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Spooky Scary Skeletons


Ruler of the Abyss
Feb 4, 2018
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One morning as those within the Sewers, Crooked back, and Oldtown would arise. And even a very few set in Newtown. As people would begin to go about their normal days and routines. They would find something new.. Something that was not present there the day before. Papers that had words written on them in common. With nice black ink, multiple copies looked quickly made. Lightly crumpled up as whoever had put them up was moving in a rush. But for the most part they were still fully readable. Masked individuals in black scowling the streets and tunnels. Doing their deeds before returning to the darkness which they came.

The papers read
Bone-jour my friends. With the changing of the seasons. And the spook coming out, we thought why not bring up some jokes. Jokes about who you may ask? Well about everyones favorite Liches of course. The spooky scary skeletons that send shivers down your spine, the good old knowledge seeking Zikiels. Lets begin with how calm most of these skeletons have been in my past experience, always trying to avoid bloodshed and violence if they can help it. Likely because nothing can ever get under their skin, or perhaps they just don't have the stomach for violence. But if you give them a bone to pick with you that's when you should start running. Perhaps im just trying to make a SkeleTON of bad puns. But who really cares as long they're all Humerous. Let me tell just a femur. I apology for your ears, or rather your eyes. But it's going tibia ok because now im bringing out the trum-bone. And am gonna give you a bonified experience. If you don't find these things funny then I would go see a doctor to see if your funny bone is ok. And maybe go grow a spine, ok you know I just am ribbing at this point right? Stop giving this paper such a Sternum look. Perhaps I should just throw myself into a Skelebin at this point. By the way, if you ever see a Skeleton alone, go up in talk to them because they may be very bonely. Don't leave them hanging with no body.
Safe tidings everyone. Congrats if you made it this far.
Signed - An Anonymous Individual

A side note was left at the very bottom however: You all brought this upon yourselves when your population in this city spiked to a 100 as of recent. Deal with becoming the target of our jokes. Bone heads.
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A cloaked warrior would come across the writing, and as he read through it his face became increasingly confused and somewhat cringed at the excessive amount of puns. Afterwards, they said to themselves, "What in the world did I just read?"
Afterwards they would tuck the paper within their journal, going to see if any of his allies knew of it's origins.
A dark haired man cast red orbs over the paper, his lazy posture and bored expression altering with every word, until he was cackling, his face alive with joy, delighted at the thought of what Xilthruum's reaction would be. He moved off, in a far better mood than before.
A Qadir would see it and laugh "ah bone humor, truly anatomy humor is the height of comedy"

he would chuckle as his cat curled up in his lap.
"This is a horrid waste of paper & ink," a certain halfling commented as he'd move to tear off the notices that lingered in New Town!
Stifling back a hoarse laugh, a Commander lifted the parchment to a Regalian Guard beside her after reading the jests over upon a morning stroll, "Now come along, its some funny— No? .. Admit it. It's- It's a bit funny. — Please laugh with me."

Stifling back a hoarse laugh, a Commander lifted the parchment to a Regalian Guard beside her after reading the jests over upon a morning stroll, "Now come along, its some funny— No? .. Admit it. It's- It's a bit funny. — Please laugh with me."

"Come on now, Commander Helvath. I know degeneracy when I see it." The Iron Watch guardsman said in reply.
A certain Zikiel from a library in his home. Would stare at the parchment. His eyes getting wider with every single sentence. Before he just said in defeat.

"Wow.... Someone put a lot of work into making us mentally suffer... That was terrible."

Said with a sigh, indeed seeming to be mentally suffering from the amount of stupidity he just read.
Stifling back a hoarse laugh, a Commander lifted the parchment to a Regalian Guard beside her after reading the jests over upon a morning stroll, "Now come along, its some funny— No? .. Admit it. It's- It's a bit funny. — Please laugh with me."


The Lieutenant, who was often seen lurking behind the galaxy eyed Commander, just stared blankly at the parchment. Her frown growing ever deeper. "Not funny. Didn't laugh," Came her monotone response.
Mathilda just stared at the piece of parchment with glossy eyes, it was obvious she was trying very hard to not bust out into a little fit of laughter in front of her companion. "Th-this is funny.. Right, Ayas?" Mathilda simply proceeded to deadpan over toward him, sporting an ear to ear grin.

Hou would look at the parchment, blinking at the ridiculous amount of puns. He'd stifled a small laugh, taking one of the notices and pocketing it for himself, walking away whistling.
Samuel would be standing in the park, cracking up. In his joy, his tail would lash about and his ears would twitch a little. It had been a while since he had laughed that hard.
Nonchalantly, Ayas stood next to Mathilda. Their expression was a mixture of unamused, glazed and deadpan. No laughter was built up within him, no humor was taken from the onslaught of skelepuns he just had himself read over. As Mathilda spoke her... question, he'd simply continue to stare at the poster, before offering a reply; "..Mathilda, tell me the tooth. Did you really find this funny? Clearly the writer didn't put enough backbone into this.. damnit. I feel like a numbskull saying all this. I-.. hate that I said this. Very much."

Nonchalantly, Ayas stood next to Mathilda. Their expression was a mixture of unamused, glazed and deadpan. No laughter was built up within him, no humor was taken from the onslaught of skelepuns he just had himself read over. As Mathilda spoke her... question, he'd simply continue to stare at the poster, before offering a reply; "..Mathilda, tell me the tooth. Did you really find this funny? Clearly the writer didn't put enough backbone into this.. damnit. I feel like a numbskull saying all this. I-.. hate that I said this. Very much."

There would be a dark, cloaked figure in the background.. Clearly taking notes. Before sprinting away.
Spooky scary skeletons. They shiver down your spine.