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Played Character Ssaiirya

This character is actively played.


The 5.5 hour shitpost.
Jun 25, 2021
Reaction score
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"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent underneath it."

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The PretenderWhen our Bodies Wash AshoreDark Matter
  • Character Information || The underlying truth, no matter how hidden.
    • { Full Name: Ssaiirya }
    • ༻ { Aliases: Ivory Serpent }
    • ༻ { Race: Mauli Slizzar }
    • ༻ { Age: 34 }
    • ༻ { Sex: Agender }
    • ༻ { Gender: Female }
    • ༻ { Sexuality: :) }
    • ༻ { Eye Color: Violet }
    • { Occult: Ordial Mage (Infested with Spirit) }
    • ༻ { Combat Style: Tactician, Magic Warrior (Secondary) }
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"Knowledge has a beginning-
but no end."

  • Core Concept || Who are you, truly?
    • { Religion }: A former follower of the Slizzar faith, Ssaiirya has found herself questioning the path of her god and taking more interest in the concepts of the Ordial realm, slowly attempting to accumulate knowledge on the denizens that reside within the Bintaar.
    • { Core Concept }: Ssaiirya is a Slizzar who once focused on infiltration for her own personal gains, cozying up to others purely to get into their pockets and good graces. After a chance encounter attempting to steal from an Mage's library, she found herself set along a different path instead, seeking to delve into the knowledge and secrets of Aloria with the help of her inborn abilities...
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  • Proficiency || Pasttimes to fill the timeless void.
    • Hobbies
      • { Magic Talent }
    • Strength < 0 >
    • Constitution < 0 >
    • Magic < 7 - Ordial >
      • { Shapeshift Pack (Magic) <Slizzar> (Death Isldar Modifiers - Inactive) }
      • { Mimic Pack (Magic) }
      • { Magic Snare }
      • { Magic Shove }
      • { Magic Reduce }
      • { Magic Warp }
      • { Magic Cleanse }
      • { Magic Smog }
    • Wisdom < 7 >
      • { Overwhelm Command}
      • { Resist Command}
      • { Attack Command}
      • { Degrading Command }
      • { Champion Command }
      • { Defend Command }
      • { Shield Command <Slizzar> }
      • { Chem Revive }
    • Dexterity < 0 >
    • Faith < 0 >
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"Transformed and unafraid
This earthly vessel fades"

  • Abilities || Capabilities and the culmination of something more grand.
    • Affliction < Geist - INACTIVE >
  • Linguistics || Twist and flick the tongue- sweeten the words to tie the strings.
    • { Common < Free > }
    • { Zoram < Parent > }
    • { West Linguist < Ling > }
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  • Appearance || Shed your skin. Become born anew.
    • { Mutations }: No current Mutations.
    • { Birth Form }: A 5'7 Slizzar with mainly silvery scales, flecked with patterns of cream, teal, and gold. Bright violet eyes are framed by teal strands of serpentine hair. Her form is incredibly lithe and thin, elegant with low body fat. From head to tail, she is about 24 feet long.
    • { Half Shift Form}: 5'7 still, same body composition. Her top half shifts into a Nelfin woman adorned with bangles of gold and green eyes, leaving her lower half serpentine- though she changes her scales to be black.
    • { Geist Form }: A living Mauli Slizzar Skeleton, fit with horns and all. Ivory bones graced with engravings of golds and silvers, runic marks, and much more that paint her ribs all the way down to the tip of her tail. She tends to wear dark flowy robes, or a whole-body suit that allows her to hide her bones to some extent.
  • Sweet Elderly Avanthar Woman Sage - Noa'sslein Veerundras - 90 Years old, 5'8, frail - Born in Avanth Himvatheer, moved to Regalia to be with family as she ages.
  • Cloistered Snobby Bene-Rexit Scholar - Azera, 5'10
  • Mischievous Exeiiya Cielothar - Valanthe Amakiir - 38, Theify. 5'2, average frame. Budding Sorceress, doesn't care about continuing to learn though.
  • Solstithar Kathar - TBD
  • Meek Lessara Altalar - Selviira Orithana - 84 Years Old - The mother of many children. Ssai's main shift.

