Archived Specific Race Spawns?

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Jan 26, 2013
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Ok, so here is what I was thinking, for each race there is a different spawn. Firstly there would be the initial spawn where you get to choose your race,then you get teleported to some town or area that has something to do with the race you chose. For instance, if you choose to be a Dwarf you would get teleported to an underground fortress. Or if you were a human wanting to be a vampire, go to a dark alter, become a vampire and get teleport to an area that is permanently night time. I think this would increase the amount of fun for rpers,I know it would for me.
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Our concept is a bit different:
If you pick a race, you should be free to do with it what you want. Maybe you want to change from human to undead in a ritual? Maybe you want to be turned into a Maiar because of the altar you built (not really working, but RP content).

With the suggestion you make, we would force you to do something, to go somewhere...We do not want to limit your Rp in any way, this is why it is that way it is.

And in regalia, there will be a dwarfen and elfen district. So...
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