Archived Spawns With No Roof.

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I am prettiest Princess!
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
I know people are gonna read this title and be like, no vampires suck, stay out of the sun bla bla bla, well this is actually in no way meant to be vampire related. When a player dies they are spawned at the world spawn (idk why its not beds anymore probably for raid reasons) but someone was having an issue today being an agni, they kept spawning at the world spawn which has no roof while it was raining. and sometimes shelter is hard to reach since agni die rather quickly.
My suggestion is this, give spawns some sort of roof to protect from rain, or at least a near bye shelter (since they seem to not be able to reach near bye buildings)
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True, agnis die very fast in rain. Some cover within 5 blocks should be available at all the spawns.
No, we wont change our spawn points because people has a certain race, if they find it hard to survive they can change race ;-)
Its should look like a dock kinda in daenrock. Daenrock has a dock but most docks have a light roof for what 3 blocks?

I am not on fire's side or Tech's but it is recommened that you should.
I don't see being spawn killed for almost 15 minutes is quite fair :/
He was clearly unable to type any commands and teleport to another area without being killed. There was no way he could have avoided being spawn killed for this length time.
what if it rains? the rain will kill the agni and continually repeat it due to their sensitivity to water, or vampires burning to the point the chat log is full of death messages?
Its should look like a dock kinda in daenrock. Daenrock has a dock but most docks have a light roof for what 3 blocks?

I am not on fire's side or Tech's but it is recommened that you should.
im actually doing this for agni, i could care less about the vampire viewpoint.[DOUBLEPOST=1366235205,1366235163][/DOUBLEPOST]vampire have a way, they can just jump in the water. agni they are screwed.
I am not asking for us Tech. I am not on anyones team except my own opinion or to fight for my vampire kind. I am being a nice person to the Agni or if you want I can be the meanist.
Cayorion and I actually tried spawning in all worlds with vampire and agni and neither of us had any issues reaching cover before we died, especially when being vampires. Sure you lose like half your health, but at least you live, so unless you actually stand still for a good minute or two, you won't get spawnkilled.
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