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"True knowledge exists
in knowing that you know nothing"

  • Life Story || Beginnings once, twice, and a myriad more.
    • Childhood
      • Ssaiirya was born from two Slizzar parents outside of Sassrakkand, though she doesn't remember quite where anymore. She was raised alongside her twin, being taught basics of theatrics and the ability to hide by their parents.
    • Adolescence
      • She decided to strike out on her own for a bit, throwing herself headlong into the wiles of the world. She found she had a knack for taking things that weren't hers, eventually getting to a prideful point where she would boast getting expensive things without ever having to lift more than a few fingers. In some amount of time she went back to visit Sassrakkand, beginning to immerse herself in Slizzar culture slowly, but not taking on a mentor yet.
    • Early Adulthood
      • After some amount of years she had managed to work her way into a noble's pockets, managing to use this leverage to break into the estate of his Court Mage, seeking expensive spell books and other trinkets she could sell. What she found was so much more, a swath of research and contraptions she never could even have /began/ to comprehend. Instead of stealing she found herself observing the items- leading to a rather critical mistake. Her entry had alarmed the Mage, causing his hastened return and rather angered visage. Such anger caused him to reveal himself as an Ordial-aligned Mage, attempting to use the form to intimidate her into silence. Though with some convincing his anger turned to intrigue, as he took note of her interest in the research. Even more convincing, and he took her as an apprentice under a vow of silence.
    • Further Years
      • Ssaiirya took her time learning under the Mage, spending several years under his tutelage before he decided she was ready to join him under the mantle of eternal research, deciding to take on a similar skeletal visage to his own in order to mimic the path she desired to follow. Part of this was influenced by an invasive shade that took interest, forcing it's way into the still-budding Mage to take root. She spent several more years studying under her mentor, before striking out on her own once again. Eventually this culminated in her seeking out the Hasama Death Temple in Farah'deen.
    • Regalian Excursion
      • Finding major intrigue in the recent and rampant sightings of the Arken in Regalia, Ssaiirya decided to venture to the continent, certain that secrets would be capable of being unraveled there.
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Looks good for the most part! There's just one small edit that needs to be made before I can approve:
  • You currently have 5 hobby points spent on Perception Arts. However, you can only invest core points into Special Training category proficiencies. This is a super easy fix, if you swap out the 5 Hobby points to be the 2 Cooking Art and 3 Cooking Arts.
Go ahead and tag me once you've made the necessary edits! Thank you ^^
Minor edits. Clarified that sorcery is Void aligned by default. (Unless by virtue of being Ezekiel, it defaults to primal aligned until the Ezekiel attunes? No idea.)
Also began fleshing out a few Slizzar Shift forms.
I will admit. I didnt expect this to get approved (as I still need to make backstory edits to scrub the Ezekiel lines) But hEY love ya for being on top of it Cael
@Caelamus Long time no see, needing a re-review!

Largely just a proficiency rework, ensuring that everything is in-line with most recent updates. Now Greater Mage.
Meant to put void as magic-based realm, not exist. Simple fix. Whoops.
@Caelamus PING. She's Ordial now, partially because funni ezekiel Ordial mage tutor, and funni invasive shade. Shifted one point around, and staged this lady for Geistdom so I don't have to go to re-review again.

Changes marked in green as always.
  • Strength < 1 >
    • { Athletics: Climber Pack }
  • Constitution < 0 >
    • { Training: Physique Pack (Physicalvex) }
  • Wisdom < 0 >
    • { Society: Archive Wisdom Pack [ Hasama Death Temple ] (Scribevex) }
  • Dexterity < 2 >
    • { Roguery: Parkour Pack }
    • { Roguery: Trickery Pack (Rangedvex) }
    • { Roguery: Escapist Pack (Chainvex) }
    • { Roguery: Balance Pack (Nudgevex) }
  • Magic < 7 - Ordial >
    • { Disruption }
    • { Casting (Greater) }
    • { Protection }
    • { Displacing (Greater) }
    • { Control (Greater) }
    • { Enchanting }
    • { Blessings }
      • 1) Surfwalking
      • 2) Airwalking
      • 3) Sparkwalking
      • 4) Starwalking
      • 5) Body Cleanse
      • 6) Sanctum Vessel
      • 7) Arcane Mastery
      • 8) Rune Smithing
      • 9) Dueling Brand
      • 10) Emote Infuse
      • 11) Life Wall
      • 12) Arcane Sight
      • 13) Scan Sight
      • 14) Pocket Scan
      • 15) Cursed Touch
      • 16) Pocket Dimensions
      • 17) Mending
      • 18) Hex
      • 19) Living Grimoire
      • 20) Mage Mount
      • 21) Element Control
  • Charisma < 5 - Ordial Shades>
    • { State: Saboteur Pack }
    • { State: Diplomat Pack }
    • { Language: West Linguist Pack }
    • { Language: Ancient Speech Pack }
    • { Theurgy: Hexlord Pack }
    • - Bidden Spirit
      - Invaded Spirit
You have 1 too many points invested, and I assume it is over confusion with Rangedvex. This is not an extra point, this just expands the limit of investment into dexterity. (Like the ailor special)
Actually, As per discussion with staff, the extra point is the intended function. Reverting sheet to what it was before.