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Played Character Sovoq

This character is actively played.


chaotic stupid
Nov 6, 2016
Reaction score
stacey's mom's house
NASA Scientist
< / / Basics
  • Name: Sovoq Kalmaaqi
  • Race / Culture: Tohn Maraya
  • Age: 36
  • Gender: Male
  • Occult: None
< / / Design

Core Concept:
What is the price? Did you pay it? Sovoq is a Maraya scientist who worked for his entire short life to find a way to save his race from the Bright War, trained to be inquisitive, perceptive, and logical. His last memories are of Blacksite [Redacted], the howls of demons, and the voices of his Kul'Merai bodyguards. Thousands of years later, he would open his eyes to the darkness of a Vault--and now, in Regalia, he must try to reclaim what he lost.
Sovoq is naturally inquisitive and bright, best described as an eccentric-scientist type. This kind of snark-filled wit is in his nature, but it easily gives way to a dark, brooding grief.


Religious Beliefs:

There may be a god. I would deny him. Sovoq is completely areligious; he recognizes divinity, but places no faith in it.


Sovoq is 5'10" and lithe, with dark orange hair kept short and sherbet-orange skin. His eyes gleam a bright pink. Rare is the day where he is not found wearing some sort of lab coat or dressage, but underneath it all, he favors practical Allorn-style clothing.

< / / Skills

  • STR: 0
  • CON: 0
  • WIS: 7
    • Tech Sanction, Tech Gravity, Tech Lasso, Tech Defense, Hook Shot, Tech Stim, Radiant Barrier, Tech Armory (Maraya Racials)
  • DEX: 0
  • ARC: 7
    • Chem Enrage, Chem Endure, Chem Cleanse, Chem Experiment, Technique Parry, Chem Slip, Chem Revive, Chem Bang (Maraya Racials)
  • FAI: 0
Shalota. Common. The beginnings of d'Ithanie, for reasons unknown.

< // Story

Plot Hooks:
Sovoq is a Meraic revivalist through and through, and pays lip service to the Regalian Empire. If pushed, he is quick to mutter his distaste for Ailorkind.
Sovoq wears a name-badge in Shalota, upon which is written:
'SOVOQ' and underneath this, 'PROJECT COORDINATOR: BLACKSITE 57'
Sovoq holds an eerie relationship to magic: he hates it, but as a knowledge-seeker first and foremost, cannot help but to be fascinated by the many ways it denies the logic he worked his whole life to prove.
Sovoq carries a precious three Mem-keys, Qadiric inventions upon which he impressed valuable memories. Each hold significance; all three he guards viciously. If he is ever knocked out in combat, they may be taken from him at the price of his fury.