Preserved Sheet Stígandr Grímsson, The Wild Huntsman

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Skagger Dad
Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
The Abyss

"I am the architect of my own destruction."

Basic Information

Full Name: Stígandr Grímsson Fjellskogen


Gender: Male

Race: Velheim Ailor

Religion: Oldt Fayth

Main Ambition: Make a new life for himself in the Regalian Empire




Skill Information

  • 26 Total
  • Proficiency Points
  • +10 Axes (+10 from Race)
  • +7 Athletics Training (+7 from Points)
  • +6 Fast Blades (+6 from Points)
  • +5 Light Bow (+5 from Points)
  • +3 Hunting Knowledge (+3 from Points)
  • Body Build
  • 11 Points + 14 (7x2) Athletics = 25
  • Ripped Body Build
  • Low Body Fat - To keep warm up north ;)
  • Languages:
  • (10) Skodje; Mother Tongue
  • (6) Common; Illiterate

Visual Information

Eye Color: Icy Blue

Hair Color: Oaken Brown

Hair Style: Long and braided

Skin Color: Northern Pale

Clothing: Blue Hood and Tunic, Fur cloak

Height: 6'



Personality and Abilities

As seen by strangers: To those who first meet Stígandr, they often site him as distant and uncaring in his doings, not taking heed to what others think of him or what they say. He is quite independent, going as far as to refuse handouts and help from most until he has proved he deserves it by laboring. The Velheimer is quite stoic, not letting his emotions show, likely a trait he picked up from his Skagger father and training.

As seen by self: To himself, Stígandr views himself as a disappointment, a failure of a child who caused his parents to leave him, yet at the same time he is resentful to his parents for leaving him. This odd paradox of feelings has lead him to a bipolar like existence where he will shift between feelings of anger and pain, even if he keeps them welled down and hidden. Aside from this he has a fear of being alone, only hampered by his distaste for most people, generally interacting with others with an untrusting disposition. This often causes him to move from person to person, never getting close to them but seeking some sort of validation from them. His untrusting attitude can most likely be drawn back from the abuse and abandonment he suffered as a child from those he thought he could trust dearly.

Towards family and friends: Those few who have been able to get close the the young Velheimer, they will find him even more odd. They will often define him as complex, as he seems to counteract himself in his nature; being afraid to be alone and needing repair, yet preferring to not get close and refusing help. He is quite loyal to those he is close to, even if those in the past that he was close to have turned on him, causing him to distrust those he isn't close to.

Morality: Stígandr can best be described as True Neutral. He has no care for the law but doesn't go out of his way to break and go against it, yet he has no urges to do good or evil. He simply seeks to survive and thrive in any way he can. Morality comes second to the young Velheimer, though after experiencing the immense prejudice against his people in Regalia, he has begun to think to help repair this broken and distorted image of his culture.

  • Nature
  • Animals
  • Archery
  • Himself
  • People
  • Mathematics

Garth Viduggla |The Brother| @BeashSlap
Avynn Ignace |The Psycho| @CRASHIR
Ike Mordekae |The Wall| @Gartono
Sigrid Sterke-enn |The Lover| @ArtisticPlanet
Roesia de Letoirneau |The Pest| @Lutsu

Darcie Miramonte |The Target| @Walnoodle
Frejnir Viduggla |The Jester| @Owiver_
Qiang Zhou |The Dictionary| @avemechanicus

N/A so far



Life Story

Birth | 280 A.C.

  • Born on December 12, 280 A.C. to Grímur Jovrrökson and Varhilda Skjálddóttir in Fjellstrond, Ellador. Though Grímur was not his actual father unbeknownst to all but his mother.

Childhood | 1 - 10

  • 3 - Mother leaves to join Nordskag military, never returns
  • 5 - Father takes a woman named Balladís as his Bondwife
    • Stígandr is happy to have a mother
  • 7 - Balladís begins abusing Stígandr verbally and physically upon discovering she wasn't barren
    • Begins developing his distrusting nature
  • 10 - Stígandr begins learning Huntverk from a book he bought in a Fjellstrond market place
Early Teenage Years | 11 - 15

  • 11 - Father sells Balladís after discovering the abuse
  • 13 - Father leaves Stígandr in the care of his grandparents as he leaves for Regalia
    • Stígandr begins learning leather-working skills from his Grandfather, þorsteinn
  • 14 - Goes on first hunt by himself, killing a White Sibraxas as a coming of age ritual
    • Keeps the head, pelt, and claws as trophies
Recent Times | 16 - present

  • 16 - Travel to Jorrhildr to hunt the dangerous game
    • Stígandr often kept the skull of the animal as a trophy and sold the pelts and meats if he did not eat them
  • 18 - Kills a Northern Moose on a hunt, using the pelt as a cloak
  • 19 - Leaves for Regalia seeking a new life, arriving in Drixagh
  • 20 - Enrolls in the Ulf-Bein Skagger Lodge
  • 24 - Graduates a practitioner of the Vargklor discipline.
  • 25 - Join the Owl's Talon military and Viduggla Guard
    • Serves in first battle in the Elven Moors
  • 26 - Begins courting Sigrid Sterke-enn
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  • Him being afraid of being alone yet at the same time going out of his way to avoid contact with other people seems like a weird contradiction to me where you should either take one or the other.
  • Expand on the life story, preferably by fleshing out the bullet points that you have already.
  • To benefit from the School of Huntverk, he would need to have began learning age ten. Either age him up or change the backstory so that he began learning earlier on.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you have made the appropriate changes. @Eternal_Wrath
Him being afraid of being alone yet at the same time going out of his way to avoid contact with other people seems like a weird contradiction to me where you should either take one or the other.

This was done as Stígandr wishes to fill the void left in his heart from first his mother leaving him then his father, but due to the abuse he's suffered he finds it hard to trust others. I have reworded it for him to not go out of his way to avoid people though. Aside from explaining that, all edits made in this red!~