Archived Some Massivemobs Suggestions.

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Shadow of Hisoka
Dec 19, 2013
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I take it that MassiveMobs was created to make surviving the night in MassiveCraft even harder. I'm not a good PvPer, so I can't say for everyone, but I'm always glad to see the sun coming back now. :P

I think it could be even harder though. I'm not a programmer, so I don't know what things are and aren't impossible, so I'm sorry if this is too much.

Basically every idea here is for mini-bosses, but some could be included with low respawn rate to keep the game fair, but still hard for those wanting a challenge.


mobs riding horses-> undead chevaliers. Basically zombies and skeletons riding horses. They would have great speed, and jump higher than normal mobs, as horses can jump two blocks high. As these are kind of OP, they could be considered mini-bosses.

mobs riding other mobs-> I think that some mini-bosses could be made by making a mob ride another one, like an undead engineer riding an iron golem, or witches riding zombies. The first idea can be easily seen, as an engineer could make changes to a golem, leaving it under it's control. The second one could be a witch using potions to control zombies. These would be her minions, and the zombie she is riding could be tweaked with MPM to look bigger(if this is actually possible.)

ability to use blocks-> (This was criticized by some people, and I see what their point is now. I remade this one almost completely, so I hope the new idea has good feedback.)

I've seen many people talk about how outposts are rarely seen around the world and that gave me an idea. What if mobs could make outposts, like dungeons and stuff? The idea is that mobs are able to build pre-designed structures in a limited area.

The area would be just like a faction claim, but wouldn't appear in the map, like Zulgroth Castle. It would work just like it as well, with players being unnable to break blocks inside. This could make dungeon hunting a really nice feature, with dungeons moving from place to place from time to time(a dungeon that everyone knows about would be boring). All mods would need to do is restore the area of the former dungeon and set a new region for the mobs to build the new one.

Dungeons with traps, monsters, and good loot(mobs would store ores and weapons inside chests placed in the dungeons) are something I really would like to find laying around.

vampire mobs-> (This idea was introduced later, as I didn't remember it when I first made the post.)

One thing that bothers me is that there's no risk of getting vampirism in the wilderness. Vampires should be roaming free during the night, looking for prey and attacking the innocent. The idea is to add a mob(probably witches, as their skin looks a little vampiric and their spawn rate isn't really high) that has a chance of infecting players with vampirism.

They could be made into mini-bosses as well, to make sure a player knows if he wants to fight them or not, as the infection chance would be high. They would have the jump boost like normal vampires, and maybe regain health instead of hunger. Custom chat could include "I thirst for blood." and conceited stuff like "You think you can beat me puny human?".

The hard part is that they would have the weakness to wood, so making a mini-boss that dies with a few hits would be troublesome. I will wait for feedback on this before I go deeper into it. :P

