Archived Suggestion About Mages

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
Seeing the latest magic post, I decided to do a bit of spitballing and make a suggestion for "mages".

Ideas For Mages

Main idea: Mages are a mostly supportive class/race that are extremely weak but have the capability to put out a lot of damage.They will mostly rely on buffs and de-buffs.

Problem: I find it difficult to balance the idea of magic without making it extremely overpowered, with pvp powerhouses in diamond armor shooting off lighting while they one shot people with their enchanted diamond axe. We could of course make mages a separate class/race, but Monmarty has pointed out that no more race suggestions will be made. We could make mage's a different "class", but it would be very similar to a race. Right now I'm mulling over this.

Weaknesses(if allowed): Mages can wear NO armor, and do only 25% the usual damage with conventional weapons.

Mana:As you expect, stronger spells cost more mana, I would like for mages to be unable to enchant things if possible. Instead, their exp bar is their mana bar, which regenerates slowly If not possible, just make them do /mana or something to pull up how much mana they have.. Killing monsters and animals would of course, give them more mana, as the mage is taking the living thing's life force and converting it into mana.I would also like mana to charge at a VERY slow pace.I have another rather fun idea I would like to be added in. How bout when a mage's mana runs out, he can still cast spells, but at the cost of his health?

Wands: Blaze rods are the best item to be used as a wand in my opinion, so you would hold it in your hand and scroll through the spells you have, stopping when you reach the one you want. Or I guess you could just do typed commands, and eventually hotkey them to make it easier if that's possible.

Learning Spells: I support having "spell books", which are books or bookshelves scattered around the world that when clicked, teach a spell. This would lead to wizards having their own HIGHLY valued libraries where they store their spells. This also means the older a mage is, the more powerful they usually are as they have had more time to accumulate spells. However mages WILL start off with a few basic spells. Spell books with weak or ordinary spells will be fairly rare, but extremely powerful spells will be very rare and usually hidden in a derelict stronghold or dungeon.

Note: These spells are only the ones i thought of, please add more, the more spells in the game the better.

-Give resistance effect to other players,
-Give resistance to themselves
-Give speed to other players
-Heal other players
-MAYBE make other players invisible
-Summon a temporary wall
-Buff an archer's next arrow so it either poisons/sets people on fire/knocks them back
-give strength to other players

-Blindness on enemies
-Weakness on enemies
-Slowness on enemies
-Push enemies back
-Nausea on enemies
-Trap one enemy in a cage/spot
-strip an enemy of his armor
-strip an enemy of his shields
-Turn an enemy into a pig, meaning he gets a pig skin, has no armor and weapons, and has speed 1.

Special Idea, "shields"-
Not sure if this is possible or not, but shields basically negate a certain amount of damage placed on a player.It wont be like armor where it negates a percent, shields will negate a base amount of damage. Mages can place shields on themselves or on other players. If a mage places a shield on himself, it will drain his mana based on the amount of time its active and the amount of damage it is negating. When the mage runs out of mana the shield disappears.A mage can place a shield on someone else, but it will either a) take a lot more mana than a personal shield or b)instead of draining mana, the shield will drain the mage's health based on how much damage it takes. I would like it so shields could be stacked, but you could make an argument that it would lead to near invincible warriors.The thing is, the shields are draining a mage's lifeforce, which would mean that the cost for a near invincible warrior is about a dozen mages that cannot fight.

Misc. Spells-
-Teleportation to any block within a few blocks of you
-Instant crop/tree growth
-Summon minions
-disguise yourself as a mob
- Listen in on someone's private or faction chat if they are in your line of sight.

Can't think of much more

Damaging spells:
-Set someone on fire
-Throw someone into the air
-poison someone
-make a explosion at where you are pointing
-Make a napalm explosion where you are pointing which sets everyone around it on fire
-Kill yourself to wither everyone around you
- teleport someone into the void(very rare/endgame spell)

Special Idea, "Mind duel"
A mage can challenge another mage to a mind duel, where both of them are transported to an arena, where they both have iron armor and one blaze rod. The 2 mages will use the spells they know to try to kill each other. This would be interesting because it would make mages keep their spells secret, in hopes that if they challenge another mage to a mind duel their opponent would underestimate the spells they know.When a wizard dies they would be teleported to where they first initiated the duel, except the one that lost the duel who would be dead.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Magic is currently not supported in lore, in a way that many players would like to see. Consider the world currently temporarily cut off from 90% of it's magical potential due to certain reasons.

Will keep thread open for future reference though.
Eh, wasn't expecting much out of it. In fact, this is a bit more than I expected, which was a "oh that's nice, but we aren't accepting race suggestions" followed by a swift lock.
Magic is a planned expansion of the server lore and functionality in the future. Race additions are not.
But wouldn't you run into the problem I mentioned in the original post? To balance magic, usually severe nerfs need to be placed on the mage or whoever was using magic. In order to do this, you would have to create another race/class.
My two suggestions for not making this spammy are:

1. Mana doesn't regenerate while in combat.
2. After death, you respawn with no mana, so you can't constantly run into the enemy, use a suicide attack, then respawn and do it again.
Cayorion has a certain idea in mind for magic

- It needs to be accessible to everyone
- It needs to be something that is learned trough actions, not existing knowledge
- Said actions could but will most likely be, quests of sorts.
Oh so Cayorian's idea involves the fact that EVERYONE has the potential to use magic, but only a few would spend the time necessary to learn enough magic to be considered true mages?
I thought it would be cool if spells are found through books. Perhaps special coding makes it possible (special books you load and maybe a buying system for said books?)
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