Preserved Sheet Sonder The Song

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Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
Jun 17, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
~Sonder The Song~

Character Information

  • Full Name: Bazil Arra'tay (Sonder; Sonder The Song)
  • Race: Songaskian (truly Askia and Song Songaskia heritage)
  • Age: 27
  • Sex: Male
  • Gender: Identifies Male
  • Sexuality: Pansexual/Poly-flexible
  • Eye Color: Golden Amber
Core Concept
  • Sonder worships Shambala with all of his soul and is one of the few male monks of his hometown district's priesthood. He is intrigued by other races' religions and cultures, but will push his own agendas if the company he keeps is interested.
  • Sonder has travelled to Regalia to claim his own after dedicating his life to the monastery of Shambala. He performs music in praise of Shambala as well as his originals using his trusty gold-plated lute as a professional musician under the name Sonder The Song.
Proficiency Information
50 pts total
  • Shielding Combat 4 pts
  • Spear Combat total 15 pts: 10 pts (+ 5 pts free Racial) (includes quarterstaff weapon combat due to attachable spearhead)
  • Fist Combat 10 pts
  • Light Ranged Combat 5 pts
  • Strength Training 5 pts
  • Bodycare Training 5 pts
  • Perception Training 5 pts

  • Instrument Art 5 pts (Hobby)
  • Vocal Singing 7 pts (Hobby)
  • Composition Art 3 pts (Hobby)

    Physical Stat 39 pts= 35 MAX
Ability Information
  • Sorcery:
    • Light Mend 2 (3 pts)
      Flavor: Character can heal others while submerging their surface wounds in water and holding their hands on the wounds. The healing is superficial and cleans and mends cuts, bruises and slashes, but does not cure internal damage or internal bleeding or broken bones. It also cannot re-attach lost body parts but takes only a few minutes and leaves behind no scars.

  • Aesthetic:
    • Elemental Control 1 (3 pts)
      (Include ability to re-direct the flow of water, allowing it to flow up objects, and even levitate in air and move it around with a slow flowing movement.)
  • Common (Free)
  • Sofaal (Parents/Shambala Monastery)
Appearance Information
  • Sonder has black slated dragon scales up his spine that spread out and disperse upward in an Y shape. Sonder also has hardened feet, hands and knuckles from martial arts training.
  • Muscular/Average Body Fat.
  • 6'5'' and weighing at about 220 pounds, Sonder has a strong core, arms and legs. His neck is quite thick as well. A healthy body with a high amount of dark-brown body hair along his chest and torso. He has short dark brown hair with golden tips that occasionally curl into small gold metal rings. He adorns his face and extremities with Tawhroon, gold skin paint made into intricate shapes and designs and one of his ears is pierced along the side and lobe with gold rings and chains that connect them.

    Visual Information (Expansion)

    • Visual Information:

      Extra Body Description-

      Multiple tattoos, an intricately made symbol of a manta ray with a sun in the inner part of the tattoo, to represent his achievement in becoming a masterful monk of Shambala.

    • Head Description-

      · He has a dark brown beard, which has highlights of gold and lighter brown throughout from being in the sun so much. His head drapes feathery wafts of hair that sways somewhat to the right, unless pulled back lazily with a ponytail, or braided intricately depending on the occasion.

      · Kaale has a masculine face that shows some signs of stress in the eyes ad forehead. He has a large brow region, a romantic nose, somewhat crooked. His cheekbones are defined, and his lips are… luscious, under all that face fur. These features usually makes most confuse his age as being older than he truly is.

