Archived Specialisation Traits

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That one guy
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score

I would like to suggest a line of traits designed to allow combat outside the standart godarmor style.

These traits grant certain advantages to players wearing certain armor types. In other words in exchange for less protection and trait points players wearing certain sets of armor gain special bonuses.

Here are some of those traits I am suggesting (sorted by required armor).

Full Leather:
Explanation: Leather is a weak armor so I think the special traits for it should be based on ranged combat and not getting caught, as they would die very quickly to god weapons in close combat.

  • Scout 1 (25): Gain Speed 1 while wearing a full set of leather armor.
  • Scout 2 (50): Gain Speed 2 while wearing a full set of leather armor.
  • Scout 3 (100)(P): Gain Speed 3 while wearing a full set of leather armor.
  • Archery+(50): +25% Bonus damage to Bows while wearing a full set of leather armor. -25% damage taken from bows while wearing a full set of leather armor.

Full Gold:
Explanation: Gold is not made for combat. Instead of boosting themselves, people in golden armor server as beacons for their faction, giving them all free buffs.

  • GoldTitan(50): -25% damage from all sources while wearing full gold armor.
  • OffensiveAura(50): Grants faction members within 10 (5,7,8?) blocks 5 seconds of Strenght 1 and Speed 1 every second while wearing full gold armor .
  • DefensiveAura(50): Grants faction members within 10 blocks 5 seconds of Regeneration, FireResist and Resistance 1 every second while wearing full gold armor .

Full Chain:
Description: Full chain armor represents a light knight with thin armor. They use swords and are sometimes resistant to axes. Offers strong melee perks that can trouble enemys who can only use a single weapon.

  • LightKnightDefense(50): -25% damage from axes and bows while wearing full chain armor .
  • LightKnightDefense2(100)(P): -50% damage from axes (does not stack with LightKnightDefense)while wearing full chain armor . +25% damage from Swords while wearing full chain armor .
  • LightKnightOffense(50): +25% damage dealt with swords while wearing full chain armor .
  • LightKnightOffense2(100)(P): +50% damage dealt with swords while wearing full chain armor . Stacks with every other bonus. -75% damage dealt with axes/bows/unarmed.

Full Iron:
Description: Full iron armor represents a heavy knight with slightly thicker armor. They use axes and are sometimes resistant to swords. Offers strong melee perks that can trouble enemys who can only use a single weapon.
  • HeavyKnightDefense(50): -25% damage from swords and bows while wearing full iron armor .
  • HeavyKnightDefense2(100)(P): -50% damage from swords (does not stack with HeavyKnightDefense) while wearing full iron armor . +25% damage from Axes while wearing full iron armor .
  • HeavyKnightOffense(50): +25% damage dealth with axes while wearing full iron armor.
  • HeavyKnightOffense(100)(P): +50% damage dealth with axes while wearing full iron armor. Stacks woth every other bonus. -75% damage dealth with swords/bows/unarmed.

No Armor at all:
  • Natural Defense(50): -50% damage from axes/swords/bows/unarmed while not wearing a single piece of armor.
  • Fists of fury(50): +100% damage dealt with unarmed IF 1. No Armor is equiped and 2. More then 5 Minutes have passed since your last death.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like these ideas, makes me think of the traits in more of an RPG way. Where you have to think about skills due to multiple factors that come with each trait. Also it will let you invest more into a certain class, like if you want to be an archer, you can more traits for archery and customise your armour sets to benefit your skills.
+1 circci support, better than naga support
This would be interesting, as it would encourage non-prems that can't afford to lose expensive armor to help their premium members in fights more often, since cheaper armors would have a use, but then again I guess EULA is coming, so it's a bit late for that. Still, this whole thing would be interesting, especially the gold armor one, and a lot more realistic and fair than most of the ideas you see for buffing weaker armor types, like the typical 'Give people in diamond armor a slowness effect' stuff.
+1 Player Support better then all made up races
This would be interesting, as it would encourage non-prems that can't afford to lose expensive armor to help their premium members in fights more often, since cheaper armors would have a use, but then again I guess EULA is coming, so it's a bit late for that. Still, this whole thing would be interesting, especially the gold armor one, and a lot more realistic and fair than most of the ideas you see for buffing weaker armor types, like the typical 'Give people in diamond armor a slowness effect' stuff.
What is EULA?
So far im seeing a pretty positive response to the concept.

