Songs Of Regalia: Reference List


Professional Procrastinator
Aug 17, 2015
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Hello! This list is essentially a reference source for suggested background music.
This is by no means a lore-compliant list, but it's more of a reference list. For example, if your character is in the tavern, you could select a song that you feel would go along with the tavern's feel. The most basic description of this list is a reference source for background music while roleplaying in Regalia.

How to Use:
Let's say your character is running from a giant Ur. If you really want to get immersed, you're going to need music! You can hop over to this list and select one of the songs to provide some background music to get the full experience of roleplaying!

Suggesting Songs:
Of course you can suggest songs! Put a link to the song and say what category you think it fits the best. However, keep in mind that it needs to have a medieval, fantasy or renaissance feel. Keep in mind that certain instruments wouldn't have been available in certain time periods, so to keep the general feel of Aloria, please ensure that your suggested music has the right feel that would suit Regalia.

Songs of Regalia
Dancing Songs (for Tavern, for Balls, etc.):
Background Music (background noise to immerse yourself in the environment):
Intense Music (when you're being chased, chasing someone, or racing across the rooftops of Regalia):

Happy listening!
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I will say, it's surprisingly fun to find more modern music that could fit into random situations and make the situation itself all the more hilarious. Although this in itself is a great idea, I love it.
(Also this song is great for battle music, it's not quite as Medieval-ly as your Celtic music {which is amazing btw} but it's definitely intense: boop )