Shelved Character Sovrith

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Jan 30, 2016
Reaction score
[Character Information]
  • Full Name | Sovrith Isil Maliirn
  • Race | Mesmer Cult Kathar
  • Age | 24
  • Gender | Female
  • Occult | Void Mage
[Core Concept]
Sovrith imagines herself as belonging to a tradition that predates time itself, of radical being and brutal self improvement. She is a zealous Evolist, and a Silver Knight of the Argentum Order, hailing from Rokhaval and pacted to Morrlond. Her loyalties lie in the Dread Empire and with the Order.

[Appearance Information]
Sovrith almost exclusively wears armor, as she views herself as fighting protractedly in enemy territory. She is on the shorter side of elven heights, and possesses a striking nose that extends past her bangs.

  • Strength | 7
    • Technique Parry Pack
    • Concussive Blow Pack
    • Diving Tackle Pack
    • Knockback Sweep Pack
    • Cheap Shot Pack
    • Combat Sight Pack
    • Steady Body Pack
  • Constitution | 7
    • Shield Slam Pack
    • Shield Brace Pack
    • Shield Taunt Pack
    • Shield Deflect Pack
    • Rebound Pack
    • Debuff Endurance Pack
    • Rage Counter Pack
  • Arcane | 0
    • Magic Cleanse Pack | Kathar Free Pack 1
    • Magic Resist Pack | Kathar Free Pack 2
  • Katharic | First language
  • Altalar | Second language
  • Common | Third language
[Life Story]
  • Sovrith was a collectively raised orphan in Parthanaar who was later brought up by the Argentum Order, serving a period of years in a frontline battling capacity before traveling over sea to infiltrate the Regalian capital.
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