Preserved Sheet Ssacëajo' Jaciëajo'

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Proud orthodox
Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
The Qaliphate
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Ssacëajo' Jaciëajo'

  • Age: 123

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Altalar
Skill Information

  • 60 Points Base (School of Ranger -10) Total: 50

  • Proficiency:
    • +45 Arcol Elven Recurve Bow (+10 School of Rangers, +35 Points)

    • +10 Short sword (+10 School of Rangers)

    • +10 Tracking (+10 School of Rangers)

    • +10 Surgery (+10 Points)

    • +5 Small Shield (+5 Points)

    • +10 Atraves Stave (+10 Racial)

    • +10 Nelfin History (+10 Racial)
  • Culture:
    • +40 Literature

    • +20 Poetry
  • Languages:
    • Common
    • Modern Elven
    • Imperial Elven
    • d'Ithanie
    • Alt-Regalian
    • Isldar Dialect
    • Leutz-Vixe
    • Skodje
    • Vashkularr

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Emerald Green

  • Hair Color: Buttery Blonde

  • Hair Style: Well kept at the back and sides, a small band of hair down the front of his face.

  • Skin Color: Pale white

  • Clothing: Tanned shirt and white trousers, a blue cloak with the hood down typically.

  • Height: 6'3

  • Body Build: Athletic
Personality and Abilities

  • Ssacëajo' can often be seen as a bitter old ranger and an avid reader. He frequently slanders many of the current elven princedoms for various reasons. He is however, an elven nationalist, thought masks his true thoughts behind his claims that the Elves would be more unified under the Regalian empire, though avoids specifying to what end that unity would bring. He is easy to cheer up from his standard bitter state, appreciating acts of kindness and selflessness. He is quick to befriend intellectual minds.

  • He feels let down by the current state of Ríë. He always feels that he tries so hard to keep the provinces safe, but to no avail. He keeps a positive opinion of himself regardless of his act of leaving the states to die, as he grew to resent them so much to where he feels no attachment. He is deeply troubled by Ailor who talk of slaughtering elves in battle, and prays to Ceá'llë-maenë that the war end swiftly with as few nelfin deaths as possible. He sees himself as talented and educated, often delving deep into books in all sorts of languages, sporting a truly impressive list of languages under his belt.

  • Ssacëajo' is very friendly and paternal towards friends and family, quick to offer aid and advice. Those he calls friends he trusts nearly absolutely, though is quick to point out faults and offer whatever he can to correct them. He could certainly be counted as a good friend, one who would never abandon those he cares for. While he does care for every other Altalar, he feels many back in the states have abandoned the way, and sees Regalian occupation to be the only next logical step forward for them.

  • Ssacëajo's morals are straightforward, what was considered just and moral in the old elven empire are morals which should be followed. He is Lawful Neutral, his duty and traditions superseding any pull towards good or evil, or towards liberty. He has no moral issue in regards to slavery or caste based systems, believing all have a place in society. He centers his worship around Julleö'daéssä, and is sure to act within accordance of the law.

  • He fundamentally does not believe that the current princes of the federation can salvage the elven empire. This sole worldview explains a lot about him. In all other regards, he is an Estel toting, diehard Rië nationalist and life-long ranger. He will work with Ailor, but focuses primarily on safeguarding his own people. He has a particular hate for Witchbloods and Sanguine and praises Silven. He has little sympathy for true leeches.

Life Story

Birth | 182 a.c.

  • Ssacëajo' Jaciëajo' was born to a well to-do Medlo-Altalar family in what was the state of Hyärra at the time. His parents were both Rangers.
Childhood | 1 - 20

  • As a young boy his parents tried to keep him as far away from the conflict as possible, flinging him off to a friend's manor house far away from the border with the orcs.

  • Ssacëajo' was given a lot of time as a boy to himself. He often poured over books and tomes as soon as he was able to read, having a hand at writing himself. His stories were quite poorly made action tales of his parents slaying billions of orcs, or however many zeroes he tacked onto the end of of a number.

  • While he was not permitted to do so, he would always attempt to communicate with the slaves at the plantation, making some minor breakthroughs and getting some of them to talk, namely an Ithanian ailor woman who was captured during her migration to the Regalian archipelago by Varran slavers and then sold on. From her he learnt a lot of the current state of affairs, even picking up his first few words in her language.

  • He continued to educate himself on the wider world with the time he had, having books be brought in. He never restricted his personal studies, delving into whatever manner of tomes he could get his hands on. He painstakingly tried to translate books in foreign languages, using any resource he had available to do so.

  • As he was allowed more and more to talk with the slaves, he'd bring out books to the fields and tried to communicate with those working in the field, having little success, but continuing to stir his thirst for linguistic knowledge.
Post Maturity | 21-70

  • He would eventually be reunited with his parents after he had come of age, and began training to be a ranger. He was taken out onto the field, but only ever made to watch. He brought a big bag of books with him that he'd continue to read and write in on the trails, often observing and pestering the medics about surgery.

  • His first shots with an Arcol bow were promising, a skill which he picked up quickly and to a high degree. His hand to hand skills were less promising, and often trained with a shield instead to offset his painfully average swordsmanship.

  • By the time he was finished he was out with his parents properly, harassing Orcs from afar and bolting before they had a chance to react. Eventually came the day when General Sälarna sought to look for men to aid in overthrowing the government of Hyärra, which Ssacëajo' eagerly joined in on. He was subsequently thrown around the state to help put down any insurgencies and to stabilize things.

  • While his mother and father sought to finally call things quits as their lives entered their twilight years, Ssacëajo' continued to serve his state by shielding the wall builders and by trekking deep into Dark Ungwar territory.
Adult | 71- Now
  • As time went on and the realm stabilized, he was given a lot more time to study, relax and to travel. He took a particular interest in Regalian politics and how the Human races in general had been developing, his curiosity to their myriad of languages, stories and histories intriguging him ever more.

  • He found the other elven states to be certainly less savoury than he had hoped for, finding many to be far too decadent and fallen from grace to have any semblance of reforming the elven empire of old. He did however complete his pilgrimage to Grae Rie, strengthening his faith in Estel.

  • As curious as ever, Ssacëajo' traveled to Hadarian during the Chrysant war, primarily to observe the war and write about it in his journal. He often found himself ever so slightly intervening on both sides during the conflict, typically to aid in fleeing civilians from the Regalian army or to lessen the butchery of Slizzar.

  • Though he was well aware of the Regalian butchery, he decided it was not his place to join in the fight to defend the states. The States needed to be united one way or another, and under Regalia they might in his mind. To get out of the way of the war, he took a ship out of Hadaria heading to the crown isle, where he might continue to do some good, particularly with the Sanguine menace still looming to explode.
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  • Skill Information:
    • While it is technically possible to learn these languages, I'm going to ask you to have a maximum of eight languages instead; not including common. Remove languages to fit this.

Make that edit and tag me once done!