Archived Some Possible Features For The Future Of Massivecraft.

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Nov 18, 2012
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I know many of you probably read the title of the thread thinking, "oh god the forums already being bombarded by new server feature ideas" however I think these features are for the good and would add a bit of spice to everyones Massivecraft Experience.

1. The lore items could be improved, for example adding beacon effects (if possible) such as haste on a special Dwarvern pickaxe or even resistance on a special undead chest plate; obtainable by doing quests or whatever. I like the idea of having enchants on lore items, that are not possible to get in survival mode for example Protection V, Unbreaking V ect. But the boots I got yesterday for completing the winter parkour made me feel ripped off after all them hours of trying to get up.

2. Possible staff that only deal with pvp issues; the amount of times that i've seen people complaining about hacks and staff members not doing anything about it, has been ridiculous. So possibly members of staff who were specialised for dealing with these issues would resolve this. I know its hard to actually tell if someone is hacking but I'm sure if they were watched for a while they would get caught out.

3. I hope this isn't an advertisement, but I've been playing Mega walls on a large server and, oh my lord is that game good. I was hoping if this could be a new addition to the mini-games hub, I'm sure it would be a cool addition.

Anyways, please give me feedback (as I'm sure you will), but I've had these ideas in mine for a while now and I've just had to get them out there.

Addon: Pvp Staff would have the privileges of being vanished and being able to teleport to the crime scene, however they would not be able to ban or kick etc, they would have to show the evidence to a higher member of authority.
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I'm pretty sure these all have been suggested and turned down.
1. You can get efficiency on pick axes or speed pots if you want to move faster. The winter parkour was a derp quest, you get a derp item.
2. This would not work, staff can't see every thing (except gethelp the all seer) they will cuase my fights than solve them. Like yo said it is hard to tell if someone is hacking.
3. This is not a minigame server.
1. I do partially agree. Although it should be nothing OP, lore items are relatively useless at the moment other than staring at them or selling them.

2. I was working on a similar idea to this. My idea was quite similar, that specialized game staff who know pvp would handle every pvp-related issue, so people can't go and complain the staff didn't know what they were looking at, and they know who to take pvp issues to.

3.I don't see the problem in adding this. Other than siege (And castles to some degree) minigames are just not as played as they could be. I think the addition of a few minigames with good quality could really make the minigame aspect of Massivecraft shine. Some of the most fun I have had was in minigames with a large group on teamspeak, so I will defiantly be bringing mini-game related suggestions to the forums at some point.

Overall, +1 support from me
I'm sticking to my previous statement, this is not a minigame server.
Minigames are a part of Massivecraft. Sure, it is not the main focus, but well developed mini games are a lot of fun. That being said, I do not see the harm in adding some well made minigames.
Minigames are a part of Massivecraft. Sure, it is not the main focus, but well developed mini games are a lot of fun. That being said, I do not see the harm in adding some well made minigames.
Yeah that I do agree with, but if walls is what I think it is it would need a constant stream of players to make it playable.
Yeah that I do agree with, but if walls is what I think it is it would need a constant stream of players to make it playable.

๖ۣۜThen again, so do the CTF maps. All someone does is call in global for some friends to join and here they all are, you are bound to at least get someone interested in playing.

Also, up to Qeusk's idea,
+1 Support
1. I do partially agree. Although it should be nothing OP, lore items are relatively useless at the moment other than staring at them or selling them.

2. I was working on a similar idea to this. My idea was quite similar, that specialized game staff who know pvp would handle every pvp-related issue, so people can't go and complain the staff didn't know what they were looking at, and they know who to take pvp issues to.

3.I don't see the problem in adding this. Other than siege (And castles to some degree) minigames are just not as played as they could be. I think the addition of a few minigames with good quality could really make the minigame aspect of Massivecraft shine. Some of the most fun I have had was in minigames with a large group on teamspeak, so I will defiantly be bringing mini-game related suggestions to the forums at some point.

Overall, +1 support from me

While I feel that it is a good idea, many extremely successful pvpers are disliked. Be it poor PR or just plain tall poppy syndrome, the reputation of highly regarded PVPers is a contentious one. Not only that, but pvp is a very cutthroat aspect, and it doesn't lend itself well to a professional environment, in my opinion.
I'm on the fence with the idea of lore items being useful. Most lore items aren't valuable because they can be used to devastating effect in pvp, but rather because they are rare or have some enchantment that isn't possible to put on them (like my two leather chestplates with silk touch and lables). While I do think that the enchants should be improved, they should always be attainable through the normal game, with only a description (like on SilverEdge armor) setting it especially apart from normal items.

I like the idea of PVP-specific staff members who knows the rules for MassiveCraft pvp and can determine hacks with relative ease. The public image issues would need to be worked on, but that can be done with time (as has been proven before in many instances).

I do not know what "Walls" is, but if people will play it in their spare time than why not? It *shouldn't* take that much effort to build and maintain right?
Can you guys tell me why you disagree, are you saying massive is a minigame server?
Billy Rage MassiveCraft is a server that wishes to provide to all demographics in minecraft. Though we haven't fully branched away from our RP focus, we definitely intend to keep with our desire to provide to each group. This can definitely be seen with our latest crusade for questing.
Billy Rage MassiveCraft is a server that wishes to provide to all demographics in minecraft. Though we haven't fully branched away from our RP focus, we definitely intend to keep with our desire to provide to each group. This can definitely be seen with our latest crusade for questing.
Thy is true and makes sense, but some minigame a won't work, such as walls. This is due to its large demand of players and it needs to be on a timer to start at said time so said numbers players need to be present, unless they add a waiting list for players so they can muck around in the medieval server while the minigame begins.
I'm pretty sure these all have been suggested and turned down.
1. You can get efficiency on pick axes or speed pots if you want to move faster. The winter parkour was a derp quest, you get a derp item.
2. This would not work, staff can't see every thing (except gethelp the all seer) they will cuase my fights than solve them. Like yo said it is hard to tell if someone is hacking.
3. This is not a minigame server.
"This server" has a world in it's multiverse hub dedicated to minigames. There is a warp to the minigames world and the server ackowledges its minigame focus in the minigame world.
I can also direct you to the official server website that clearly states the following:

Future plans and ambitions?

