Archived /subrace Command Idea

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
I was thinking earlier today that with the different subraces mentioned, each with different powers in the lore, why not implement them into actual gameplay.

I'll use elves as an example. Say you choose elf as your race, you can do /subrace r to see a list of elf subraces. Let's say there are high elves, dark elves, wood elves, and snow elves. Added onto the 15% more damage with a bow, each subrace would have extra abilities and disabilities. Many high elves could get more experience from anything that give you experience, but deal only 10% more damage with a bow. Dark elves could have fire resistance, but take damage in snow. Snow elves could not slide on ice, but take extra damage from fire, and wood elves could grow food much faster, but gain less experience.

Keep in mind that those were only filler examples, and not intended as suggestions. The were just used to fill the spots.

Each race could have 4 subraces, each with special abilities. This would add more flare to the server, and impact the lore significantly.

Leave your thoughts and feedback, as well as your ideas for subraces and abilities.

Just an idea.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Some races, but not all, do have recognized subraces. This would be an interesting feature, but I'd imagine that it will have to wait for the new "trait" system.
I don't like it, it will confuse new players way to much, also your elf sub races seem to be torn straight from the Elder scrolls.
Then you wouldn't have said anything. Just like the Elder Scrolls aren't fully original, the sub-races aren't either.
look, I said it because he said the dark elves get fire resistance. the Elven lore says nothing of fire so he obviously got the idea from a popular series.
look, I said it because he said the dark elves get fire resistance. the Elven lore says nothing of fire so he obviously got the idea from a popular series.

He did get the idea from a popular series. But these roleplaying game elements have been around since 1974. Morrowind was a tabletop videogame in the sense that a dice was rolled when you attack.
I heard the races plugin will eventually be replaced by a traits plugin. Therefor, I'm not sure how much time is going to be spent tweeking races plugin.
I heard the races plugin will eventually be replaced by a traits plugin. Therefor, I'm not sure how much time is going to be spent tweeking races plugin.
I really wish they wouldn't remove races. Races are a big part of the lore. Removing races from Massivecraft would change the world of Massivecraft as a whole. And, as surprised as I am to say this, so are vampires. Do I hate them, yes. Are they necessary to the lore, yes. Removing races and vamps from Massivecraft changes the roleplay completely, and turns the lore on its head.
I really like this idea for the simple fact "Oh hey what race are you?" "I'm an elf, you?" "Elf..." That doesn't sound interesting, meanwhile with these subraces would as said "Flare up" RP as well as gameplay for many people both new and veteran. It's a long shot of an idea but I Support it.
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