Preserved Sheet Stella Dei Marchesi

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Jul 7, 2018
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Full Name | Stella Lorenzia dei Marchesi
Sometimes uses the name 'Lorenze' when in places she probably shouldn't be.
Age | Twenty-Five
Gender | Female
Race | Ailor (Dressolini)
Sexuality | Bi-curious.

Visiting for the season, Stella stands with her extended family, the Marchesi. She was never too close with the main line, but with their rising power, she intends to become more than a cousin in the family. Stella stands at somewhere at high commoner, as she's above the wealth-line of peasantry. Stella has been in Regalia for at least a week or so, and intends to stay at any relative's house.

Stella was born a spoiled child, often given whatever she wanted hour she wished for it. Her family, a nuclear family of a knight and a mere farmer, are the closest family he has. She indulges in letters with her extended family, but only visits so many times. Though, her wealth began to dip as she went off on her own for college, and refrains from using the coin of her parents.

The young woman wants to create her own band of explorers, people she's familiar with to bond over similar interests in archaeology and astrology.


Total Points | Twenty-five to spend, because she's twenty-five.

Combat Proficiency
Fast Blades | +5 From Points.
Knowledge Proficiency
Magical Knowledge | +5 From Points
Historical Knowledge | +5 From Points
Science Proficiency
Medical Science | +10 From Points
Arts Proficiency
Musical Arts | +10 from culture points.
Body Proficiency

Body Shape

Physical stats | 5
Toned body shape.
Average body fat.
Dressolini | Native language.
Common | Learned language from travels.


Eye Color | Dark brown.
Hair Color | Brunette.
Hair Style | Short, and put into a messy bob.
Skin Color | Common Dressolini tan.
Clothing | Tomboyish, practical clothes. Often wears earmuffs.
Height| 5'8 - 176.784 cm.

The young scholar's face resembles a porcelain doll, her features fastidiously rounded and softened. Her eyes are almonds, a light cover of make-up to make it appear larger than they actually are. Her nose is straight, and only curves ever so slightly. Her chin owns a faint clef, besides rose-tinted lips.

Stella stands at 5'8. She lacks any sort of physical structure, settling for her toned build, and with an average amount of body fat to boot. And thus, Stella appears as flat as a wooden board, with no defined nor unshapen pieces to add to her - she actually looks rather plain, if it weren't for her rather worrying arm scars. It seems almost as though someone had attempted to dig their nails into her arm.

The young woman adorns herself in formal clothing. Pants and shawls with few bronze decorations to fit in the color-scheme of her family. Almost always she wears some form of arm-covering glove or sleeve, and a pair of earmuffs to keep her ears warm for the winter.

The young woman tends to speak quick, almost never slowing down. She catches herself saying 'Como dire' on a nearly daily basis, and it's about the only time she's going to stop speaking for a moment.


First Paragraph | " No! No, let me get a look at you ! "
Flamboyant and theatrical is the first word that would come to mind describing her. Flaunting candor, she boasts either the obvious or thoughts of her own. Since she's step foot upon Regalian roads, many a native could be caught off-guard by her naive-like demeanor, tailing any 'interesting' figure and flocking around them like an ignorant tourist. Her amiability extends into her excessive generosity, shown by her all too casual offers to give a helping hand or a pat on the back, or even a new coat. Behavior akin to a chivalrous knight, she attempts to venture into all relationships with only the brightest of intentions in mind, more than often with disregard for anything else.

Second Paragraph | " Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars. "
Fantastical tales of knights and dragons bleeds and warps her perception - like words written in a book, how all is tied to red strings of faith, all is destined to be pulled along by an all-knowing hand. Her brain is spoiled, every nerve hardwired, calculated movements and pretenses to upkeep her mental image, every mistake a failure. She follows these calls to 'fate', verbatim to her dreams as a child. From the self-placed pedestal of a heroine, she views her position in this world as far above many. She has become accustom to acting so princely, as the hero she sees herself as.

Her hubris brings delusions of grandeur, that she's simply destined for greatness, and to lead along the Great Way. Though, she worries of ripping those red strings apart, whether it be by sabotage or my a miscalculation. Paranoid of disaster, she becomes fastidious. Her appearance, her actions, her tone of speech and each footstep and every breath - all of it, meticulously planned and taken to mind. All of which is befitting a savior, one of such glorious perfection that not even she would be able to uphold to. She finds no joy actively partaking in anything else but her interests, her fascination with ruins and 'adventure' much more enthralling than attending events.