Our main future goal is quite simply formulated, to become the biggest and most popular Minecraft community and server in existance. We want to be able to offer everyone any form of entertainment they could look for on Minecraft.
This can be seen in our desire to expand further into the Minigame universe, including game modes such as skyblock, hunger games and many more. Not only the Minigame universe will be expanded. We are looking forward to adding creative building opportunities, expanding to more roleplay settings and different grades of roleplay strictness to appeal to more target groups.

I have put particular phrases in bold and underlined to make it clear.
So evidently there is a place for minigames on Massivecraft, and massivecraft is a server that has a focus on minigames as well as other areas.
I have no idea about how the server would go about implementing walls, whether it requires an external plugin or not, etc. Though if they plan to have games like 'hunger games' I'm sure there is a way to make such minigames work.
1. I do partially agree. Although it should be nothing OP, lore items are relatively useless at the moment other than staring at them or selling them.

Sorry for the late replies anyways, yeah I guess it came out slightly wrong, What I would like to see is lore items that feel really precious and a real game booster; Ill use the Dwarvern pickaxe with haste example again. Beacon effects are not possible to get in massivecraft, and this could possibly be a way to implement them, but if the whole point of disabling beacons, was to stay away from the beacon effects its fine by me.

Thanks for the support.
Billy Rage Qeusk

Walls only requires 16 players, and believe me- there have been more than 20 people in Siege at once. A ton of people would play Walls. Also, there is already sort of a waiting room in Siege.

#1 is a good idea. I'd definitely like to see boots that give the Jump Boost effect when worn/held, or a stone slab (shield) that gives resistance when held. By the way, both of those things are possible with NBT editor.

#2 is a bit pointless, in my opinion. It's impossible to get a team of staff members who can always spot a hacker.

As for #3, I have several ideas of my own. The Walls is a GREAT idea. However, since people wouldn't be able to join in the middle of the game, I suggest adding special waiting rooms with parkour and mazes. In addition, I think players should be allowed to submit minigames/maps. In fact, they could revamp minigames by putting people in a minigame lobby and having them vote on a map. Come on, now! I know I'm not the only one who wants more Siege maps. Perhaps a map submission forum could be set up?

Mega walls Is like a mixture of "Walls" and "Capture the flag" if you like, but the aim of the game is to kill all the other teams withers, when the wither dies for the team, the team can no longer respawn, upon death.
This game requires at least 20 people to join so 5 on every team.

Ah I didn't think of that idea of a special stone slab giving you resistance like a shield good idea.

And as gridiron1024 said not many people even know who to report hackers to and even when they do very little action is taken, specialised pvp staff would actually focus on the issue and get it resolved asap.
I do not know what "Walls" is, but if people will play it in their spare time than why not? It *shouldn't* take that much effort to build and maintain right?

Nah, thats the thing with walls the map dosen't have to be HUGE I'm guessing dark room size 200 by 200 would be enough for quick little games.
I can not take your post serious, having all caps does not make a strong argument. Also if you read my other posts you would not have posted this one.
I can not take your post serious, having all caps does not make a strong argument. Also if you read my other posts you would not have posted this one.
Ah look, i read all what is important to me, caps for me is the important argument not making it stronger, GET USED TO IT. Got it? Its not enforcing it's showing out what is important... Im not flaming against anyone
Ah look, i read all what is important to me, caps for me is the important argument not making it stronger, GET USED TO IT. Got it? Its not enforcing it's showing out what is important... Im not flaming against anyone
Well, when you make a whole post with caps the importance is diluted, now I do not wish to flame so I a trying to keep this civil.
Well, when you make a whole post with caps the importance is diluted, now I do not wish to flame so I a trying to keep this civil.
I agree that jemo isn't civil, but your point about this not being a minigames server is still mostly incorrect, it makes no sense that Massive can't incorporate fun minigames into the server for players to enjoy
I agree that jemo isn't civil, but your point about this not being a minigames server is still mostly incorrect, it makes no sense that Massive can't incorporate fun minigames into the server for players to enjoy
I guess my posts are not as clear as I thoughy. I am not against adding more minigames, but I do believe large minigames such as walls would be hard due to the lack of interest. I do understand that people are interested but, the amount of times I see PVP a at Aqua, join plzzzz!!11!! Makes me believe that this will occurs with the minigames being added.
"try to keep it civil" This is a game, have fun... I'm not at the queen of brittain right here...
Obviously, but yes this is a game, but every games has rules. One is don't flame, so I will not cuase a fight.
Okay guys stop this nonsense right now.
Lets get back to the main topic of this thread...

If there's a minigames overhaul, which would be needed for the Walls/Mega Walls, then I think anyone should be allowed to build maps in single player and post the map downloads to a forum for review by a world staff member. It would be really cool if we could build the minigame maps ourselves.

I don't see why not tom however, i'm not sure if staff would allow members to build maps unsupervised, they may hide cheaty things in chests with cheaty gear in so, I'm not sure that this would be an option.
Hut what if they place those cheaty chesr Sith cheaty gear on a very cheaty and super secret place that only the maker andere vis friends knows?
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