I guess I should do now what I probably should have done before posting: Asking @Cayorion if he knows how to code this (not if it gets implemented but if it would be possible)

I love this idea, but to see how the PVP community reacts let me invite a few chums.

@togal300 @gridiron1024 @frederik049 @Tuxyz @Tom1804 @spectec

Im also interested in what some of the well known PVP´ers have to say about this.

On another note: Something I forgot to mention in the main post is that this would also open a few new markets. Namely those for high enchanted Leather/Gold/Chain/Iron armor.
Full Leather:
Explanation: Leather is a weak armor so I think the special traits for it should be based on ranged combat and not getting caught, as they would die very quickly to god weapons in close combat.

  • Scout 1 (25): Gain Speed 1 while wearing a full set of leather armor.
  • Scout 2 (50): Gain Speed 2 while wearing a full set of leather armor.
  • Scout 3 (100)(P): Gain Speed 3 while wearing a full set of leather armor.
  • Archery+(50): +25% Bonus damage to Bows while wearing a full set of leather armor. -25% damage taken from bows while wearing a full set of leather armor.
While interesting I doubt that it would be useful seeing as you would literally get 1 or 2 shot by anyone with a sharp V weapon, don't think it will ever be used in high level of PvP. It would open up options to get more debuffs as an archer, which I personally like.

Full Gold:
Explanation: Gold is not made for combat. Instead of boosting themselves, people in golden armor server as beacons for their faction, giving them all free buffs.

  • GoldTitan(50): -25% damage from all sources while wearing full gold armor.
  • OffensiveAura(50): Grants faction members within 10 (5,7,8?) blocks 5 seconds of Strenght 1 and Speed 1 every second while wearing full gold armor .
  • DefensiveAura(50): Grants faction members within 10 blocks 5 seconds of Regeneration, FireResist and Resistance 1 every second while wearing full gold armor .

I really dislike this idea, the idea of a person buffing their allies would present 3 issues.

1. Unless the buffs apply to the person using the traits, how fun is it for the person wearing the armor? Obviously the person would not fight normally as they would be easier to kill, they would most likely either run back and forth or hide in the base.
2. The uses of alt accounts hiding somewhere close to give buffs would give advantages to people with more accounts, and while this can be controlled with rules against it, the issue of staff having more problems making sure who is whos alt, and other people going afk to give the buff makes the entire idea troublesome.
3. Pretty much every PvPer that I have spoken to has agreed with that PvP has too little payoff for actually killing people, since enderpearls don't remove pacifist and other things (Even though this also has to do with the skill of the PvPers), I think that this would just make it even more impossible to actually kill someone in their own territory, it's hard enough with Healthboost, absorbtion, Protection IV and the 30% from being in your faction territory. This would push it even further and making PvP less fun.

Full Chain:
Description: Full chain armor represents a light knight with thin armor. They use swords and are sometimes resistant to axes. Offers strong melee perks that can trouble enemys who can only use a single weapon.

  • LightKnightDefense(50): -25% damage from axes and bows while wearing full chain armor .
  • LightKnightDefense2(100)(P): -50% damage from axes (does not stack with LightKnightDefense)while wearing full chain armor . +25% damage from Swords while wearing full chain armor .
  • LightKnightOffense(50): +25% damage dealt with swords while wearing full chain armor .
  • LightKnightOffense2(100)(P): +50% damage dealt with swords while wearing full chain armor . Stacks with every other bonus. -75% damage dealt with axes/bows/unarmed.
I like the idea of someone being able to challenge a stronger player because they made a tactical decision, strength should not lie in resources and stats alone.

I am not entirely sure where I stand on this one, but a problem that I see is that is that the natural defense of diamond armor would actually make up for the 75% buff from chain armor, source.