      · His eyes are like a glowing sunset on the edge of a pearl city in Farah'deen, a deep glowing amber color . He has long, dark eyelashes. He employs a thoughtful and calm look in his eyes on a regular basis and the way his eyes glow seems to increase this intensity of thought. He has a minor scar going from just below his eye to to the brow. This was from a close call with some pale and unruly folk who ambushed him in Regalia when he first moved there. Luckily, he got away with his life and healed what he could

      Clothing and Accessories-

      -In his monk clothes, he wear a beautifully-sewn turquoise and gold shemagh, a dark sea green leather obi belt fastened to a turmeric-dyed silk pant. He has linen wraps on his arms, hands and his feet, complete with wooden sandals. There is a waterskin attached to his belt. For special occasions, he will wear a silk shirt, as to not be shirtless.
    • His voice has a (Persian IRL) accent to it, speaking with a deep and calm flowing tone, and he sometimes adjusts his voice to his best impression of an Ailor. When he feels others are fearful or uneasy of him, he will raise his pitch slightly to sound more friendly.
    • He speaks Sofaal (by his parents)
    • Common (by his parents) (and after becoming a missionary)
    -Personality and Abilities-
    (I chose to do both)

    The Question List
    • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
      • It is expressed in his hair that begins to glimmer more so, his smile widens, his body language expressing confidence. He will often eventually get close physically to those he is speaking with as if they're good friends, like putting an arm around them in comfort, if allowed.
    • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
      • He tries to remain calm and collected, even laughing in the face of fear, and try to rationalize the situation.
      • Under true fright, he will try to fight and remember that his draconic ancestors will guide him, though he can rationalize if it's so much a threat to fight or run.
    • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
      • He becomes quiet and reserved when faced with what he sees as a real threat. He would begin to have overwhelming thoughts as he overthinks everything and internalizes his emotions.
      • He simply wants peace with those who surround him. If they are not happy, what is he doing wrong to cause this? Is he not being a good enough friend. Did he miss something? A glare, an obvious sign of body language?
      • When he is simply stressed out or overworked on something, he will try to occupy his time with music, going off to a secluded area and working on music.
    • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
      • He knows there is a natural order to things, and will often follow the law, but does not let that completely determine how he lives his life. He'd rather choose by instinct and go with the flow.
    • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
      • He finds other creatures and Races interesting and if he has not met them, he will try to slyly enter himself in a conversation with them. He understands there is tension between his race and some Ailor and Qadir, but will treat them well and polite. There were more than just Songaskian living in the monastery, and he was taught to respect others until they no longer deserve the same.
    • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
      • He finds religion is important to him, especially his own culture's religion. Other religions intrigue him, though only for expansion of knowledge.
    • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
      • It is something he feels in himself, so it seems natural and beautiful to him.
    • How does your character feel towards their family?
      • He misses them dearly, especially his mother. They did not have other children after him, but his mother was 'starting to show' last that he saw her, when he was 8.
    • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
      • He has become an adept musician and has made a name for himself in his monastery as an asset for the Songaskia empire.
    • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
      • He believes he has survived enough for there not to be some greater purpose. He knows he will one day join his family with the Black Dragons.
    • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
      • Not being recognized as relevant or memorable to those he loves. He also feels hurt that his parents gave him away so young.
    • What is your character's biggest fear?
      • He will one day lose the ability to play music or sing or that his powers will fade. He fears he will never find love.
    The Core List
    • Choose your Character Alignment
      • Chaotic Good
    • Choose your Character Personality Type
      • INFP
    • Choose your Character's Religion
      • Shambala (8/10 Faith)
Life Story
  • Sonder was born by the name Bazil Arra'tay, and lived with his fishermen-merchant parents in a comfortable commoner life in Korbamkora on the breezy Farah'deen coast until the age of 8 years.

  • At the young age of 8, Sonder was moved to a monastery, the Shambala Monastery where he honed his skills in martial arts and channeling his magic abilities in controlling water.

  • Until the age of 24, Sonder travelled around Farah-deen, spreading the gospel of Shambala and building stronger relations with visiting foreigners.

  • At 25, Sonder moves to Regalia to spread the word of Shambala and make his own way as a musician.
Extended Life Story

·Sonder was born by the name Bazil Arra'tay , and lived with his fishermen-merchant parents in a comfortable commoner life in Korbamkora on the breezy Farah'deen coast until the age of 8 years. He learned bow fishing from his parents as well as how too play the lute until he left to the Shambala Monastery.

