Preserved Sheet Stuart Mosley

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Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
United States of America
Mithril & Kataktites
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Stuart "Stu" Mosley (Stoo·ertt Moes·ley). Sometimes called "Stu" (Stoo). Sometimes called "Two-Eyes" by close friends.
  • Age: 32 years old.
    • Birth date: April 17th, 272 A.C.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Full-blood Ailor.
  • Main Ambition: Happiness.
Skill Information
  • School: School of Turall.
  • Level: Fighter.
  • Source: Attended the School of Turall.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown right eye, hazel left eye.
  • Hair Color: Dark-brown.
  • Hair Style: "Slicked" backwards to the right.
  • Skin Color: Cream.
  • Clothing: White shirt, light-brown leather pants, dark-brown leather boots.
  • Height: 5 feet 10 inches.
  • Body Build: Ripped.
  • Weapon of Choice: Baton, dagger, arming sword.
Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits

  • Optimistic: Growing up with a rather hearty and ambitious attitude, Stuart comes as rather optimistic. If he was put in a room that gets smaller every second and you only had a 5% chance of escaping, he would be rather optimistic about it. A good vibe can arise from Stuart because of this. Mentally, Stuart keeps this on as he'd keep himself on good terms with most things, even if he has a lower chance to have success in an objective.
  • Cooperative: Working with people that Stuart has a good idea of isn't a problem. Having spent over a decade on working in groups in combat, Stuart has got a good deal of trusting people. Synchronization also came out of his education, which lets Stuart cooperate quite easily with someone. A simple order can be accomplished by Stuart, and so on and so forth. Whether it be Stuart doing something by himself or several other people, he can work smoothly with his given personality-based attribute.
  • Venturesome: When put in the path of dangers, Stuart may take the risk. If it can get him on better terms from the status he is in, the Ailor will usually take the risk. Despite being adventurous allowing him to get into life-threatening situations, the man will go under any circumstances that doesn't prove morally bad to his go. Others may see him as great from the results from this, or a fool as he'd take the chances in progress.
  • Strict: Growing up to the mainline of a baron's family, Stuart was taught etiquette at a young age despite his rather mischievous ways. Being strict can be a downfall for anyone under the Ailor's command. Whether it be commanding his nephews or nieces to keep a strict schedule, or generally a strict work ethic. Stuart may be seen as irritating when he keeps up a rather strict personality. There are times when he is laid-back and lets people all free willy-nilly.
  • Impatient: Patience can be easily brought down if whatever Stuart seems to be waiting for takes too long. Stuart may be somewhat patient at times for important subjects, but sooner or later, his impatience takes in place. Usually, Stuart would do something to distract him as time passed by, second after second. His simple tapping of hands and humming wouldn't work all too well, as in the end he'd cease and start to get irritated. There are times when Stuart stops getting agitated whenever something takes too long.
  • Prejudiced: When it comes to third rank citizens or outsiders, Stuart doesn't take them too light. On first glance, he will usually treat them lower than he would to a first rank citizen. Anyone who doesn't oblige to the citizen rankings and seek for equality, they might seek out Stuart to be rude and concerning. There are times when he may get used to a third ranking citizen or outsider and "befriend" them.
  • Swordsmanship: Days spent in Turall has certainly had an effect on Stuart. In combat he is honor-bound to whatever sword he has in his arms. Stuart's raised ability allows him to take down most of his opponents, though some still in hand to face him. If put on a one-on-one battle with an opponent that chooses to fight him, Stuart most likely has the upper hand- if not challenged with magic.
  • Cooperative: Having a partner or group by his side, Stuart can, and usually will act well in terms of order and synchronization. If put into some unit in combat, or generally just to go around some place, he can satisfactorily do so. Having taken seven years of Military Education, he has been trained greatly to work in groups.
  • Memory: Stuart's memory is quite good, being able to remember an area if he has been it in it for a few times, or generally most things about anything. He'd get this from some focus on his mental state, allowing him to keep well on what he'd been through in the past. If put in some questions such as "Can you get me ___", Stuart most likely can memorize where the item would be if he'd seen it once or twice.
  • Injured right femur: During some hiking trips onto some mountains with a group of Turall School for Blades teachers and peers, Stuart had gotten himself on some loose material as he'd slip down and try to maneuver himself into safety. Unfortunately for Stuart, he would have tried to kick himself to some shorter distance, which failed and got his right femur to get fractured. Stuart would have to take a break from the school for a few months for the fracture to properly heal, though it'd properly fix itself in some time. Despite it currently being healed now, if his right femur were to take any serious damage, it'd certainly leave a bigger mark than if it was his left femur to take some impact.
  • Intolerant: Mainly from Stuart's heritage, he doesn't take too kindly to Unwanted races to the Regalian capital, and only a few notches friendlier to third class citizens. Yes, he may consult with one and eventually form a friendship, but if Stuart was to not be educated of one's doings, he will do the usual Regalian citizen way and usually act prejudice towards said lawfully lower races. Others may seek out him as being negative if they were to be a "goody-goody", which can come out bad socially and morally for him.
  • Inferior insight: Stuart seems to keep rather uneducated of how people act and such. Despite the Ailor able to recognize simple emotions, it may take him a hard time to really dig into someone's thoughts. If someone were to be in some distressed state of mental status and Stuart would be there in attempt to calm down someone, he may not be of proper material to do so.
Life Story
Childhood & birth:
As the light shone on the nursery two Ailor parents resided at, there came a little, chubby boy who was born that day- April 17th, 272 A.C. Who was that boy? The boy who was later to be known as Stuart Mosley. Stuart Mosley was some troublesome boy in his youth ages, having been living in an estate where he resided in with his father- a baron and the patriarch, Wayne Mosley, mother Harriet Mosley, grandfather Gene Mosley, and his grandmother Elliana Mosley. Stuart was born in the barony of Haernford. The toddler would usually waddle around the house's floors, usually causing some mess around. Cookie crumbles found on the carpet, milk stains on the wall, yikes. As the older ages came to Stuart, he would start to get disciplined more and get to his senses.

