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Played Character Stratagos

This character is actively played.


Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main
Nov 20, 2013
Reaction score
Where ever the wind blows, literally sometimes.
Roleplay Guilds
I like to wander around a lot. Yep.

Basic Information
Race: Mech Automata, Made from Leytech.
Created by: Unknown, Maintained by Asim-Sadiki.
Age: Unknown.
Gender: He/Him pronouns preferred.
Occult: N/A.

Core Concept
Stratagos is a technological artificial life form that was built to fulfill certain tasks and defined purposes many years ago. Powered by their extremely complex unimatrix core that operates on memory based learning logic routines capable of advanced calculation and probability thought. They occupy the character writing trope of an artificial life form or robot that makes a person question the ethics of mechanical "life" and whether or not a machine might have a soul, or be a person, with thoughts and feelings or even a personality of their own.

Stratagos has their own sense of ethics, morality and code that they were originally created with. They have a reverence for life, all life no matter how big or small. There is nothing that Stratagos despises or hates more than those who revel in taking life. Be they poachers, murderers, or otherwise. They are a Lawful Good character that is bound by their programming.

Stratagos was created with an innate reverence and favor towards Draconism. While they aren't fully capable of 'worship' in the sense a person might, they do follow some of the draconic radicals that they were programmed with by their creator, that being; Symbiosis and Inward in equal measure.

Skill Information

Combat Style(s)
Attack: Intelligence
Defense: Wisdom

1 Strength
I. Steady Body

6 Intelligence
I. Tech Resist
II. Tech Charge
III. Tech Hook Shot
IV. Tech Exhaust
V. Adapt Wardrobe
VI. Adapt Oceanic

7 Wisdom
I. Degrading Command
II. Mobility Command
III. Attack Command
IV. Defend Command
V. Champion Command
VI. Overwhelm Command
VII. Shield Command
Resist Command (Mystech, Mech Automata Free Pack)

Alchemy Hobby
Technology Hobby
Medical Hobby
Athletic Hobby

Dragonspeech (Leytech Golem)

Stratagos resembles an upright humanoid draconic entity constructed of Leystone, built in clear reverence to the dragons.

Plothooks & Character Details
Stratagos is a leytech golem out of place and out of time with unclear origins that are vague at best, which certainly isn't helped by the fact over fifty percent of his memory core was lost to the passage of time and became fragmented. It's speculated that Stratagos is at least somewhere over fifty years old, while some scholars who have examined him suggest his true age might be in the hundreds, if not even longer. Eventually he was discovered by an Archon by the name of Asim-Sadiki who dug him out of collapsed draconic ruins lost in the Anglian countryside. After being repaired, powered up and provided with context of how much the world around him had changed, Stratagos became a faithful companion to Asim and tends to accompany him to this very day.

Stratagos has a generally positive predisposition towards anyone, should they not be murderers. It doesn't matter what a person's creed or beliefs are. Life is precious in Stratagos' eyes, something to be guarded and cherished. They are a good natured character and tend to try to be forgiving of others. They tend to get along the most with characters with a good or neutral moral alignment, but aren't beyond civil debate with those who have more evil intentions. They are a character who aspires to try to understand another person's motives before they act out judgement, unless life itself is in peril.

Their original creator is speculated to be an Archon, Stratagos was designed with purpose but also as a piece of art in reverence to the Dragons. They also still possess their original programming that dictates their purpose, the one thing so hard coded into their system that even the passage of time couldn't erode away their mission.

Stratagos is intended to be a charismatic general archetype who isn't keen on asking anyone to throw their lives away or take orders from a machine, and would infact never ask any living person to do so. If Stratagos ever achieves a position of command in any army, they prefer to fabricate other automata to use as soldiers (whose existence, Stratagos, still values and will not throw away.) Which merits the question, was Stratagos built originally to be the command bot or brain of some large scale automata army in years past? And to what end?​
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