His mother's lineage crafted gourd lutes, a instrument of her Songaskian culture with her family's prowess in threadwork, creating silk and black iron strings that the instrument used. It is extremely resilient. Both parents of the family were brought up that singing of their people's history was an important part of keeping their culture alive through generations and celebrating the strides that Songaskians have made as a people. Bazil has grown up with these morals imprinted on him, encouraging him to take on a virtuoso lifestyle.

However, his parents saw something in him that made Bazil special. He possessed sorcery abilities from a young age, not strong or capable so young, but something that could be honed, so they decided it best to give him to the Shambala Monastery there.

After living in the monastery for 5 years and being accustomed to their ways, Bazil was given an intricate test that would decide his new Shambala name. He was given Sonder. He grew up there learning how to eventually master his sorcery and strengthen his physical and martial abilities. While living there, he became known for his natural musical talent, and gained the nickname Sonder The Song.

When he was 24, he was sent away to all parts of Farah'deen as a missionary to spread the good word of Shambala principles, philosophy and doctrine.

When he finished his mission, Sonder was given the choice to stay at the monastery or venture out. He decided to move to Regalia to strengthen ties with Regalian officials and citizens and share his music and religion with the world.


Oh glory oh glory oh glory on high

Oh sun that did so bless the world with light unfathomable

Those beings you gave life now sing you praise

Praise to your shining glory and your powerful children, who did shape the world

Fools were all to ignore them for so long, but glory upon their chosen children

May you emerge again to bless us with your holy light -

Oh glory oh glory oh glory on high, blessings to all faithful

Sunlight guide us
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claimed for review
@OceanWolfie here we go:
  • Until you have the special permission, remove the lutebow for now.
  • Remove the potion of healing (you would need to obtain an alchemy equivalent via roleplay interactions with other characters)
  • remove Fauna codex (this would fall under anima care sciences)
  • remove the history of aloria (this would fall under historical knowledge with all packs unlocked).
    • alternatively mention the specific sections invested (so Farah'deen and dragon, and then ailor and farah'deen society)
  • Under Skill Information, I counted 42 points invested (minus the 10 hobby points). You have two options:
    • reduce the amount of invested points to 32
    • age up Bazil to be older. As Songaskians age proportionally to Ailor, he could be 54 and still appear 27. All I would ask for that is that the extra years of life be reflected in his conduct, as he would have the experiences of a 54 year old in a 27 year old's body.
  • I calculated 28 as physical stat (10 bow +10 stave +5 maritime +5 hunting +2.5 athletic rounded up)
  • Ailor is not a language. Common and Sofaal would be sufficient. Remove Ailor.
  • In the basic information expansion, Regalia and the Masaya only fought in recent history (within the last 5 years), and there would not be a Shambala monastery around Regalian territories. I would change this to be a Shambala temple in Farah'deen.
  • For deep lore reasons, all Songaskians have amber eyes which appear like fire or a setting sun. Make this change.
  • I would change his voice to be more Manding (west africa) than Armenian, as the areas in Aloria that would have these irl equivalents on are separate side of the map (one in a frozen wasteland, the other in a desert)
  • under happiness, the creation of water and flowing hair would not work with what you have right now. I would change it to be more mundane in terms of expressing happiness.
  • same with fear, it wouldn't be possible to freeze water like this
  • same with stress
    • all of these are somewhat possible with sorcery magic, so I would look at that to see if that is an aesthetic that you would want to have.
  • feelings on races seems to have been cut off
  • In the life story, and as previously mentioned, remove the lutebow for now until you get a response from us on the special permission.
  • as mentioned, Regalian attacks against the Songaskians only happened in the last 5 years or so. There would be nothing earlier than that.
  • and as a reminder, there would be no Shambala temples in Regalia.
Overall, the concept is good. It just requires a few more tweaks to have it comply to the Massivecraft Lore. I would suggest looking through the Magic page to see if sorcery is something that you might consider, and also double check the Songaskian page to see if there was anything that I may have missed. Overall a good character, and look forward to approving this app.