Third Paragraph | " The cosmos await us, friend! Put those thoughts behind you! "
Stella has issues communicating with her peers. Their intents and feelings often fall upon deaf ears, a minor concern to her. Friends are treated a tad closer than a stranger put forth, but are given the chance to dig into her gears. Knowing this, she acts anxious around those friends, frantic, and almost startling frenzied. But in exchange, she will allow them as much freedom to do as they please. Stella puts herself at a constant arm's reach, and attempting to truly connect with her is like attempting to reach out for Saturn's' rings.

While her constant neutrality appears daunting to most, her passiveness to friends and whatever turmoils they endure, she plays nice. The knightly woman would rather just forgive than genuinely pay attention, as long as she goes unharmed. Stella's trust is fragile, and the moment she spies a guise of fickleness, she pushes them away.

Fourth Paragraph | " And let us cleanse these tarnished streets. "
The scholar falls under 'Morally grey', surprisingly. Though her intents are just, her thinking behind them comes out as deranged if spoken aloud. Stella sees the world as already 'written' out for her, and it's simply in her part to play the role as the hero. She would toss all significance of a moral to the wind if she believes it's her job to do something, leading her to have a rather simple look on the world; 'Just do that's right'. It counteracts itself when she's needed to empathize with those she saves, she sees a paper-mache character, another stepping stone for her finalized goal.
Stella, under stress, becomes as still as a doll. Not a peep, nor a shuffle comes from her unnerving standstill. Her nerves are on lock-down, and she'd cultivated herself to stand up straight whenever the moment comes, it becomes troubling to handle when faced with cold steel. Her fight or flight reactions escape her functions, leading her to freeze. But if it's one thing she was never able to to control, is her need to flex her digits. Most notably, her thumb.

Stella has no major that relates specifically to astrology, she has a hobby of star-gazing and matching constellations to one another. How deep this goes is unknown, but not enough to be scholarly.


  1. Stella dei Marchesi was born in 282 AC, May first in Marchesi lands, a silver spoon in her mouth, her family treating her with care, though was just as neglectful.
  2. Stella grows up to be a rambunctious child, leading herself into childish misadventures. It was upon one of those trails that she was caught in an accident, one that could had easily taken her life if it weren't for a stranger stepping in to save her. That stranger couldn't save her from ear injury, though.
  3. Without proper nurturing, and out of her own lowly pride, she refuses to report most of the situation to her parents besides the most obvious features. She covers up her ears with earmuffs to obscure it's wound.
  4. Stella is still forced to stay inside, for her ear injury may tear into something much more severe, and she'd like to be able to hear. As such, she found entertainment in form of books instead, leading her to enjoy high tales of princesses in high castles and knights going out of their way to rescue them.
  5. She reflects upon her own rescue, and began to aspire to become a prince to pay back the favor, or at least give others relief as given to her, inspired by the person who saved her.
  6. The child began to strive for that heroic glory, for it was enough to compel her to move outside of her boundaries. She began to dabble in her own adventures with granted insight to avoid another disaster. It was at this point that she began to practice fencing, while usually on her own, it'd be funded with her own private tutor soon enough.
  1. Her ear injury begins to worsen, causing her migraines and awful ear-ringing - but what was a hero if they couldn't save themselves? While the knight-aspirant attempts to continue her most chivalrous quest, she multitasks between medical studies in attempt to discover some sort of cure. The young girl looked to college as a solution.
  2. The journey to higher education is a stressful journey, managing all her time into either working upon her medical studies or her hobbies and fascination. Once she gets there, she takes no time to get into her study. If it weren't for the fact that the ideal heroine was already so ingrained into her mind, one would have believed she discarded her whole shtick for the sciences.
Young Adulthood.
  1. However, Stella trespasses into territory that shouldn't be touched upon. The headmaster expels her for such insolence, leaving her pride broken and forcing her to retreat back to her family.
  2. Unwilling to see her nuclear family again with this failure on her back, she goes to see her cousins instead, claiming it a 'family reunion' for the holidays.
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I am claiming this character application for staff review!
Expect a response within 24 hours.
☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Where was Stella born? This is important to mention in the Life Story!
  • Additionally, I'd like to see a quick note where she learned Fast Blades in the life story. There is a lot of emphasis on her problem with her ear and her studies, but I'd like to see some extra details too! Does she have a job now for example? Where does she live?
Please mark your changes in another color and tag me when you're finished!
I still can't find where she was born in the life story, it looks like this might have been missed? Under the assumption this will be added (since it is a minor edit) I'll go ahead and approve this. Just be sure to squeeze it in at the beginning what country she was born in!

☼ Approved! ☼