Preserved Sheet Sta'erris Aderus

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Sep 12, 2018
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"Will the beauty still remain through the dips and cracks? Will you still love the same through all I have done for you? Because, everything else I was just doing can wait. You are all that matters now."

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"Something so simple. So common for others to share, some would be proudful of what they're. I hope one day I'll find the courage to do the same."

✰ Given Name: De'nn Haend'e Aderus
✵ Simplified Name: Haend'e
✵ Taken Name: Sta'erris Ta'erris Aderus
✰ Age: Thirty
✵ Born February 29, 278
✰ Gender: Male
✰ Race: Nefalëy Isldar | Half Isldar

✵ Moon Vault Isldar and Sihai
✰ Sexuality: Homosexual
✰ Preferred Weapon: Throwing Spear



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"I will seize destiny by the throat and force it into the shape of my choosing."

Total Points: 50 + 10 Hobby
✵ Core
✰ + 16 Heavy Ranged Combat
✰ + 10 Medical Training

✵ Point-Buy

✰ + 6 Arcanology | Archblood Knowledge, Curing Knowledge
✰ + 6 Linguistic Knowledge | Altalar, Sulveley
✰ + 3 Schooling | Natural Science | Regalian Ecological Academy
✰ + 3 Alchemy | Healing Alchemy


✰ + 15 Glass Art | Hobby + Racial Boost
✰ + 5 Husbandry | Capybara | Pe'pei
✰ + 1 Cooking Art

✵ Body Shape

✰ Physical Stats: 16
✰ 16 Heavy Ranged
✰ Athletic
✰ Low Fat

✵ Languages

✰ Wa'an | Parental Language
✰ Sulveley | Linguistic
✰ Altalar | Linguistic
✰ Common | Learnt

✵ Abilities

✵ Racials
✰ Half-Isldar Kit
✵ Schooling
✰ Natural Sciences | Regalian Ecological Academy
✵ Arcanology
✰ Archblood Knowledge
✰ Curing Knowledge
✵ Alchemy
✰ Healing Alchemy
✵ Heavy Ranged
✰ Heavy Shot
✰ Knocking Shot
✰ Marking Shot
✰ Bow Slam
✵ Medical Training
✰ Light Mend 1 | Mundane
✰ Light Mend 2 | Mundane



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"Love plagues the mind to do wonderful things."

✰ Eye Color: Brown
✰ Former Mutation: Exist Ocular | Pale Blue
✰ Hair Color: Naturally Black, Dyed White
✰ Hair Style: Curly and Short
✰ Skin Color: Pale pink
✰ Clothing: Comfortable wear, preferably coats.
✰ Height: 6'3



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"Life is too short to be selfish."
✰ Character Alignment
✵ Chaotic Good |Independent and Humane.

✰ Character Personality Type

✵ The Advocate, INFJ | Passionate for his people.

✰ Character's Religion

✵ Dragon Worship | Saaima, the White Sky | 10/10 | Reinvention of an interest.

✰ Trivia
✵ Wheat- "Feels nice to touch. Grew up in it."
✵ Milk- "Warm is preferable."
✵ Guinea Pigs- "I had one as a kid. Loved them ever since."
✵ Music- "Pleasing to the mind, particularly singing."

✵ Bland Environment- "Stimulation is a must. But I refrain from expressing it."
✵ Cold Winter- "Hard to maintain my facade in challenging conditions."
✵ Lying- "Ruined my life. I wish I could have told my younger self that this facade is not worth keeping. Too late to drop out though."

✰ Relationships
✰ Geiden, mother: You had graced me and I thank you.
Family Bond | 10/10
Friendship | 0/10
Caring | 10/10
Trust | 10/10
Missing you | 10/10
✰ Brinevor He'Aderus, father: The sacrifices you made for me, I wish to extend it forward.
Family Bond | 10/10
Friendship | 6/10
Caring | 10/10
Trust | 10/10
✰ Aymeronn Gei'Aderus, uncle: All the worries and freight, all cleared by you.
Family Bond | 10/10
Friendship | 6/10
Caring | 10/10
Trust | 5/10
✰ Zelphar Heikalyn, boyfriend: My rising moon and setting sun, I love you.
Sexual Attraction | 10/10
Romantic Attraction | 10/10
Crushing | 10/10
Family Bond | 10/10
Friendship | 10/10
Caring | 10/10
Trust | 7/10
✰ Taendross Shainvrel, boss/dear friend: For you I follow dearly for accepting my being. I believe in the future you led for our kind.
Family Bond | 7/10
Friendship | 8/10
Caring | 10/10
Trust | 10/10
✰ Tiray, best friend: Powerful in your words, strong in the heart. You're a joy to be around. I'm glad I took the chance.
Family Bond | 8/10
Friendship | 9/10
Caring | 10/10
Trust | 0.2/10
✰ Wistaeri, friend: Our talks are nice. It's normal, something that sadly isn't presented much in our lives. I wish we could talk more often.
Family Bond | 2/10
Friendship | 7/10
Caring | 8/10
Trust | 4/10
✰ Ava'sienna, friend?: Pretty sure she'd kill me if she found out I'm only partially Isldar. Besides that, she's a pleasure to be around. Most of the time.
Family Bond | 2/10
Friendship | 6/10
Caring | 7.5/10
Fear | 2/10



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"Don't be afraid of who you are."
✵ Early Years
✰ Haend'e was born on the 29th of February in 278 AC in a small farming village in Essalonia to a settling couple who had just moved into town. To a young Sihai doctor woman named Geiden and an Isldar, Brinevor.
✰ Kept from interacting with the local youth within his village, Haend'e remained at home to be lovingly tended to by his parents. His youth and naivety sheltered by his parents, though lonely at times, his parents shared stories of both their kind: their culture, stories, food, and art as they raised the boy together.

