Spriggan's Heart


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
Heroes & Adventurers for Hire...

Disclaimer: We've tried to keep things brief and to the point, to avoid unnecessary fluffing like many other groups and applications are prone to. We hope this makes the experience more direct and meaningful.

Introduction IC
Spriggan's Heart; heroes for hire. A naive concept though heroes may be, it is exactly what the members of Spriggan's Heart strive to be. Spriggan's Heart focuses on acquiring items, artifacts, knowledge and coin that might help them in their task of protecting Regalia, the Archipelago and even all of Aloria. Should anything threaten any of this, you'd be sure to see a Spriggan doing everything they can to set things right. Loyalty and spirit are the two most important traits in a guild member, and with that, comes the strength to stand up against all the odds. With all their members being from different walks of life, the guild does not require the best of the best, the strongest of the strong, or even the great intellect of Regalia's finest Strategists. Instead, all that is required of those joining, is a strong heart. The rest is sure to follow.

What do we intend to provide?
  • Mercenaries outside the city for trade route protection, escorts & War, exploration, and Monster hunting.
  • Mercenaries inside the city, for business & aristocrat protection, events & bounty hunting.
  • Trade; the Guild now owns a small number of warehouses within the city, used for storing imported and exporting goods. Purchasing goods and reselling them at reasonable prices.
  • Training & Apprenticeships; young and inexperienced in your field? No matter, we'll give you the practical work experience, on the job training, or regular instruction that you need!
  • Expeditions! Small group of friends, aristocrats or otherwise that want to have a guided experience in the wilderness with planned (and unplanned) activities? We can arrange that!

Recruit Us:
How do I recruit? Are you a civilian, aristocrat or even a noble - that's come across a unique situation or problem that you'd like solved? Well you've come to the right place. Spriggan's are prepared to work for a nominal fee, to solve your problem. If you're short on cash, we're prepared to work around that. All that you need to do…? Write to us, or find Guildmaster Eldradon Deredda directly. Once you setup a meeting, we can effectively write up a contractual agreement, giving us the rights to aid you in your plight.

+ Write up the details of your job/contract.
+ Guildmaster Eldradon Deredda for a meeting.
(PM Lord_Immortal In-Game/Discord)

Join Us:
Hi there, we are a bunch of friends who roleplay as a group of- well friends! As such, we don't expect any toxicity being brought into the roleplay or into the discord! We have a relatively zero tolerance mindset towards toxicity and bullying and as such some of the measures we've taken include adding a moderation bot to our chats, to keep things relatively PG-13. If you think you're able to keep things friendly, and you want to get involved in some fun free flowing protagonist roleplay - then welcome! Hop into our discord channel, and arrange an IC interview for your character. (Discord Link: https://discord.gg/FpBwpwP)

+ Red Block Company System (Link)
+ Regular Guild Events.
+ Regular Training Events.
+ Regular Team Events.
+ Regular Social Roleplay.
+ Progressive Storyline.

+ Bloodthirsty for Thorns, at the Merc Keep
+ Humbled Homestead, in Regalia
+ Smoking them Out, in the Vampire Cistern
+ Discovering Morna, on the Island of Morna
+ Riddle me this, on the Island of Morna
+ Ailed by Ailment, on the Island of Ghirla
+ Bad Diagnosis, on the Island of Ghirla
+ I need healing! Red Block Company
+ Search every Nook and Cranny, patrolling at the Nestled Nook
+ Frisk for Frist, guarding the Fristadvlom Family

Fighter(s): High
Healer(s): Medium
Stealther(s): Medium
Sorceror(s): Low


The Story So-Far....
* Everything written here was roleplayed, some events occuring as far back as 6 years ago!
Many many years ago, in a land- beneath the city. Amongst the sewer rats and degenerates that plague it. Eldradon, or Don at the time, found his home. A vile angry man who's intent was to beat those who infringed on his territory, and gain through greed as much as he could possibly ascertain. Had things continued their natural course, it is no doubt that he'd have either died, or killed off everyone remotely close to him. As a result of the curse running through his blood- or the curse he'd had passed down to him from his lineage.

However, this was not to be. Through circumstances that even now he tries not to remember, he found himself befriending both a Kathar woman, fleeing from her empire. Her peppy attitude and frankly ridiculous nature, owing her the nickname of [Spriggan]. Her acts of defiance towards her birth and situation, were the first peg in his road to change. And his best friend to be, someone he came to consider family.

