Preserved Sheet Sorka Go’remzar

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Draconic Mercenary
Jan 5, 2019
Reaction score
Regalian Empire

Basic Information (Required)

Full Name: Sorka Ragarash Go'remzar
Age: 55
Gender: Female
Race: Dark Ungwar Valuur Orc
Sexuality: Homosexual
Preferred Weapon: Iron-cast grenades, or a heavy anglian longbow specifically crafted for Orken.

Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 70 (60 points from age, 10 hobby points)

20 Siege Combat (+20 points)
10 Marine Tactic (+10 points)
5 Metallurgy (+5 points)

5 Heavy Bows (+5 points)

8 Pagan Ritualism (+8 points)
4 Cultural Knowledge (+4 points, Wildlands culture)
4 Historical Knowledge (+4 points, Newling history)
4 Diplomacy Case (+4 points)

5 Carpentry (+5 hobby points)
3 Architecture (+3 hobby points)
2 Musical Arts (+2 hobby points)

Body Shape

Physical stat: 60 (+5 heavy bows + 20 siege + 5 metallurgy+ 30 orc)
Body Shape: Ripped (Valuur limited)
Body Fat: Extremely Low / Non-existent


Common (learned in childhood)
Vashkulaar (learned in childhood)

Pagan Mutations:

Pagan Book
Pagan Touch

Visual Information (Required)

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Greying Black
Hair Style: Messy mix of dreadlocks & strands
Skin Color: Dark grey with a green tint
Clothing: Black armor fashioned from leather strips, vaguely resembling male imperial fashion
Height: 6'10''

Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option Two: The Core List

Choose your Character Alignment
Lawful Evil - The weak should fear the strong.

Choose your Character Personality Type
Logician - The orc has a passion to innovate, for the crazy of worse.

Choose your Character's Religion
Orc Faith - 8/10, dedicates most of her life to its pursuit & honors her ancestors.

Life Story (Required)

Sorka was born in Daendroc, in 252AC, as third child of three. As a Valuur orc, she was separated from her siblings and spent time from early childhood honing her intellect and knowledge in orken society, meaning a pursuit of ancestral knowledge and orken history.

She displayed an unusual curiosity and bouts of creativity early on in her life, which meant she was taken at the age of six as a smithing apprentice, a profession she continues even today.

Young Adulthood
The female orc tasted her first kill at the age of eight against the Elves, where she accompanied her clan to a seaborne raid. During the following twenty years, she grew to be an adept besieger and oversaw the construction of multiple mind-wrenching contraptions, including boat-mounted siege towers and elephau-sized catapults hurling burning barrels filled with gunpowder.

As a Valuur orc, she largely avoided participating on the frontlines and remained in a supporting role. When not raiding, Sorka proved her value to her clan by overseeing the construction of Orken buildings and ships, crafting weapons and armor for her kin and remaining their spiritual counsellor.

She became ever more interested in gunpowder and its applications, though remained unfamiliar with cannons. By the advent of the ranger crisis, she was crafting her kin crude grenades heavy enough to cause serious injuries thrown alone.

It was during this crisis she was first acquinted to Ailor and began a symbiotic relationship learning from them, and in turn, teaching them of the Orken. When house Kade invited the orcs to settle in the Regalian Archipelago, Sorka moved to Medway. Ever since, she has been part of the Regalian military, specifically the navy, where she continued to hone her skills in constructing machinery.

It was also in the Regalian navy where she was introduced to the concepts of steam engineering and cannon artillery. While still somewhat unfamiliar with the former, the many recent wars had her become an expert of the latter, applying her skill both in naval combat and in sieges. Indeed, if an Anglian Nautknight was not already terrifying to the Empire's enemies before, a contigment of Orken marines armed with explosives surely is.


After a brief time spent in her homeland in Daen after the Dread war, Sorka returned to Regalia to enlist once again with hopes of serving under the Iron Duke against the Anahera cabal.
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Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 100 (60 points from age, 30 points from Valuur blood, 10 hobby points)

20 Siege Combat (+10 Valuur, +10 points)
15 Metallurgy (+10 Valuur, +5 points)
10 Marine Tactic (+10 points)

10 Perception training (+10 points)
10 Unarmed (+10 Valuur)
5 Heavy Bows (+5 points)

8 Pagan Ritualism (+8 points)
4 Cultural Knowledge (+4 points, Wildlands culture)
4 Historical Knowledge (+4 points, Newling history)
4 Diplomacy Case (+4 points)

5 Carpentry (+5 hobby points)
3 Architecture (+3 hobby points)
2 Musical Arts (+2 hobby points)
The proficiency bonus is a fragment of an older iteration of the proficiency system and no longer applies. They gain the same things normal orcs do and this it is mostly an aesthetic choice now.