
Oh! We can also play smash the maiar's head in with an glass bottle filled with water!
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