Archived Squires And Knighthood For The Common Folk

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The Poshest of Mudcrabs
Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
Plymouth CT, USA
I know this probobly came out of me reading too much Game of Thrones, but i thought this could be a nice idea. I was thinking there could be a system of squiring for nobles and guards and such that could eventualy lead to being knighted and swearing loyalty to said family.

1) Apply to family for squirship
2) Be a squiring to the person for however long they need
3) Eventualy become knighted and add Ser/Sir to your name.
4) Swear loyalty and proctect the family in Regalia. Possibly represnt them in festivales

Just give me your ideas and thoughs :3
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I know this probobly came out of me reading too much Game of Thrones, but i thought this could be a nice idea. I was thinking there could be a system of squiring for nobles and guards and such that could eventualy lead to being knighted and swearing loyalty to said family.

1) Apply to family for squirship
2) Be a squiring to the person for however long they need
3) Eventualy become knighted and add Ser/Sir to your name.
4) Swear loyalty and proctect the family in Regalia. Possibly represnt them in festivales

Just give me your ideas and thoughs :3

That could be interesting, I like that. It could make for very fun roleplay during festivals if there was jousting. Also, if Regalia went to an RP war with someone, they could call the knights and squires to battle, but the wisest and oldest knights would stay behind to form a war council.

Damn, that was very unorganized :P
I think this could easily added, add a bit more structure to RP. It could even make the subtle noble war more interesting. If to nobles are at a disagreement the two families send their best knight to fight for them.
hmm, I like it. Very creative. I give you a big fat....
Semi already exists. I believe the Lovegoods have one such knight, and the Kades practice it as well, though have only recently done it with their own family members. Knights/Squires/Pages is a thing in Regalia.

It's just not very pronounced and "out there" because half the commoners are like "lole I hate nobles cuz im enlightund and i knuw of rights and arr 300 yrs ahed of my tiem".
Semi already exists. I believe the Lovegoods have one such knight, and the Kades practice it as well, though have only recently done it with their own family members. Knights/Squires/Pages is a thing in Regalia.

It's just not very pronounced and "out there" because half the commoners are like "lole I hate nobles cuz im enlightund and i knuw of rights and arr 300 yrs ahed of my tiem".

lol probs cus you nvr saw my time machine it showed me the futre and da rieghts of peopplss.
That could be interesting, I like that. It could make for very fun roleplay during festivals if there was jousting. Also, if Regalia went to an RP war with someone, they could call the knights and squires to battle, but the wisest and oldest knights would stay behind to form a war council.

Damn, that was very unorganized :P
Azas Why do you disagree? Just wondering what your reasoning is. :)
Also, if Regalia went to an RP war with someone, they could call the knights and squires to battle, but the wisest and oldest knights would stay behind to form a war council.
Azas Why do you disagree? Just wondering what your reasoning is. :)
This isn't how Regalia's military functions at all, haha. The Imperial Fleet (Regalia's military) lore has been approved and should be posted in the next few days, so that should sort out any confusion about military functions :)
Yeah, i kinda just made this after watching GoT seasons 1-2. There is something like this now (junkers) so i guess this thread is useless as of now
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