When the above points have been addressed, please tag me.
@FireFan96 Thanks for the help.
I've made the changes.
  • Lutebow will be just a gourd lute
  • Potion of healing gone
  • Only a book on songaskian and dragon history remains
  • He is now 54 with an appearance of mid-late 20s
  • Physical stat fixed. (When we roll, it it straight rolls or are we needing to create a dnd character sheet?)
  • Ailor removed, I had tried looking up Ailor languages and saw the expansive article on it lol
  • Shambala temple in Qadir.
  • Changed death of parents to Qadir attack on Al-Alus instead.
  • Manding accent, with a working good impression of Ailor accent.
  • Happiness, fear and stress removed dew thing (it's a water genasi thing in DnD, and Songaskian World Flow of Water seemed similar) to his eyes shifting to have red to yellowish hues instead. Let me know if this is ok. (I'll look into sorcery magic and try to get the perms for it. Thank you)
  • Race Feelings finished
  • Gourd Lutes <3 lol
  • Changed death of parents to Qadir attack on Al-Alus instead.
  • Shambala temple in Farah'deen now
Separately I added:
  • Book on history of Songaskian and dragons (to know the history, and it would also be taught in the Shambala monastery (Order of the Sun)
  • Monk clothing
  • Regalian clothing
  • amber eye description
  • how he left after the attack on Al-Alus and ended up in an orphanage
Let me know if there's anything else I can do to fix it.
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@OceanWolfie a few more points:
  • eye color shifts wouldn't be possible. I would suggest just going with emotional reactions to the various stimuli. feel free to look at a few other apps for examples of this.
  • there is no formal roll system, so you are free to make whatever one you want. Just know that you cannot force it on other players, so you will have to agree with whoever you rp with.
  • I would change the attack to be a Qadir attack (possibly from Mooriye or kept vague) on a Songaskian village or city. Al-Alus is one of two prominent Qadir states that resisted the Songaskian Masaya's conquest, and a Songaskian living in Al-Alus would be a strange sight.
  • I would also remove the virtuoso mentions, in the same light as the lutebow. I also do not think you will need virtuoso for this character, but that will be a discussion for the lore team today.
that's everything I noticed this time around. tag me when these points have been addressed
Thanks for responding so quickly.

  • Eye color shift removed. Just emotional response.
  • Attack on coastal village instead. I was under the impression it was taken by Songaskian, then retaken by Qadir as stated:
    "The Qadir tried to retake some of their strongholds, even succeeding in the cities of Al-Alus, but their population had declined so rapidly that they failed to mount an effective offensive against the Songaskians, who had now taken most of the pearl cities and begun rebuilding the infrastructure of the old Sariyd Empire."
    (History section, paragraph 5)
  • Virtuoso removed. The word in description "virtuoso lifestyle" now meaning only that he is of musical nature.
That part of the songaskian page was near the very start of the Masaya's rise, and it has been over a century since Al-alus has consolidated.

But besides that one point, approve @OceanWolfie
Thanks, I think I just need to find where the timeline of all this happens lol Where is it in the wiki?
@FireFan96 needing to make the following changes:

  • Aging to 55 (adding +1 point to proficiency)

  • Historical Knowledge 6
  • Hunting Skills 5
  • Historical book on Farah'deen and Dragons

  • Elemental Magic 8 (Water- Elemental Intercept ) (Water- Elemental Orb)
  • Lightness Magic 4 (Burn The Unburned)
    He would learn these spells as a monk of Shambala over years, unlocking more of his innate water elemental sorcery abilities beside the World Flow of Water Songaskian Fair and High abilities he has.
I'm counting 38 points invested out of 60. Feel free to add some more points, or let me know if you are fine as is @OceanWolfie
you still have 10 free points to use, as hobby points are not counted in the total @OceanWolfie
I'm sorry. 15 unarmed, and 10 stave. Fixed.

plz kill me

sorry i just got off work and I'm tired
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Hello, I want to see about reapproving this application. I will be using this character again.
@OceanWolfie we have updated the character app to make it more streamlined going forwards. We've also updated the proficiency page along with racial abilities. Basically everything has changed, so I'll need you to update to the current format found here:

The plus side is that your initial concept may be viable now when it wasn't before, but before I determine if that's the case, update the app format and we'll go from there.
Sounds great, thanks for the direction.