✵ Teenager Years
✰ Much to Haend'e's dismay, his father had to return to Ellador for months at time. Only occasionally returning home to visit his family, this wouldn't have been much of an issue if it weren't for his mother's occupation within the village that kept her busy. Haend'e growing used to the presence of both his parents for social stimulation, grew angsty with his perceived 'lack of love' directed to him.
✰ Out of an act from rebellion to his parents, Haend'e attempted to run away from home. Though before he could even leave the village, he was confronted by the people within the farming village. Never seeing his presence within the town before and not entirely friendly to the sight of a Halfling, the townsfolk he ran into confronted the boy. Escaping a near physical altercation due to the arrival of his furious mother, upset at the villagers she had aided for years for harassing her son.
✰ After a much needed conversation with his mother, Geiden found the best way to include Haend'e within her life on a more daily basics is to have him accompany her with her medical work. Practicing the essentials of medical treatment and studying underneath the wing of his mother, the young Haend'e was passionate about medicine because he knew he'd be able to spend it with his mother.
✰ Upon the life of fourteen, Haend'e was sent off to Vultaro to attend the Regalian Ecological Academy as his mother did before him. It turned out to be an uncomfortable schooling experience for him. Due to his close attachment to his parents and little to none socializing outside of them, he found little to no company while in school.
✰ After graduating, he returned back his home village where he continued to assist his mother in her duties with his newfound skills.
✰ Haend'e begun to take on more tasks as his mother came down with what they believed was a temporary fever. Months went by and his mother's condition worsened and much to his dismay, he couldn't figure out why. Eventually his mother succumbed to the unknown disease, leaving Haend'e alone to prepare her own funeral.

✵ Adult Years
✰ Haend'e waited for his father in the cottage he grew up in, everyday, till he turned twenty. Finally, his father returned home to only be greeted by only his son. The reunion was bittersweet, he had never seen his father cry till now.
✰ Months of mending lost time and an explanation of his father's prolong leave. Haend'e found no reason to stay within the village, wishing to visit Ellador. Brinevor warned him and told cautious tales, but this didn't detour him. Within a week, they left their cottage and arrived upon the shores of Ellador.
✰ He was never able to visit the his father's hold or any other, so he settled in a cottage within a settlement underneath the Isldar's control. Introduced to his father's family and friends, he met a whole new family who already loved him.
✰ The brutal tundra of Ellador was unwelcoming, and his father knew it well. Underneath his eye, Haend'e was taught how to defend himself with throwing spears. While in the presence of so many Isldar, Haend'e took on a new name to fit his friends. Sta'erris. He dyed his hair white and found a wandering enchantress to change his eye color to blue.
✰ His heart grow with anguish however, and Sta'erris wonders what's wrong with him. He expresses to his father his desire to leave Ellador in search of solving his turmoil. His father suggested that he stay with his uncle in Regalia for a while, to only then explore the world around him.
✰ After a quick letter to inform his uncle about his incoming arrival, Sta'erris hopes to further connect with his kin and find a reason for his growing heartache.

Recent Years | IC Events
✰ Arriving in the city just after the incidents with Siora's Isldar Refuge, being given far less than a warm welcome. Though, eventually, he encountered more of his kin. They told him of the ongoing events in the city and with their people, so he pledged to help them in any way he could. The group worked tirelessly to clear their race's name.
✰ Playing into the assumption of being a full Isldar, the turmoil within him only grew. He lied, fabricated a story, and much more till he reached a cracking point. The truth spilling out to one of his kin, and much to his disbelief. They still loved him.
✰ A confession came from an Isldar named Zelphar and as time progressed, the two of them decided they felt satisfied enough to leave Regalia, and neither knew for how long. Before leaving to travel aboard, he found a priest to cleanse the only mutation applied to him. The blue eyes. Finally at peace with his identity, he moved forward to the unknown future with Zelphar by his side.

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Gonna claim this for staff review !
Gave him a better last name that isn't just his first name missing a letter and fixed an error in his life story
Updated to the new prof system and added a little bit to the personality section
@apath Updated Sta, aged him up by ten years. Removed some points to make room for some sorcery points and changed his life story to match the prof changes
Hi there @Zubile, due to a small backlog I'll be picking up your review today! Fortunately, the edits look only minor, on reading through the application; Approved!
@apath Changed around the points and fixed his body stat, made him muscular. Turned athletics into shields, removed his society knowledge for another spell. Also took a spell from Elemental and gave him two nature spells.
@Katiesc Moved all his shield points, two points from blades, and eight points from sorcery into maritime knowledge. Adjusted his stat as such and added some boating things in his life story and also made his natural hair color brown he just dyes it now
@Katiesc changed out sta's nature spell for faces of life and also changed his race to just full on half-isldar/sihai
Claimed for review.
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Mark changes in GREEN and tag me when you're done. @Zubile