Song Thread!


The Walking Spreadsheet
Jan 11, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina
Roleplay Guilds
The LCC, The Fourth Company
Now that I've gotten the obvious out of the way, Hi, I'm CorrosGaming, Otherwise known on massivecraft as LordOfTheVeer, and I write songs for people. I've done this for about six months now, using mostly poetry and rhythm to create songs for players who want more immersion for their characters, gifts to others, propoganda for their politics, and the like. I've created many songs over the past six months, and continue to do so now. You want one? Brilliant! This is how you get one:

In this thread (and another if you want to buy them with IC relations made from it)

please reply with the following information:

Discord Username (Easier Communication, w/ #'s):
What genre of song you want (Action? Adventure? War? Maybe for your House propaganda? Love?):
DETAILS! (Who it's for, who you want it written by (I have characters to do that if you don't), what it's about, special details I should add, etc):

The price is currently 250r per song, the length is usually somewhere between 4 stanzas to 10 stanzas. Rarely will I do above 10 stanzas, and that is if I am REALLY in love with the song I am writing and am making it as long as possible.

Example songs of my past work (The best ones, the rest are here: )
Beauty of Regalia
Written by Virraed van der Veer
Typically use a drum, or a piano in more regal fashion.

Relaxing tune
♫I have traveled all Aloria.
From great sea to great sea.♫
♫But never once in all the land,
Have I seen such beauty.♫

♫As I do in Regalia,
It's banners flying high.♫
♫As I do in Regalia,
It's might brings tears to you and I.♫

♫Oh Regalia's, an Empire,
An Empire strong and high,♫
♫An Empire, ruled by just,
Just to you and I,
Oh just to and I.♫

the tune would change to a more militaristic one

♫Regalia's, walls stand so tall,
They can be seen from one and all.♫
♫With the union, of our might,
We have fought, against the blight,♫
♫We rule all the lands, from sight, to sight.
All lands, from sight to sight.♫

the two tunes mix.

♫Oh Regalia! Oh Regalia!
I've traveled great sea to great sea.♫
♫But I've never seen a land,
Oh as beautiful as thee.♫
♫Oh as beautiful… as… thee...♫

My Beautiful Dove
Written by Virraed van der Veer
Typically done with a guitar, violin, or piano.

Relaxing lullaby tune

♫From the day that I met you,
I fell in love,♫
♫My heart set on you,
Beautiful as a dove.♫

♫So when we spoke, I told you my love,
That I needed you, you told me I won.♫
♫So from the day that I met you, we fell in love,
You and me, my beautiful Dove.♫

♫As the birds, chirp, in the sky,
As the chicks learn, to fly,♫
♫I'll take your hand, never leave your side,
On this endless journey, journey of life.♫

♫From Regalia to, Farah'Deen
We'll see great things, we've never seen,♫
♫So take my hand, and here we go,
You and me, there's so much to know.♫

♫On this endless journey of life,
You and me, we'll overcome every strife,♫
♫So take my hand, and hold it tight,
You and me, from day to night.♫

♫So from the day that I met you,
I fell in love, ♫
♫And you stayed by me,
My Beautiful Dove.♫

Knights Bane
Written by Virraed van der Veer
Usually played with a guitar, occasionally piano

The tune is extremely quiet and sad, a tragedy song.

♫Fore sworn, to obey,♫
♫Ordered, to stay,♫
♫By him, our Lord,♫
♫Defend him, with our sword.♫

♫Death, follows us,♫
♫For we fight those treasonous,♫
♫Ordered to obey,♫
♫Ordered to slay.♫

♫This is our Curse,♫
♫This is our Bane,♫
♫A wound we cannot nurse,♫
♫A wound, that, will forever stay.♫

♫For this is the Curse of our Code,♫
♫This is the curse of our name,♫
♫This is the curse untold,♫
♫This is the knights bane.♫

♫I came to protect,♫
♫Yet all I find is slaughter,♫
♫It's against the code to defect,♫
♫And return to the life of harmless laughter.♫

♫For this is the Curse of our Code,♫
♫This is the curse of our name,♫
♫This is the curse untold,♫
♫This is the knights bane.♫

♫We return, to our abode,♫
♫We return, scarred and torn,♫
♫We return, and are told,♫
♫We have been reborn.♫

♫As a new, man of war,♫
♫As a new, man of gore,♫
♫As a man, to fight for he, we, are sworn,♫
♫As a man, hard, to the core.♫

♫For this is the Curse of our Code,♫
♫This is the curse of our name,♫
♫This is the curse untold,♫
♫This is the knights bane.♫

Stags of War
Written by Aeoraed Longsae for Wintertide, War Anthem of House Peirgarten
Usually played with drums and or a guitar or flute

♫Peirgarten, brooought togeether by briiide and grooom,♫
♫The House of aroma, the House of perfume,♫
♫ The House of the lands that foreeevvver bloom♫
♫ The House of the lands, coveted and doomed,♫

♫ As, our, enemies, march to, put, us, iiin our tombs,♫
♫Diiid you, expect us, to cower and hide, in our rooms♫
♫That, my friend, you wrongly assuuumed.♫

♫Our landsss, once taken,♫
♫Our freedommm, once shaken,♫
♫Our compassion now forsaken,♫
♫Cause our anger has awakened!♫

♫Weee areee the staaags of pride!♫
♫Weee areee the staaags of war!♫
♫The Spirit is on our side!♫
♫We will shake you tooo theee corrrree!♫

♫Wee ride to our the lands, loong forgotten♫
♫Get ready for a fight, cause weee aint stoppin'....♫
♫For, we, are..theee Staaags ooof waaar♫
♫Thee Staaaags oof waaaaaar.♫

Waiting List:
psst, fam. You should post these to the wiki <3
This is greatness. Pure greatness, I await the day when groups of drunken characters gather around campfires with their tankards of ale, dance, and sing these wonderful songs.