I did have a question about Songaskia. I noticed the allowed skin type was changed to be a dark, melanin-rich tone. My character is more olive skinned. Will that be allowed? @FireFan96
Sounds great, thanks for the direction.

I did have a question about Songaskia. I noticed the allowed skin type was changed to be a dark, melanin-rich tone. My character is more olive skinned. Will that be allowed? @FireFan96
You'd have to jump to the Songaskia skin tones.

Alternatively, swap to Ailor and have every skin tone under the sun irl

Character Information

  • Full Name: Bazil Arra'tay (Sonder; Sonder The Song)
  • Race: Songaskian (truly Askia and Song Songaskia heritage)
  • Age: 27
  • Sex: Male
  • Gender: Identifies Male
  • Sexuality: Pansexual/Poly-flexible
  • Eye Color: Golden Amber
Core Concept
  • Sonder worships Shambala with all of his soul and is one of the few male monks of his hometown district's priesthood. He is intrigued by other races' religions and cultures, but will push his own agendas if the company he keeps is interested.
  • Sonder has travelled to Regalia to claim his own after dedicating his life to the monastery of Shambala. He performs music in praise of Shambala as well as his originals using his trusty gold-plated lute as a professional musician under the name Sonder The Song.
Proficiency Information
50 pts total
  • Shielding Combat 4 pts
  • Spear Combat 10 pts (+ 5 pts Racial) (includes quarterstaff weapon combat due to attachable spearhead)
  • Fist Combat 8 pts
  • Strength Training 3 pts
  • Bodycare Training 3 pts
  • Perception Training 5 pts
  • Instrument Art 3 pts (Hobby)
  • Vocal Singing 5 pts (Hobby)
  • Composition Art 3 pts (Hobby)

  • Physical Stat 27 pts
Ability Information
  • Sorcery:
    • Light Mend 2 (3 pts)
      Flavor: Character can heal others while submerging their surface wounds in water and holding their hands on the wounds. The healing is superficial and cleans and mends cuts, bruises and slashes, but does not cure internal damage or internal bleeding or broken bones. It also cannot re-attach lost body parts but takes only a few minutes and leaves behind no scars.
  • Aesthetic:
    • Elemental Control 1 (3 pts)
      (Include ability to re-direct the flow of water, allowing it to flow up objects, and even levitate in air and move it around with a slow flowing movement.)
  • Common (Free)
  • Sofaal (Parents/Shambala Monastery)
Appearance Information
  • Sonder has black slated dragon scales up his spine that spread out and disperse upward in an Y shape. Sonder also has hardened feet, hands and knuckles from martial arts training.
  • Muscular/Average Body Fat.
  • 6'5'' and weighing at about 220 pounds, Sonder has a strong core, arms and legs. His neck is quite thick as well. A healthy body with a high amount of dark-brown body hair along his chest and torso. He has short dark brown hair with golden tips that occasionally curl into small gold metal rings. He adorns his face and extremities with Tawhroon, gold skin paint made into intricate shapes and designs and one of his ears is pierced along the side and lobe with gold rings and chains that connect them.

    Visual Information (Expansion)

    • Visual Information:

      Extra Body Description-

      Multiple tattoos, an intricately made symbol of a manta ray with a sun in the inner part of the tattoo, to represent his achievement in becoming a masterful monk of Shambala.

    • Head Description-

      · He has a dark brown beard, which has highlights of gold and lighter brown throughout from being in the sun so much. His head drapes feathery wafts of hair that sways somewhat to the right, unless pulled back lazily with a ponytail, or braided intricately depending on the occasion.

      · Kaale has a masculine face that shows some signs of stress in the eyes ad forehead. He has a large brow region, a romantic nose, somewhat crooked. His cheekbones are defined, and his lips are… luscious, under all that face fur. These features usually makes most confuse his age as being older than he truly is.