One wouldn't think it, but politics were a rampant occurrence within the sewers and underworld, and as such so were wars between factions of bandits, cultists and aberrations. Don's group was no different, despite any changes occurring. Their home at the time had become a successful business, named the Mossy Poss. Which unfortunately drew ire from cutthroat groups on multiple occasions. Truly the events that transpired were no ones fault but Don's himself, trusting a girl both possessed, and known to betray those around her - however his arrogance and feelings towards her led to an invasion that wiped his group out. Spriggan, losing her life in her attempt to drag Don from the carnage, and his best friend... being forced away.

If these events were enough to turn him away from sanguinism, then the story could end here with minimal bloodloss. Yet life wasn't that simple, and the curse was not so fickle. Spurred on by this failure and several years of reservedness, Eldradon went on to create a coven. The Hierarchy, becoming its Desprince within the depths of Regalia. Murder, deals - and a lack of morals rampant in response to his mental suffering. His friend returned, however, being mortal, he was received poorly and received Dons state just the same. Hoping that he could somehow change Don despite the curse... he remained- suffering blow after blow as tragedies occurred in their wake. Until finally snapping...

Don found himself waking up in the basement of the man he could call family. Cured, hungry, thirsty. So disorientated and affected by this- it took him almost a day in that cell to realise the key were infront of him. His friend gone once more.

Several weeks passed, milling through life, living with the guilt and washing it down with gallons of bourbon. Until meeting an old enemy. A vampire hunting Darkwald, named Faust. Finding the man, explaining his situation - and with pity being found - he was eventually thrust upon meeting Aurienne Colleen, a recently turned vampire. Her resolve despite her affliction spurred him on, directly leading him to asking her to join him in creating a group that could right his wrongs....

A two man group was doomed to fail- so perhaps it was an act of fate, that two old faces arrived - two he'd expected to never see again. Elders of his former coven. After the initial shock and fear they were here to end his life rather than aid it - they officiated a group together. A guild with no rights and no contracts to speak of at that time! All they had to carry forth, was the name. A testament to the beginning.
[Spriggan's Heart].

Gathering recruits and getting work was a struggle from then on- but more and more past afflicted joined their cause. People with steeled hearts, or bit back fear of evil as long as it led to the safety of others. The guild grew, and taking the opportunity allowed by the growing roster, Eldradon applied for his guild to be granted Mercenary rights. On acceptance, the city opened up just a little wider. They were able to uptake contracts legally, and did so eagerly. Bears, vampires, demons... Still they were only a small step further along their path.

The next step was charity. Charity and creating a social presence. Two things Don abhorred. However, he wasn't alone. Now with a plethora of members, they were able to make a growing number of appearances. Relied upon frequently by the guard to support them in patrols hunting sanguine. Given donations of medicine by the Talon and Claw Organisation. Dispensing food outside the Cathedral...

Nobles went hand in hand with creating a social presence. So it was important to create one. From this point onwards, as their name was spread that little bit more, Don attempted to secure meetings or relations of any kind with prominent noble figures such as Julius Piergarten. Genevieve Howlester. Or aristocrats such as Novellia Fristadvlom, who quickly offered to sponsor their group - offering much needed finances!

Eager to do more. Eager to help more. A letter that came in writing was too much an offer to dismiss.
"TALLY HO! Fair lords, ladies, gentlemen and not-so-gentle-women (looking at you, Avalorn)... I write to you with the opportunity of a lifetime. I, famed archaeologist, explorer, treasure hunter, scholar, and eligible bachelor Ithania Jameson have uncovered something GREAT and POWERFUL in a faraway land. But I am simply one man! An incredible man at that, nonetheless, but one man indeed. If you've the heart and spirit for adventure, fame and fortune, or care whatsoever about uncovering the deeply-woven mysteries of our strange, wonderful world-- then you'll meet me in thirty minutes' time at the Golden Willow Tavern in Regalia.

And that was that. Following the short meeting, they left on a voyage with three other groups. The three most prominent guilds in the city to date. Their voyage led them to the Island of Morna. A troubled island home to very powerful Draconic ruins. Contracted to aid in their uncovering, and looking to find other treasures, Spriggan's Heart hoped to uncover anything they could that might help them better protect the people. Better protect Aloria.

Four ruins, four guilds, Spriggan's Heart being one of them. They were given an abandoned town to explore - later finding out that this was now theirs to use as they please for the duration of the upcoming contract and series of quests...


The Guild uncovered some disturbing things. Such as the untimely demise of the inhabitants of this town at the hands of seeming bandits. Regardless, they made themselves at home, organising supplies and preparing to use this town in their possession to its fullest. Naming it... [The Chapel] after it was revealed to be the name that the Warden called it, found at the multitude of towers towards the East.

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