Preserved Sheet Ssor'zzir, The Bloody Feather

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Skagger Dad
Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
The Abyss

"I shall follow where my heart leads and where glory awaits.~"

Basic Information

Full Name: Ssor'zzir Mu-Vazziss

Age: 74

Gender: Male

Race: Mu-Allar

Main Ambition: To find freedom to do what he wants and gain glory


Skill Information

  • 60 Total

  • Proficiency Points
  • +40 Drixon Spear (+10 from Tenpenny School, +30 Proficiency)

  • +20 Short Sword (+10 from Tenpenny School, +10 Mu-Allar)
  • +10 Small Shield (+10 from Tenpenny School)
  • +20 Acrobatics (+10 Proficiency, +10 Mu-Allar)
  • +10 Unarmed Fighting (+10 Points)
  • Culture Points
  • +25 Painting

  • +25 Drawing

  • +10 Pottery
  • Languages: Common, Zasta

Visual Information

Eye Color: Bright Primal Yellow

Hair Color: Vibrant Radiant Blue

Hair Style: Feathers

Skin Color: Pale Blue with darker stripes

Clothing: Belly belt, loin cloth, ferr-iron sleeve

Height: 5'8"

Body Build: Athletic

Weapon of Choice: Ssav'akkel (Drixon Spear), Messer, Buckler

Ssev'akkel is a Crysteel spear forged for Ssor'zzir in the Emperor's Ember smithy. Description as follows, The spear, a product only made from the best of smiths , is one to behold. Not just the terrifying image of the user wielding it, but the shear intimidating look is enough to make the bravest of warriors run. With it's head approximately 24 inches in length, 12 of which are purely blade. Though the blade is the most alluring part of the spear as the blade is made of Crysteel, dyed crimson. The way the blade sparkles in the light makes it appear as if the blade was to evilly smirk at those who gazed over it. The blood red color accompanies the large metal pole it was tightly forged to.


Personality and Abilities

As seen by strangers: Upon first meeting Ssor'zzir, it is clear he is very Strong-Willed, often times butting heads for the fun of it, unable to be dissuaded from his course of action. He is quite Spontaneous and Hyper in his actions, seeming to operate from whim to whim. This leads him to be carefree in his doings. Some could even describe him as selfish as years of living on in the pits has lead to a greedy mentality. This pit lifestyle has turned him into a Glory-Hound as well, causing him to seek out opurtinites for him to show off and gain renown.

As seen by self: One of his most severe fears is his Claustrophobia, being in tight spaces, or anything that fully covers his face, makes him anxious and even more sporadic, doing anything in his power to get out in the open again as he thinks its stealing his freedom. His
pride is something he is very cautious and protective of, always fearing he will lose it, going as far as to take oddly long lengths to protect and cultivate this. His pride is what often leads himself into an immense confidence in himself and abilities, grown from being a successful pit-fighter. He sees himself as a survivor, and a good one at that. He harbors a great distaste for Mayara due to their involvement in the Chrysant War, often attacking or belittling them. This distaste is carried over to Ailor but to a different extent due to how the Regalians have altered their beliefs on the Allar. He is often very distrustful and wary around Ailor, never trusting them further then his reach.

Towards family and friends: To those who become close enough to the Raptor will find him quite loyal, a common trait with his kind. To his family his loyalty is amplified, willing to risk himself for them in an uncharacteristic fashion as he seeks their approval. Those close to him will also find him open with most things, speaking his mind and answering most questions without any regard for how it sounds or its effects. In an odd twist Ssor'zzir believes much in the old Allar faith, thinking that he and his race are descended from dragons. This tends to cause him to act very cock-sure of himself, generally to the dismay of those close to him as they tend to hear him spew off about his families "lineage", or worse yet, help him clean up fights he started due to it.
All of this forms to a very strange point of view from his family and friends, ranging from that annoying hyper cousin typically held by those first forging a relationship with him, to a fun loving miscreant or even a loyal shield-brother to those who have forged strong ties to Ssor'zzir.

Morality: Ssor'zzir could best be described as Chaotic Neutral as he is often uncontrollable by all baring a Cro-Allar, having no regard for law or good and evil. He truly seeks to survive freely and happily. He will do what he must to achieve his goals and acts upon his whims, making him unpredictable and leading a very chaotic life. This makes it difficult for him to create healthy, long lasting relationship with others as he can feel trapped within a relationship in which he will then ruin.








Life Story

Birth | 236 a.c.

  • Born on September 15, 236 A.C. to a pair of Al-Allar in Hadar.
    • Given to a Mu-Allar couple
Childhood | 1 - 9
  • 5 - Begins sneaking out at night to play in the jungles
  • 9 - Finds Sa-Allar brother
Preteenage Years | 10 - 14
  • 10 - Begins training in Tenpenny
  • 12 - Begins hunting in the Jungles
Teenage Years | 15 - 19
  • 15 - Discovers ruins of a Dragon worshiping cathedral
  • 19 - Devotes himself to Dragon Worship similarly to ancestral worship
Young Adult | 20 - 49
  • 20 - Enrolls in Cro-Allar Military
  • 25 - Begins training with spears
  • 37 - Wins fighting tournament in Hadar
  • 43 - Discovers another sibling of his clutch
Recent Times | 50 - present
  • 50 - Serves in the Chrysant War against Regalians
  • 55 - Sees the end of the War
  • 66 - Begins training in Tenpenny
  • 70 - Comes to Regalia seeking money and opportunity.
    • Join the Digmaan Vazziss
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Please change to "Champion Tuskbinder".

As seen by self: One of his most severe fears is his Claustrophobia, being in tight spaces, or anything that fully covers his face, makes him anxious and even more sporadic, doing anything in his power to get out in the open again as he thinks its stealing his freedom. His freedom is something he is very cautious and protective of, always fearing he will lose it. He sees himself as a survivor, and a good one at that. He harbors a great distaste for Mayara due to their involvement in the Chrysant War, often attacking or belittling them.
You state he's anxious in certain situations, which is fine, but you don't touch on his confidence in general. I'd ask you touch some base with how Ssorzzir feels about his abilities, how he percieves himself compared to others, etc. His confidence is seemingly missed in here.

What do you mean here by protective of his freedom? By his life story, I can't see him ever being enslaved or his freedom being threatened. Is this a general liberty mindset he always carries, being free-spirited? Or simply an oversight you didn't notice. Either way, please clarify a bit.

How does his family/friends/lovers/close people feel about Ssorzzir's normal traits? His butting heads, his hyperness, carefree and chaotic nature, etc. I only mention due to you don't mention anything about it. Do they abide by his quirks because they're so close? Do they find it annoying, endearing? Just some slight clarification would work here.

    • Returns to Hadar, serves in the Chrysant War against Regalians
    • When not on Battlefield, fights in pits
  • 30; 291 - Sees the end of the War

A minor point: You say he fought against the Regalians in the Chrysant War. Does this leave him to harbor a harsh opinion of the city he lives in currently, due to the nature of how the Regalians won the war? How does this opinion affect him today?

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