Archived Stock Market

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Not a Drill, but a Hammer
Jul 9, 2012
Reaction score
Sometimes I feel like MassiveCraft is based too much on faction relations , shop keeping, and adventuring. Why not add more to the economic aspect?

The Stock Market would basically be a building in SilverEdge that sells and buys items unobtainable by any means. EX: End Portal Frame, End Stone, Dragon Egg, snow (the 1/8 snow slab that you can pile up to create snow blocks of varying heights), Beacon?, etc. Each of these items can be bought and sold at a dynamic price. The price for buying an item is also the same for selling one. The value for the item would change at set intervals.
EX: I buy 5 dragon eggs for 100 silver each at 4:00. At 4:30, the value of the eggs go up by 3 silver each. I then sell 2 of my eggs for 103 silver each. At 5:00, The price goes down by 5 silver. Then I wouldn't sell my eggs because I would lose 2 silver for each one I sold.
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No... Also, Endstone is craftable. Dragon Eggs would be a smart idea, but some people would buy them to own them. I do, however, like the idea. (Maybe disable the Dragon Egg teleporting)
How is getting non legit items in anyway a good idea? The mods do not, nor will they spawn anything like this in just so other players can have them. The last player that claimed he had a dragon egg was instantly permanently banned. Also, this looks way too complicated to support or keep up over a long period of time.
While I like the idea of a stock market, I think it would be wiser to create or use a plugin for this. I can see too many ways to abuse these items.
Interesting idea but the details need to be worked on to prevent abuse/obtaining banned items
Sometimes I feel like MassiveCraft is based too much on faction relations , shop keeping, and adventuring. Why not add more to the economic aspect?

The Stock Market would basically be a building in SilverEdge that sells and buys items unobtainable by any means. EX: End Portal Frame, End Stone, Dragon Egg, snow (the 1/8 snow slab that you can pile up to create snow blocks of varying heights), Beacon?, etc. Each of these items can be bought and sold at a dynamic price. The price for buying an item is also the same for selling one. The value for the item would change at set intervals.
EX: I buy 5 dragon eggs for 100 silver each at 4:00. At 4:30, the value of the eggs go up by 3 silver each. I then sell 2 of my eggs for 103 silver each. At 5:00, The price goes down by 5 silver. Then I wouldn't sell my eggs because I would lose 2 silver for each one I sold.

A stock market doesn't trade like that IRL. That's more of a trading post.

A stock market would be like buying shares of a company. It's essentially gambling on whether a company will do well. If your company makes more money than loses, the stock generally goes up.

In Minecraft, this would be difficult to implement. The first thing I can think of would being able to purchase stock in a faction. By "buying into" a faction, you would own a portion of it. However, it'd be a pain to implement and would be better overall to manage this in game, without a plugin. I'll give it some thought and see if I can't think of anything else, as regular items wouldn't be viable to "trade". Unless you start breaking into futures.

Then we're in a whole different ballgame.
Dupers dupe Dupers in order to dupe more dupes
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