Archived Some Pvp Suggestions

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Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
PvP at the current moment is overall pretty good, but there are a few minor tweaks that can be made that I think almost all of the player community can agree on.

Axe Damage:
Right now, while sword damage is fairly even, axes are insanely buffed. It is currently possible to three shot someone, and do insane damage with an axe. This makes PvP not nearly as enjoyable as it should be, when people are three-shotting people and doing crazy high damage.

Skull Split/Serrated Strikes
While axes are doing crazy amounts of damage, skull split is left behind doing almost no damage what so ever. These area of effect strikes are not doing any damage, literally they don't do any damage. I think they should be as they were before, doing fairly high amounts of damage, making it possible for people to fight against large crowds when severely outnumbered. This makes strategy more of a factor, and doesn't automatically make the ones who have more people win.

Food right now I think really needs to be changed. It is almost impossible to PvP without feedalways on. This is a minor thing that could go either way, but I believe if there is a way to fix it, hunger bars should not drop down from 10-3 in under 30 seconds when pvping.

I am open to constructive criticism. Thank you for reading!
@Sevak @Herecy @Argyll @onearmsquid @Tokugawryuu @ViolentViolette @Neckerei @Wolfrain @Catacus @Bond1337 @Sarinex @Shaneski101 @Gethelp
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Due to our inferior numbers when getting raided most of the time, the axe damage makes it impossible for us to fight as we basically instadrop, I had a recent situation where my health dropped so fast that I couldn't heal fast enough to keep up. Axes are also so glitched that raids happen with regular axes now, making pvp pointless and losing all of its fun for me at least. Happy someone finally made a post, hoping the staff actually look into this
Food right now I think really needs to be changed. It is almost impossible to PvP without feedalways on. This is a minor thing that could go either way, but I believe if there is a way to fix it, hunger bars should not drop down from 10-3 in under 30 seconds when pvping.

One thing that was changed in 1.9 is how you regen hearts based on saturation. I may not be a PvPer, but I think eating golden carrots is the best way to stay full while regening fast
It still will drain insanely fast
tru :/

I just read through it, and I think the issue is that you lose hunger when taking damage and while naturally regenerating. No wonder why you PvPers have this issue. Literally everything you do is going to lower hunger.

I assume this is because ideally you guys would have cooldowns between attacks in order to heal up. But this is Massive, and this doesn't exist.

Thanks for making this post, cuz this gave me more insight on things that need a little more balancing.
I believe that the axe damage is insanely broke, we have tested this a couple nights ago and you can use a regular stone axe and it will do nearly the same about of damage as a God axe. This, I understand, is probably being fixed as we talk about it now but just clarifying it is not just diamond axes that do incredible amounts of damage.

I also believe that the skull split needs to be buffed up, maybe not as much as before but perhaps half the amount of damage you would do if you were actually hitting someone.

There is currently no way to have a "tank" trait build anymore and I think that should be looked into. Everyone knows the basic PvP builds on any game, Tanks, DPS, and Support. We have the DPS and the Support but we are lacking the Tank builds. Yes absorption trait was a bit OP but maybe add a different tanking trait. Maybe a resistance trait that adds the potion effect resistance.
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I believe that the axe damage is insanely broke, we have tested this a couple nights ago and you can use a regular stone axe and it will do nearly the same about of damage as a God axe. This, I understand, is probably being fixed as we talk about it now but just clarifying it is not just diamond axes that do incredible amounts of damage.

I also believe that the skull split needs to be buffed up, maybe not as much as before but perhaps half the amount of damage you would do if you were actually hitting someone.

There is currently no way to have a "tank" trait build anymore and I think that should be looked into. Everyone knows the basic PvP builds on any game, Tanks, DPS, and Support. We have the DPS and the Support but we are lacking the Tank builds. Yes absorption trait was a bit OP but maybe add a different tanking trait. Maybe a resistance trait that adds the potion effect resistance.
Js, the yellow is really hard to read :P
I agree with Thor
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