Archived Stonemagic Thoughts

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Jun 10, 2016
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I did a bit of searching on the forums and the wiki and wasn't able to find out what the practical implementation is (or will be) for stone magic.
So I'm assuming it's kinda still open to suggestions (also assuming this because now I have an excuse to dump my thoughts here, I'm biased :P)

Keeping in mind that these mods need to work server-side I was thinking of the following idea's:

To make use of any of the StoneMagic abilities, you need to craft an object that will become an item you need to hold in your main or offhand.
Your success is based on a skill-level in stonemagic.
Since the vampire mod already implements the altar mechanism, you could implement an elementalmagic-altar, an item you need to create the special elemental magic items.

Elemental Altar
With the required items in your inventory you hit the altar with a stone which has a chance to get replaced with an "Elemental Rock".
The Elemental Rock is some chiselled block with an enchantment effect applied, some flavourtext and maybe some NBT tag applied so the server can recognize it as being an Elemental Rock.
The Elemental Rock needs to be hard to make. Requiring either a highlevel of mining, or a highlevel of RockMagic with a introductory RockMagic ability (something you don't need the Elemental Rock tool for)

Elemental Rock Defensive
The Elemental Rock needs to be held in the off- or main-hand to work.
Held in the off-hand, you gain access to the defensive RockMagic abilities.
This means the Stone Skin is accessible.
To activate it you rightclick as if you'd activate a shield while standing.
When you activate the off-hand Elemental Rock your health is no longer reduced instead one of the following things happens:
  • RockConsumption: The damage dealt to you is taken out on the Rocks in your inventory.
  • AirConsumption: Your Air meter is activated when you activate the ability and slowly reduces over time. Every hit reduces it extra.
  • ToolConsumption: Your ElementalRock has an ItemHealth property (like a tool) and this is reduced when you receive damage.
Of course you are extra sensitive to pickaxes.
Cosmetics to show you activated the ability would be nice.
Can you leave a smoke trail made from rock items? Or the particle effect made when breaking a block?
Or perhaps use the MassiveHats mod to change your head into a rockblock?

If you crouch while activating your off-hand Elemental Rock a pile of 2 rocks is spawned on your location and you become immune to damage and your name is not shown.
You can't move while using this ability.
Optionally: If you are standing on a rock-type block, this block is used for the 2 blocks that are spawned instead of default Rock. This is only cosmetic, the blocks spawned will always have damage resistance of Rock.
This allows you to use this defensive also as a stealth ability.
Only PickAxe (or explosion that would damage rocks) can damage the blocks and one of the following could happen:
  • RockConsumption: The damage dealt to you is taken out on the Rocks in your inventory.
  • AirConsumption: Your Air meter is activated when you activate the ability and slowly reduces over time. Every hit reduces it extra.
  • ToolConsumption: Your ElementalRock has an ItemHealth property (like a tool) and this is reduced when you receive damage.
Optionally: Perhaps you can walk through rock this way as long as your AirMeter doesn't run out? After it runs out and you are inside rock you are screwed? Or per rockblock you enter an equal amount is taken out of your inventory.

Elemental Rock Offensive
Held in your main-hand, you unlock the offensive abilities of RockMagic.
Every time you click and hold the right-mousebutton, you preform the pullback animation of the bow.
Upon release you launch a rock item that behaves as an arrow, making an arced trajectory.
If it hits an creature or a player it does a certain amount of damage and spawns one rock block on the block beneath the creature or player. This also needs to work if the creature or player is already standing inside a block with it's feet.
If the the projectile hits a block from the side, it will do one of the following:
  • Spawn a Rock Block on the first block beneath the side of the hit block.
  • Spawn a Rock Block with the SandFall property. When this altered Rock Block with SandFall property hits the ground it becomes a RockBlock without the SandFall property.
When you are near a player or creature and left-mousebutton click you hit the creature or player.
A push-back seems to be in order, apart from that, you just do extra damage.
Like getting hit by a pile of brick :P
Again, the amount of damage or effects applied depends on balancing this ability.
The same goes to the costs.
In this case I'd restrict it to:
  • RockConsumption
  • ToolConsumption
Optional: Use the offensive feature of the ElementalRock as pickaxe?

Thoughts please.
Also, please provide solutions with every problem you point out.
Overpowered arguments can often be counteracted with additional complexities to make this ability harder.
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Stonemagic is already completely written with various forms and their uses mentioned in the wiki article

You have an offensive, defensive and jack of all trades form

Offensive being hurling rock
Defensive is stone body
Jack of all is enviromental manipulation (can be used offensively, defensively and for utility
You are talking about the lore.
I'm talking about an actual mod that would allow you to do this ingame using ingame mechanics.
Like the fireball ability.
Or better yet, anything vampires can do.
You are talking about the lore.
I'm talking about an actual mod that would allow you to do this ingame using ingame mechanics.
Like the fireball ability.
Or better yet, anything vampires can do.
There was talk of a magic plugin a loooong time ago however it was discontinued I believe. Stone magic will not be coming to the game in a plugin, atleast not anytime soon
There was talk of a magic plugin a loooong time ago however it was discontinued I believe. Stone magic will not be coming to the game in a plugin, atleast not anytime soon
Hence my post.

Do you have any suggestions to the implementation concept?
There was talk of a magic plugin a loooong time ago however it was discontinued I believe. Stone magic will not be coming to the game in a plugin, atleast not anytime soon
I believe @ulumulu1510 is working on a Magic plugin (from the Tech Q&A)
I heard it was discontinued. However if it is still being worked on then YAY xD
It is still being worked on, but I had to take a three month break from MassiveCraft-Coding since my Uni flooded me with work this semester. But Yes, it is still being worked on. However, it is not how this post imagined magic to be. We are not going for a leveling system (balancing issues) and neither limit the players to a certain few spells....I am keeping it mystique, but there are quite some possibilites of spells you will be able to cast with MassiveMagic.
It is still being worked on, but I had to take a three month break from MassiveCraft-Coding since my Uni flooded me with work this semester. But Yes, it is still being worked on. However, it is not how this post imagined magic to be. We are not going for a leveling system (balancing issues) and neither limit the players to a certain few spells....I am keeping it mystique, but there are quite some possibilites of spells you will be able to cast with MassiveMagic.
*jitters excitedly*
*Casts stone morph and makes a stone HYPETRAIN*
All onboard the hype train!
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