Archived Staff /seen Information

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Student of Hydration
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Asha gang(TM), Maraya gang(TM)
Surely it would be simple!

What i'm suggesting is that when you use the /seen command on a staff member, it displays the type of staff that they are. This could be a simple word with a number, like on the Forums. Could also help with a bit of confusion for players, if they don't know where to find the staff listings. (They're kinda buried on the Wiki. and website.)

I'm not at all familiar with coding with the /seen plugin, but surely it wouldn't be overly difficult, nor would interfere with a regular player's /seen. It might simply say "Staff: No", while a staff member would have something along the lines of "Staff: Game1".

I'm hoping I posted this in the right spot.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Oh no, I know it can be found there. It would just be simple, and easier for players to see on the /seen card as well.
Staff used to have name tags like that a long time back, in chat and /seen, ex. Game2 BlockyBlockBlockster. I don't think it works now. As far as I know, it's all been packed into one rank per level. Rank 1, 2, 3 etc. But I know next to nothing on this. Just sayin' it might not be so simple. Ta!
Its all just 1 symbol for all staff now
Yeah, yeah. I meant the permissions per rank. Dunno if it's true, and I'm just speculating on assumption here when I say I think it all got slimmed down into the 3.
I like this idea. It's not as intrusive as having their full title next to their name every time they speak, but it's also fast and easy / convenient for people to check in game if they want to know about a specific person really quickly.
I think it would be very helpful. Especially when there may be three or four staff members on in departments that may not be able to help. For example, if you need Game assistance and in turn make a ticket, but only Lore staff members are online, you'll understand why if ticket sits there for large amounts of time with no help.
This could be handy. Having it list all their ranks as well, so if a staff is in several departments its like "Game 1, Lore 2" etc As far as I know each rank and level has its own permissions group, so detection wouldnt be an issue.