      · His eyes are like a glowing sunset on the edge of a pearl city in Farah'deen, a deep glowing amber color . He has long, dark eyelashes. He employs a thoughtful and calm look in his eyes on a regular basis and the way his eyes glow seems to increase this intensity of thought. He has a minor scar going from just below his eye to to the brow. This was from a close call with some pale and unruly folk who ambushed him in Regalia when he first moved there. Luckily, he got away with his life and healed what he could

      Clothing and Accessories-

      -In his monk clothes, he wear a beautifully-sewn turquoise and gold shemagh, a dark sea green leather obi belt fastened to a turmeric-dyed silk pant. He has linen wraps on his arms, hands and his feet, complete with wooden sandals. There is a waterskin attached to his belt. For special occasions, he will wear a silk shirt, as to not be shirtless.
    • His voice has a (Persian IRL) accent to it, speaking with a deep and calm flowing tone, and he sometimes adjusts his voice to his best impression of an Ailor. When he feels others are fearful or uneasy of him, he will raise his pitch slightly to sound more friendly.
    • He speaks Sofaal (by his parents)
    • Common (by his parents) (and after becoming a missionary)
    -Personality and Abilities-
    (I chose to do both)

    The Question List
    • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
      • It is expressed in his hair that begins to glimmer more so, his smile widens, his body language expressing confidence. He will often eventually get close physically to those he is speaking with as if they're good friends, like putting an arm around them in comfort, if allowed.
    • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
      • He tries to remain calm and collected, even laughing in the face of fear, and try to rationalize the situation.
      • Under true fright, he will try to fight and remember that his draconic ancestors will guide him, though he can rationalize if it's so much a threat to fight or run.
    • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
      • He becomes quiet and reserved when faced with what he sees as a real threat. He would begin to have overwhelming thoughts as he overthinks everything and internalizes his emotions.
      • He simply wants peace with those who surround him. If they are not happy, what is he doing wrong to cause this? Is he not being a good enough friend. Did he miss something? A glare, an obvious sign of body language?
      • When he is simply stressed out or overworked on something, he will try to occupy his time with music, going off to a secluded area and working on music.
    • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
      • He knows there is a natural order to things, and will often follow the law, but does not let that completely determine how he lives his life. He'd rather choose by instinct and go with the flow.
    • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
      • He finds other creatures and Races interesting and if he has not met them, he will try to slyly enter himself in a conversation with them. He understands there is tension between his race and some Ailor and Qadir, but will treat them well and polite. There were more than just Songaskian living in the monastery, and he was taught to respect others until they no longer deserve the same.
    • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
      • He finds religion is important to him, especially his own culture's religion. Other religions intrigue him, though only for expansion of knowledge.
    • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
      • It is something he feels in himself, so it seems natural and beautiful to him.
    • How does your character feel towards their family?
      • He misses them dearly, especially his mother. They did not have other children after him, but his mother was 'starting to show' last that he saw her, when he was 8.
    • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
      • He has become an adept musician and has made a name for himself in his monastery as an asset for the Songaskia empire.
    • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
      • He believes he has survived enough for there not to be some greater purpose. He knows he will one day join his family with the Black Dragons.
    • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
      • Not being recognized as relevant or memorable to those he loves. He also feels hurt that his parents gave him away so young.
    • What is your character's biggest fear?
      • He will one day lose the ability to play music or sing or that his powers will fade. He fears he will never find love.
    The Core List
    • Choose your Character Alignment
      • Chaotic Good
    • Choose your Character Personality Type
      • INFP
    • Choose your Character's Religion
      • Shambala (8/10 Faith)
Life Story
  • Sonder was born by the name Bazil Arra'tay, and lived with his fishermen-merchant parents in a comfortable commoner life in Korbamkora on the breezy Farah'deen coast until the age of 8 years.

  • At the young age of 8, Sonder was moved to a monastery, the Shambala Monastery where he honed his skills in martial arts and channeling his magic abilities in controlling water.

  • Until the age of 24, Sonder travelled around Farah-deen, spreading the gospel of Shambala and building stronger relations with visiting foreigners.