Full Iron:
Description: Full iron armor represents a heavy knight with slightly thicker armor. They use axes and are sometimes resistant to swords. Offers strong melee perks that can trouble enemys who can only use a single weapon.
  • HeavyKnightDefense(50): -25% damage from swords and bows while wearing full iron armor .
  • HeavyKnightDefense2(100)(P): -50% damage from swords (does not stack with HeavyKnightDefense) while wearing full iron armor . +25% damage from Axes while wearing full iron armor .
  • HeavyKnightOffense(50): +25% damage dealth with axes while wearing full iron armor.
  • HeavyKnightOffense(100)(P): +50% damage dealth with axes while wearing full iron armor. Stacks woth every other bonus. -75% damage dealth with swords/bows/unarmed.

I like this idea, while I won't comment on the balance behind the specific numbers the concept is interesting.
No Armor at all:
  • Natural Defense(50): -50% damage from axes/swords/bows/unarmed while not wearing a single piece of armor.
  • Fists of fury(50): +100% damage dealt with unarmed IF 1. No Armor is equiped and 2. More then 5 Minutes have passed since your last death.
This would be completely useless in decent and above levels of PvP, it would only be used by new people who don't PvP and have no armor, and I doubt that their first action is to check what traits are the most appropriate for their situation. I don't dislike them, I just feel that they would not fit at all.

Really interesting idea overall, hope you get more feedback on it :)

End User License Agreement, Mojang recently changed theirs to ban advantages and gameplay only accessible to people who pay real money. There are quite a few threads about it on the forums here, you should read them.
I like this idea. However... I would rather see this as a passive bonus for wearing a full set of armor than adding them as traits. The reason to this is that I believe it will have a bigger variety of uses and you will see more people use the different armors instead of everyone using the same armor type because someone says that it is the best option for pvp and they don't dare to spend their trait points on anything else. This has happened before and an example of this being -drumroll- Axes.

Wrote this with haste on my ipad so I apologise if my grammer/spelling is a bit off, hopefully you'll all understand what I'm trying to say.
I like this idea. However... I would rather see this as a passive bonus for wearing a full set of armor than adding them as traits. The reason to this is that I believe it will have a bigger variety of uses and you will see more people use the different armors instead of everyone using the same armor type because someone says that it is the best option for pvp and they don't dare to spend their trait points on anything else. This has happened before and an example of this being -drumroll- Axes.

Wrote this with haste on my ipad so I apologise if my grammer/spelling is a bit off, hopefully you'll all understand what I'm trying to say.

I care to disagree with you. I, and a lot of other pvpers, dont use axes that much anymore. I tend to lean towards the sword, and also the bow a lot, based on traits.
I think no matter how much you buff the lesser armours, they will really never be a considered method of defense in high level PvP. Unless they receive a major overhaul, the durability on them will make them crushed in a matter of minutes under high leveled axes. Although I think it is useless for stronger pvpers, I think it would certainly be interesting for noob fights. I am somewhat neutral on this being added since, as stated, unless the buffs get stacked even more on the less durable armours (Perhaps a constant Resistance III and higher armour durability?) they are completely irrelevant in fights between experienced pvpers.
I love this idea, but to see how the PVP community reacts let me invite a few chums.

@togal300 @gridiron1024 @frederik049 @Tuxyz @Tom1804 @spectec
Well thank you for inviting me even though i'm on vacation.
I do really love this idea but i think that it'd be too easy to take down targets with lower class armor types like leather. As i see it i could just throw an enderpearl and hit a few times to get a kill.
As i said before i still love the idea and i hope that lower class armor types can be used in pvp to get special advantages in the future <3
Well thank you for inviting me even though i'm on vacation.
I do really love this idea but i think that it'd be too easy to take down targets with lower class armor types like leather. As i see it i could just throw an enderpearl and hit a few times to get a kill.
As i said before i still love the idea and i hope that lower class armor types can be used in pvp to get special advantages in the future <3

