This relates only to people who I RP with, but who ever can read it if they feel like it.
• Combat RP has the potential to be extremely stressful and overwhelming for me. I prefer to only do it with people I'm friends with and either keep it light and funny or do it for story purposes, pointless boring fights are terrible to me. It also takes a very long time so, if you choose to attack me at random when I am mid-RP and have a time limit, don't take it personally if I /ignore you and go on about my business. I clean out my ignore list after a couple days and usually only like 3 people who i /really/ hate stay in it.
• I prefer not to do RP if I don't enjoy it. That's pretty simple imo. I also have certain things (call them triggers if you want
) I flat out refuse to RP at all. These are things that just emotionally affect me too much to RP, and I don't RP the aftermath of these either. Rarely, these situations are unavoidable, but I do everything possible to stay away from these because I'm not going to mentally torture myself doing something I should be enjoying.
• I bleep out my characters' cursing (and usually my own). Deal with it. You can still tell what I mean.
All of this unnecessary junk can be avoided if you talk to me OOC about it before you decide to try to randomly attack or torture one of my characters. Which you should be doing anyway. But if you end up with a /ignore from me, you successfully triggered me and if you want to talk to me, try again in a few days. No hard feelings. If you continue to try to do this, you might end up ignored permanently, that's just the way it is.
PS - Character development is one thing, but random pointless kidnappings and stuff is different.
This is not meant to be a debate on what is and isn't character development, it's just some stuff people need to know about me.
• Combat RP has the potential to be extremely stressful and overwhelming for me. I prefer to only do it with people I'm friends with and either keep it light and funny or do it for story purposes, pointless boring fights are terrible to me. It also takes a very long time so, if you choose to attack me at random when I am mid-RP and have a time limit, don't take it personally if I /ignore you and go on about my business. I clean out my ignore list after a couple days and usually only like 3 people who i /really/ hate stay in it.
• I prefer not to do RP if I don't enjoy it. That's pretty simple imo. I also have certain things (call them triggers if you want
• I bleep out my characters' cursing (and usually my own). Deal with it. You can still tell what I mean.
All of this unnecessary junk can be avoided if you talk to me OOC about it before you decide to try to randomly attack or torture one of my characters. Which you should be doing anyway. But if you end up with a /ignore from me, you successfully triggered me and if you want to talk to me, try again in a few days. No hard feelings. If you continue to try to do this, you might end up ignored permanently, that's just the way it is.
PS - Character development is one thing, but random pointless kidnappings and stuff is different.
This is not meant to be a debate on what is and isn't character development, it's just some stuff people need to know about me.