~stjstout & Vic Viper's: Drawing Admins As...~


Totally not a Goblin
Jul 22, 2013
Reaction score
To the place where YOU (yes, you!) get to pick an admin and have us draw them as something! (Vic also does soccer players. Talk to her)
Nothing Inappropriate!
Inspired by: @Th3_Drunk_Monk 's post on Miss Aloria Art Contest!
(Vote for Mercia~)

Operators: @stjstout and @Vic Viper
Price: It's free! ...for now...
WARNING: If looking for good, quality art: walk away now. This is for fun, people!

How This Magicalness Works:

This process is quite simple. There's a few do's and don'ts. The form to be filled out shall be last.

Any Gender
Any admin
Same admin multiple times
Art trades (If you really want to)

Inappropriate Things
Normal characters (maybe someday, my friends)
Post on social media outside of these forums unless done so by admins themselves!!! (Other than imgur so I can show you people)

~This list is under construction and more will be added over time.~

Why? Just Why?:
Well it all started with me (stj) being bored and deciding to draw @Tahmas as a princess unicorn! It didn't start that way but over time I slowly began to give up. Then Vic started drawing Mon as a princess and another admin as a wizard. Vic said we should make this a thread and...now we're here.

Note To Admins!:
I'm so sorry for what's to come. If you really want a picture of you/your character that we've posted to be removed, please pm me and it shall be done. With a fee of 5,000r. I'm kidding!

The Form Of Magicalness!:

Admin of Choice: {Give the naaaaame of your victim}
Admin Forum Account Name: {I don't know people and I'm lazy, okay?}
Who: {Character or actual picture}
Profile: {Full body, bust, head only}
Transformation: {What is this admin?! (Ex: Wizard, Princess, Unicorn)}
Appearance: {Pictures are LOVELY but send me to a magical character app if you wish}
Why?: {OPTIONAL! Tell this admin why you did this to them}

As the artists we can choose which ones we accept!

Completed Arts!:

Admin: Thomas (@Tahmas )
Transformation: Princess Unicorn!
Why?: Because I was bored...
WHO DUN IT?: Me (stjstout)
Art by: stjstout
JK He won't let me show you because he's no fun and mean to me

Admin: @Th3_Drunk_Monk
Why?: "It's gonna be fim #Just4Fun"
WHO DUN IT?!: @Peter Harsk
Art by: stjstout
Last edited:
I have two lovely things to give you guys.
Admin Character: something of Mon's I couldnt find which one
Transformation: a beautiful princess
Why?: Dont ask

Admin Character: Omnomivore (N'omiel)
Transformation: A wizard
Why: I got into the art mood

Last edited:
I'm a mix of intrigued and concerned.
Admin: CatCat (Ulric Typhonus)
Transformation: Pretty Princess
Why?: Because I was bored...

The blush didnt work too well...
Admin of Choice: @Th3_Drunk_Monk
Admin Forum Account Name: @Th3_Drunk_Monk
Who: Rohgash Irongmonger (Gyazo'd his gif in his signature)
Profile: Fully Body Bro
Transformation: I want him drawn as a gnome
Appearance: Here
Why?: I need an Orc Gnome for my collection

Admin of Choice: Annju
Admin Forum Account Name: @Annju
Who: Dimitri Vernay
Profile: Hook me up wit dat full body sweg m8
Transformation: Gnome pls
Appearance: Can be found http://gyazo.com/0c28713b78d05e360d864d4782de5e78
Why?: Cause Gnomes main

Admin of Choice:
Admin Forum Account Name: @Jamescl
Who: Nilrem Irongmonger
Profile: Fully body m9
Transformation: Gnome
Appearance: http://forums.massivecraft.com/thre...-this-is-not-the-app-youre-looking-for.27213/
Why?: Must gnomify my papa

Admin of Choice: Feyona
Admin Forum Account Name: Feyona
Who: Lorea Anahera
Profile: Fully body bby
Transformation: Gnome
Appearance: Here: http://gyazo.com/cadb22b1cdb3db5e67ee1505f1b8975e (Done by the glorious @Naerishi)
Why?: FeyBae needs 2 be gnome

Admin of Choice:
Admin Forum Account Name: @Omnomivore
Who: N'omiel, duh.
Profile: Fully boddddyyyyyyyy~~~
Transformation: Turn Nom into Gnom (Gnome again)
Appearance: http://gyazo.com/d207a77ab4320572c376ee0be8e3f5bc
Why?: N'omiel must become G'Nomiel
Admin of Choice: @Th3_Drunk_Monk
Admin Forum Account Name: @Th3_Drunk_Monk
Who: Rohgash Irongmonger (Gyazo'd his gif in his signature)
Profile: Fully Body Bro
Transformation: I want him drawn as a gnome
Appearance: Here
Why?: I need an Orc Gnome for my collection

Admin of Choice: Annju
Admin Forum Account Name: @Annju
Who: Dimitri Vernay
Profile: Hook me up wit dat full body sweg m8
Transformation: Gnome pls
Appearance: Can be found http://gyazo.com/0c28713b78d05e360d864d4782de5e78
Why?: Cause Gnomes main

Admin of Choice:
Admin Forum Account Name: @Jamescl
Who: Nilrem Irongmonger
Profile: Fully body m9
Transformation: Gnome
Appearance: http://forums.massivecraft.com/thre...-this-is-not-the-app-youre-looking-for.27213/
Why?: Must gnomify my papa

Admin of Choice: Feyona
Admin Forum Account Name: Feyona
Who: Lorea Anahera
Profile: Fully body bby
Transformation: Gnome
Appearance: Here: http://gyazo.com/cadb22b1cdb3db5e67ee1505f1b8975e (Done by the glorious @Naerishi)
Why?: FeyBae needs 2 be gnome

Admin of Choice:
Admin Forum Account Name: @Omnomivore
Who: N'omiel, duh.
Profile: Fully boddddyyyyyyyy~~~
Transformation: Turn Nom into Gnom (Gnome again)
Appearance: http://gyazo.com/d207a77ab4320572c376ee0be8e3f5bc
Why?: N'omiel must become G'Nomiel
You're my favorite now x3 IT SHALL BE DONE
To tide people over while the last few "commissions" are done, I have a terror of a drawing... I am sorry for this one.

Admin of Choice: Shayin!
Admin Forum Account Name: Shayin!
Who: Shayin! (Don't remember his char's elvish name, I'm sorry...)
Profile: Full body
Transformation: AN ORC!!!
Appearance: Um...ORC!!!
Why?: If anyone has to ask, then they are not in the spirit of this thread. :)
Admin of Choice: Shayin!
Admin Forum Account Name: Shayin!
Who: Shayin! (Don't remember his char's elvish name, I'm sorry...)
Profile: Full body
Transformation: AN ORC!!!
Appearance: Um...ORC!!!
Why?: If anyone has to ask, then they are not in the spirit of this thread. :)
Shall be done
I have all the artz for you guys (all the bearded gnomes)

@Jaxin711 and @Missmaggy2u
The only thing I am upset about in this is that I can't give you more than 1 "Winner" rating.