Id thought i needed a grimsbane member to speak, and i prefer you <3
The concept is interesting, but I don't think many people will really use the lower tiered armor if they had god armor available. And the perks listed still take up traits, meaning you wouldn't be able to have as many traits as someone using god armor. I would suggest having the perks be completely separate from traits, allowing you to have both the armor buffs and your trait combination.
I think no matter how much you buff the lesser armours, they will really never be a considered method of defense in high level PvP. Unless they receive a major overhaul, the durability on them will make them crushed in a matter of minutes under high leveled axes. Although I think it is useless for stronger pvpers, I think it would certainly be interesting for noob fights. I am somewhat neutral on this being added since, as stated, unless the buffs get stacked even more on the less durable armours (Perhaps a constant Resistance III and higher armour durability?) they are completely irrelevant in fights between experienced pvpers.

  • Cayorion x2: (Thursday) All armor types now have the durability of diamond x3. Leather, Iron, Gold and Diamond armor all have the same durability and that durability is three times as high as standard diamond armor durability. This way PVP battles last longer and becomes more exciting.
Unless that was changed I believe the durability should not be an issue.

I really dislike this idea, the idea of a person buffing their allies would present 3 issues.

1. Unless the buffs apply to the person using the traits, how fun is it for the person wearing the armor? Obviously the person would not fight normally as they would be easier to kill, they would most likely either run back and forth or hide in the base.
2. The uses of alt accounts hiding somewhere close to give buffs would give advantages to people with more accounts, and while this can be controlled with rules against it, the issue of staff having more problems making sure who is whos alt, and other people going afk to give the buff makes the entire idea troublesome.
3. Pretty much every PvPer that I have spoken to has agreed with that PvP has too little payoff for actually killing people, since enderpearls don't remove pacifist and other things (Even though this also has to do with the skill of the PvPers), I think that this would just make it even more impossible to actually kill someone in their own territory, it's hard enough with Healthboost, absorbtion, Protection IV and the 30% from being in your faction territory. This would push it even further and making PvP less fun.


1.The buffs would of course apply to the person him/herself.

2. Hmm good point. Maybe require a active part to trigger the buffs. For example: Hitting a enemy OR Right clicking a key item that would be consumed.

3. The 30% bonus should be nerfed (as disscussed in another suggestion thread) . I did not take the abusability for defense purposes into account. Preventive mechanics against that would be quite hard to make so for now I will think about that and put the buff ideas on hold.



This would be completely useless in decent and above levels of PvP, it would only be used by new people who don't PvP and have no armor, and I doubt that their first action is to check what traits are the most appropriate for their situation. I don't dislike them, I just feel that they would not fit at all.

The problem is that if I allow unarmed to be boosted too far it will become overpowered and will allow factions to win battles solely because they can spam people with OP unarmed skills. *
For now both of the no armor skill would be more usefull in pve and grinding.
The problem is that if I allow unarmed to be boosted too far it will become overpowered and will allow factions to win battles solely because they can spam people with OP unarmed skills. *
For now both of the no armor skill would be more usefull in pve and grinding.
Even if it gave double damage it would only work when not wearing armor, which is such a huge downside that the plusside doesn't really matter.
I care to disagree with you. I, and a lot of other pvpers, dont use axes that much anymore. I tend to lean towards the sword, and also the bow a lot, based on traits.
I did not know that, I have been out of PvP for quite some time due to the fact that I no longer have time to acquire god gear that can be lost in one fight. Howerver I have seen several PvP factions recruiting and ranking solely depending on the players axe skill.

Also, I think @AaronChuey and @frederik049 made good points as to why it should not require trait points
Even though it seems cool, this would ruin pvp sorry to say.
.I've actually seen this been done before on a currently dead server.
For example:
Assassin rank could become invisible and gain a speed boost for 5-10 seconds for the cost of one ghast tear and full leather armor. The leather armor was also buffed so that it would stand somewhat of a chance in normal pvp.
Berserker rank had to wear an iron helm and boots along with having to use an axe in order for their effect to be activate able. The chest and pants could be any tier they wanted.
Archery rank was lower tiered, so the buffs weren't that great. The cost for the rank was cheap because of this.

There was also economy centered ranks. And all of these ranks were used as money sinks which last time I checked, we needed.