Archived Subforum Within The Help Section

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Some guy trying to make things work
Staff member
Tech 2
Jan 17, 2014
Reaction score
I'm not sure who all identified as a techie or who likes looking through crash logs, but, for those who either crash or like to analyze them, I propose we have a subforum within the help section dedicated to crashes, that way, we can keep them out of the main help listings and also make it easier for those who might not know massive quite as well to still have a place to go if they want to try helping on the forums.

I'd love to hear feedback (about the idea of the subforum, not about the person suggesting or about anyone else providing feedback, please, keep it about ideas and not flame).
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
+1 support,
I agree. I am not much of a tech person, however I try to help everyone in the help central part of the forums, and it would be nice (because i will mostly focus more on the massivecraft related questions) to be able to distinguish between tech questions and massivecraft questions, so as to set my priority of help
A "tech help" section would be a good idea. I've seen a number of people who have tech problems that are only seen by one or two people, it would be nice to have it all in one place.