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South Foreign Consulate Decree I: Cautionary On Carrhen


catgirl enthusiast
Nov 11, 2017
Reaction score


Following internal discussion and consultation with the War Ministry, the following cautionary is now in effect.

Effective immediately, all feudal movement to the area of Carrhen is hereby restricted.

No aristocratic or private entities should enter the theater without express written approval by the Southern Foreign Consul and consultation with the War Ministry. This includes but is not limited to any private enterprises of faith, and any armies or navies.

The Southern Foreign Consulate disavows any actions made by independent feudal actors in Carrhen as acting contrary to the interests of this Empire and its diplomatic efforts. It states that their actions are not indicative of the Consulate's prerogative to maintain peace and order in the region, and that their actions were made without full consideration of State interests or intent.

All remaining feudal armies and navies in the area are thereby encouraged to remove themselves to sovereign Regalian territories and waters within the next 48 hours or when prudent.

Any future unauthorized actions in the area may be brought to the judicial courts as a matter of undermining the work of diplomatic envoys.

This decree is authorized and ratified by,
Their Eminence Szaralaszotl dari Huallo
Foreign Consul of the South
Baroness of Rubh-Fazaït

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@festiveCorvid @Hemingway7 @NebulaePrimo @onearmsquid