Preserved Sheet Stanley Conagra, Doing His Best

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skilled in ways beyond your feeble understanding
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
6969 Cool St. Weedsport, NY
  • Full Name: Stanley Conagra
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Nautilaan Ailor (Eriunin)
  • Preferred Weapon: Avoidance, and if that doesn't work a fishing knife will.
40 Points due to Age
  • 24 Points (-16 For Spells)
    • Linguistics Knowledge - 5
    • Culinary Arts - 5 (Hobby Points!)
    • Literary Arts - 2 (Hobby Points!)
    • Carpentry Arts - 3 (Hobby Points!)
    • Maritime Knowledge - 5 (Nautilaan Boost)
    • Hunting Knowledge - 10
    • Fast Blades Combat - 5
    • Natura Care Sciences - 4
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat - 15
  • Body Type - Average
  • Average Body Fat
  • Common - Learned as a child
  • Eriunnach - Learned through culture.
  • Plains-Elven - Learned through linguistics.
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

  • Evergrowth
  • Woodland Grace
  • Woodsinging
  • Brambling

Vampirism - Barghest Bloodline (Not Infected)
  • Wald Familiar
  • Wald Wald Chiroptera
  • Wald Wald Rigging
  • Wald Wald Intervention
Physical Attributes + Personality Questions
  • Eye Color: One green, one has been blinded with a light scar underneath.
  • Hair Color: Red
  • Hair Style: Curly, with a short mustache
  • Skin Color: White
  • Clothing: Simple commoner's garb, usually not the best kept.
  • Height: 5'4
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Stanley would try to calm himself and others, but would clearly appear stressed out.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Although he would seem to be buckling, Stanley would give it his all to pull through.
  • How would your character express feeling Happy?
    • Stanley would be in a cheerful mood for the rest of the day, trying to cheer up others in turn.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • From what Stanley has seen from the authorities and how they behave in the city, he has begun to see them as more of a mixed bag. Although there are certainly some guards he thinks are respectable, he cannot forget the things he has seen some of them do.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Stanley has grown to respect the other races of Regalia. Although there are some cultures that he disagrees with, he doesn't see a point in arguing over it.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Due to the suggestion of a friend, Stanley has picked up on the Yanar faith of the fated ones. While he isn't entirely sure on the comprehensive rules of such, he does his best to pay respects to the natural world. In the terms of other faiths, he doesn't mind what others practice as long as they're not up front about it. He isn't particularly fond of the faiths circling around dragons however.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Stanley has come to realize all things magical are too confusing to spend time thinking over.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Stanley has a good relationship with his family, and writes to them whenever he is able.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Stanley is worried that he will always be seen as inadequate compared to others, and sometimes cannot help seeing himself as inferior to those around him. Although he is physically weak compared to the people around him, he tries to make up for his shortcomings through helping others.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Stanley has become quite proud of his ability to talk with others.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • If Stanley is able to keep on going, maybe he will be able to inspire others to do the same.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Stanley is terrified of being alone, as he never wishes to feel loneliness ever again, especially so far from home.
    • Although Stanley is still afraid of conflict, he has begun to see the point of it after seeing the events within Old Town.
    • Ever since childhood, Stanley was terrified of the legend of Homhair the Stranger. He always saw the story of him as unnerving.
Life Story

Stanley was born an only child to Colm and Robin Conagra in the island nation of Ériu-Innis. Timid at birth, Stan was not able to make too many friends as a child and found himself in the company of his parents for a majority of his childhood. Growing up near a trading port, Stan was able to develop a deep appreciation for the far off cultures of the world, fostering a desire to one day learn more about the world outside the rainy nation he called home.

When not helping his mother with various tasks around the house, namely work within the kitchen, Stan found himself studying various tongues from across the world, eventually finding himself able to speak fairly fluently in a handful later in life. While a good portion of his learning was through reading, he would have plenty of opportunity to practice through speaking with various traders coming to Ériu-Innis through trade ships. When Stan reached adulthood, he would serve as a cook on one of these vessels, making his way to Regalia in order to make a name for himself.

Stan's first moments in the city were certainly eventful, meeting a plethora of new friends and even some people that are less than so. In the time Stan has spent in the city, he has served under many groups, whether it be the Pikes of Petalcourt, the People's Militia, or even a vampire coven. No matter what group Stan finds himself in however, he always makes it his duty to bring out the best in people. Whether he is successful or not is up to history to decide, however.

After some time, Azelloa Hallevandeia would tutor Stanley in the ways of Nature Sorcery, unlocking a residual connection to the world he was unaware he had.

Stanley then left the city for an extended period to run from his problems. He returned home for some time, taking up some of his family's original crafts and taking what he would call a vacation and what others would call a "mass avoidance of one's problems and stupendous show of cowardice". Because of the lingering pangs of guilt in his mind, Stan would eventually depart from home once more to come back to Regalia- what he deemed his actual home now it seemed.
Last edited:
henlo henlo @Caelamus stan has been updated once again
also i've seen people request a thread cleanup but i have no idea how that works.