Sornasto (move This To Player Made Lore. I Cant.)


Holy heretic
Feb 24, 2016
Reaction score
Somewhere in Regalia
Pronunciation (soar-nas-tano)
Common Nicknames animals, chargers, pets.
Classification Dargon.
Max Age 130.
Naming Customs like african on earth.
Languages common, sornta.

Significant Demographics
the regalian empire
any wild plains like area
Physical Characteristics

    • Physical overview: they can be from 2 ft. up to 7 ft. depending on what african animal they are. they look like a human version of any african animal on earth. there eyes can be most colors.

    • Notable physical traits: they can handle high heat and run fast. he are smart but talk slurred and weird.

    • Gender and population diversity: they have both make male and female as there genders.

    • Life span, development, and common health issues: there life span can reach to 130 but most die at 10 because of old age. they have teeth problems and bad breath.
Mental Characteristics

    • Mental overview: many get Stuff like ADHD of anger problems, this is because they have a animal drive as well as a human drive.

    • Creativity and intelligence: they are good with survival but not street smarts.

    • Mental health, population diversity, or any notable age-related differences: if they have fur it becomes white or grey at age 90.
many of them were born in the wild, they lived off the land and had no human connections. then they were found and became slaves. some escaped and populated the world. they still like to stay to there live off the land beliefs.

they are used as slaves because they are strong and fast. they make pets for the rich sometimes but they are wild beasts. they are outcasts in the empire.


they like to think if they are around the same type of them they are kin. they greet "kin" with a soft head bump and then a pat on the back or a dance. they belief if you dance with them you are not enemy. they dance every year on their chiefs birthday all night.

they think that it is polite to smell food before they eat it, that does not always work out most of the time. they think that if they spend 5 days in the wild with somebody that somebody is welcomed to be their "kin" even if they are not their race, sometimes even talar can do it.


    • Government Structure: tribal
    • Social Classes: at the top we have chief, then shaman, then hunter and then farmer or villager.
    • Centralization: the government is tribal with chief and stuff like that.

    • Social Norms: dancing is a main thing they do.
    • Gender Roles: men hunt and work, well woman stay at home and make silk and cloth and care for the kids.
    • Cuisine: fish and meats topped with a wine dressing.
    • Education and Technology: they bring their kids into the wild at age 3 and leave them there for 3 days. if they live and dont come back home they are made a man, if they don't they are dead or try again next year.
    • Art and Recreation: they like to swim and there art is mostly about the land and uses lots of: blues, greens and browns.
    • Fashion: they wear primitive robes of Colors like: blue, red, green, brown and black.
    • Subcultures: they have tribes of different animals that wound be in the same place. (E.g. fish tribe, savanna tribe ect.)

    • Most popular religion: none, just living off the land.
    • Lesser popular religions: void worship.
    • Cults/sects: the cult of the land.

    • Mercantilism versus Bartering: they like to have traveling shops when thy sell stuff.
    • Primary production line versus crafts: they do all there craftsmanship by hand.
    • Efficiency and unique factors: the females are very good at making silk and cloth. and the males are great ship builders.
Combat and Warfare

    • Primary Military doctrine: they charge in and take the enemy with brute force.
    • Warfare Behavior: they like to kill enemy villagers infront of the enemy to strike fear into them.
    • Major Conflicts: they hate talar because, talar were the first to get them and take them to be used as slaves.
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