Archived Spirit Sorcery Spell Inspired On Old Spirit Magic

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pfp by me
Feb 22, 2016
Reaction score
previously Atwerheq, currently none
Prologue - you may skip this if you want
So! I have never done something like this before, but I've noticed something lately
I keep running myself into walls, waking too many characters and hopping around as my short attention span gets bored of said characters- I'm not sure if this is just a me thing, but I've been brainstorming alternatives that could fix this- not that it is a widespread problem, but it would also be interesting for people to engage in multiple personality roleplay.

When faced with this, my mind immediately went to "Well, one could just make a slizzar!", the problem is though.. if they already have existing characters with branching backstories and arcs, just shelving that char could have a widespread impact, and getting the funk while roleplaying characters for the sake of others can cause the person to want to drop roleplay altogether. How about magic then? Well.. if everyone that had this issue applied for a mage to somehow absorb the souls of their previous characters, that would be a pretty weak reason to have a mage in the first place, so that's off the charts. Sorcery...? Well, that might work.

The idea!
If the spirit sorcery category housed a for a spell that allows one to absorb the soul of someone willing, like Sihndar allowed for before the lore got changed once more, it would remedy this and allow for duality as an icly playable thing!- As in, you wouldn't need to drop a character versus the other, if they were all one. It could be something you need to tap into, adding a glow to the eyes whenever a personality is tapped onto, maybe even going as far as having different colors for different personalities. Or it could be something selfless, where the personalities speak at random, or at a given day of the week (making it so it caps at a specific number). Furthermore, it could be added as a new spell entirely, or incorporated in one of the existing spells (specifically Faces of Life).

Note: I hope suggesting this isn't rude in any way, and please let me know if you were ever in this conundrum of wishing you had only one character versus a ton that you can't actively roleplay all at once.
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Just play a method actor whose a compulsive liar, whose characters have pre existing and branching stories.
Not a bad idea! I like it a lot! And since the old Sihndar concept was so aesthetic-based and locked you off from getting any real archon ability if you had it, then it seems like it'd make a really neat Sorcery Spell!