Stuart's teenage-hood was spent on helping with his family's daily labor helping make all types of furniture, as well as school education on subjects such as Aloria's geography, history, and more. He was getting slightly more troublesome than his disciplined older youth ages, starting to go late out at night to simply fool around with any of his "friends" around the town he lived at. Despite his mischief, he would also be more well taught to his family's trade of designing furniture that would be sold at some good rate around the archipelago. His father who had led coworkers, down to other craftsmen would intricately design household objects, or really any piece of furniture that could be worked with. Despite that quite hefty 1 year of getting used to things, he would be brought to the idea of joining some sort of school of Military Education. With the many choices, he simply backed off as he just took some year on Turall, then the next year off. After that year he'd go to Turall again, and the process repeated for quite a while.

With most of his teenagehood and early adulthood spent in Turall and learning other subjects such as craftsmanship, forging, and much more to go, it seemed to be somewhat of a bland life for him. At around his 30th age, the Elven Wars had erupted from the emperor Alexander Kade's call. The Regalian Archipelago would suddenly be up to war with the Elven States, Stuart enlisting himself to become a mere footsoldier in the thousands that would be alongside the mere one man he'd be. The days went well, the Regalian power eventually taking the Elven States to power as they would successfully beat the Nelfin in the Elven Wars. He came back to his barony with some cuts and bruises, taking a more laid-back lifestyle to regain back from any "terrorizing" experiences and the overall physical injury he'd receive. At age 31, he had moved to the main capital city of the Regalian archipelago to take residency in a house in the Ithanian District. Stuart enjoyed his recent months there, which then led to a more active spring in action to present day 304 A.C.
Last edited:
- Removed Stuart's Weight from Visual Information
+ Added Body Build: Ripped
+ Added Skill Information
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Now for my review.
  • The trait of "Prejudice" should be "Prejudiced"
  • You have a lot of crossed out areas, but they are disjointed, if you can please delete them and fill in the correct information under his swordsman trait as well as in his Life Story, that would be good.
Do these edits in green and then tag me.