  • At 25, Sonder moves to Regalia to spread the word of Shambala and make his own way as a musician.
Extended Life Story

·Sonder was born by the name Bazil Arra'tay , and lived with his fishermen-merchant parents in a comfortable commoner life in Korbamkora on the breezy Farah'deen coast until the age of 8 years. He learned bow fishing from his parents as well as how too play the lute until he left to the Shambala Monastery.

His mother's lineage crafted gourd lutes, a instrument of her Songaskian culture with her family's prowess in threadwork, creating silk and black iron strings that the instrument used. It is extremely resilient. Both parents of the family were brought up that singing of their people's history was an important part of keeping their culture alive through generations and celebrating the strides that Songaskians have made as a people. Bazil has grown up with these morals imprinted on him, encouraging him to take on a virtuoso lifestyle.

However, his parents saw something in him that made Bazil special. He possessed sorcery abilities from a young age, not strong or capable so young, but something that could be honed, so they decided it best to give him to the Shambala Monastery there.

After living in the monastery for 5 years and being accustomed to their ways, Bazil was given an intricate test that would decide his new Shambala name. He was given Sonder. He grew up there learning how to eventually master his sorcery and strengthen his physical and martial abilities. While living there, he became known for his natural musical talent, and gained the nickname Sonder The Song.

When he was 24, he was sent away to all parts of Farah'deen as a missionary to spread the good word of Shambala principles, philosophy and doctrine.

When he finished his mission, Sonder was given the choice to stay at the monastery or venture out. He decided to move to Regalia to strengthen ties with Regalian officials and citizens and share his music and religion with the world.


Oh glory oh glory oh glory on high

Oh sun that did so bless the world with light unfathomable

Those beings you gave life now sing you praise

Praise to your shining glory and your powerful children, who did shape the world

Fools were all to ignore them for so long, but glory upon their chosen children

May you emerge again to bless us with your holy light -

Oh glory oh glory oh glory on high, blessings to all faithful

Sunlight guide us
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just use the edit tool tool to post the wip on the op when complete
Ready @FireFan96

The original post has been switched out with the new version.
@OceanWolfie re-review:
  • Of the 50 points total, you have either 34 or 39 invested out of 50 (not sure if spear should be 15 or 10). You can keep it as is or add some more profs around.
  • physical stat rounds up, but it's not a big deal whether it's a decimal or whole number.
Feel free to address these two points and tag me when you're ready for re-approval
Thank you, @FireFan96

Are hobbies or abilities separate from the profs? I thought the following add up to 50 profs, plus the free 5 pts from racial. What is it that isn't included?

Proficiency Information
50 pts total
  • Shielding Combat 4 pts
  • Spear Combat 10 pts (+ 5 pts Racial) (includes quarterstaff weapon combat due to attachable spearhead)
  • Fist Combat 8 pts
  • Strength Training 3 pts
  • Bodycare Training 3 pts
  • Perception Training 5 pts
  • Instrument Art 3 pts (Hobby)
  • Vocal Singing 5 pts (Hobby)
  • Composition Art 3 pts (Hobby)
  • Physical Stat 26.5 pts
Ability Information
  • Sorcery:
    • Light Mend 2 (3 pts)
      Flavor: Character can heal others while submerging their surface wounds in water and holding their hands on the wounds. The healing is superficial and cleans and mends cuts, bruises and slashes, but does not cure internal damage or internal bleeding or broken bones. It also cannot re-attach lost body parts but takes only a few minutes and leaves behind no scars.
  • Aesthetic:
    • Elemental Control 1 (3 pts)
      (Include ability to re-direct the flow of water, allowing it to flow up objects, and even levitate in air and move it around with a slow flowing movement.)
Are hobbies or abilities separate from the profs?
The 10 free hobby points aren't part of the 50 core points. They exist only to ensure that you have at least 10 points in a hobby in case you spec into 50 combat profs, for example.

Based on my math, you have 35 points spent (discounting the +5 racial and 10 hobby), so you have 15 still free to spend
Thank you, sir. I appreciate your patience and help!