As always, thanks for taking your time to read this. :)
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The first two sound interesting and I wouldn't mind having them implemented into the game, however the last one just seems a bit too much. Griefing mobs are a big no, creeper explosions and endermen picking up blocks are already turned off for a reason.
Some feedback would be nice @JakeTheNerd. Please say what you don't like and I'll try working on it. .-.
The first two ideas are nice, but the last one is a definite no... Endermen's stealing of blocks and creeper's blowing up of blocks were disabled for a reason. Not to mention MassiveMobs is already OP as it is.
I have capd swords and a god sword with god armor and my friend has the same, yet when we fight right outside of Fenderfall spawn they can absolutely butcher us after about six waves. If they could build up to us, break into our faction, or break into our safe rooms in our darkrooms we'd have a huge problem. Not to mention it would add grief to the landscape if they could build, and a lot of player complaints would surface do to mobs camping their f-home or their wilderness house and bed... I suggest you refine the third suggestion because it's far to risky and would most likely end in a lot of complaints if actually implemented.
Now the first two ideas I actually like, and it shouldn't be impossible seeing as they got Xau's (Thats my nickname for the Massivemobs demon.) soldiers to ride cave spiders, but I think it should be a rare find seeing as the current mobs are already overwhelming. I mean... fighting hordes of mobs riding on larger more powerful mobs? Yeah that would butcher a lot of people if such a thing were a regular spawn.
So over all, I think you need to refine some of your ideas and make them less risky. They have good potential but in the current way they are stated it could cause a lot of problems if implemented.
(Sorry for wording mistakes and grammar mistakes)
The first two ideas are nice, but the last one is a definite no... Endermen's stealing of blocks and creeper's blowing up of blocks were disabled for a reason. Not to mention MassiveMobs is already OP as it is.
I have capd swords and a god sword with god armor and my friend has the same, yet when we fight right outside of Fenderfall spawn they can absolutely butcher us after about six waves. If they could build up to us, break into our faction, or break into our safe rooms in our darkrooms we'd have a huge problem. Not to mention it would add grief to the landscape if they could build, and a lot of player complaints would surface do to mobs camping their f-home or their wilderness house and bed... I suggest you refine the third suggestion because it's far to risky and would most likely end in a lot of complaints if actually implemented.
Now the first two ideas I actually like, and it shouldn't be impossible seeing as they got Xau's (Thats my nickname for the Massivemobs demon.) soldiers to ride cave spiders, but I think it should be a rare find seeing as the current mobs are already overwhelming. I mean... fighting hordes of mobs riding on larger more powerful mobs? Yeah that would butcher a lot of people if such a thing were a regular spawn.
So over all, I think you need to refine some of your ideas and make them less risky. They have good potential but in the current way they are stated it could cause a lot of problems if implemented.
(Sorry for wording mistakes and grammar mistakes)
Nah, there were none I could find. Thanks a lot for the reply, as now I see how OP the suggestion is, and will make some edits to it.
Edits were made to avoid the idea of grief on the third suggestion. I hope the new one is better. :)
From what I understand, the first two are completely possible and not too hard to do. (As Far As I Know) Mobs riding other mobs is not too hard, Mobs riding horses, and being able to control them, is much harder.
Most of this is my personal opinion but I think that mobs riding other mobs would make massive mobs stronger than they already are. They are enough trouble for a lot of people as it is. I don't like the idea of the mobs editing terrain because players cause enough damage to the world right now. I would hate to have to clean up after the mobs after every single night.

The horse idea I like, but I'm pretty sure that having the horses have hostility towards the players so that the mob could get near them would have to edit the horse's entire AI which could be very difficult and probably result in quite a few issues.

Also the answer about the mobs sizes being editable is that some can be changed. Mobs like zombies, zombie pigmen, villagers, and all passive mobs (besides bat and squid) have different sizes depending on their age value. Horses are the only mob that have multiple sizes that are effected by age. Slimes and magma cubes have a size value that determines their size. They will only spawn with three different sizes naturally, but can be set to higher(but not lower) sizes by editing their NBT data.

Hope that some of this helps
Most of this is my personal opinion but I think that mobs riding other mobs would make massive mobs stronger than they already are. They are enough trouble for a lot of people as it is. I don't like the idea of the mobs editing terrain because players cause enough damage to the world right now. I would hate to have to clean up after the mobs after every single night.
I made little edits to the suggestion, stating that they could be added as mini-bosses due to their OP abilities. I also edited my third suggestion, as I realize the mistake I made. I would you like your opinion on the new one. :)

The horse idea I like, but I'm pretty sure that having the horses have hostility towards the players so that the mob could get near them would have to edit the horse's entire AI which could be very difficult and probably result in quite a few issues.
I was thinking about leaving only zombie and skeleton horses hostile, but as you said, there could be issues. As premiums are able to create those, maybe some changes to the way they are created could be made. I don't know how difficult chnaging their AI would be though.

Also the answer about the mobs sizes being editable is that some can be changed. Mobs like zombies, zombie pigmen, villagers, and all passive mobs (besides bat and squid) have different sizes depending on their age value. Horses are the only mob that have multiple sizes that are effected by age. Slimes and magma cubes have a size value that determines their size. They will only spawn with three different sizes naturally, but can be set to higher(but not lower) sizes by editing their NBT data.
This is really informative. I thought this could be worked on with MPM, but the issue would be that only players with the patched client would see the shape of the tweaked mobs. I'll make some edits to the suggestion again.

Hope that some of this helps
It helped a lot. Thanks. :)
I have an outpost in Fendarfell...the mobs leave me alone and me them.
What if the mobs could claim (save) then edit and inhabit that spot for a few days and then (load) and move the pact somewhere else to restart the process of moving their base (basically a moving dungeon)
OR! (still a moving dungeon but)
Even better would be they remain where they are until a player or players defeated the dungeon.
The dungeon would disappear leaving the land back as it was before the mobs came.
This would not even be that bad if they claimed right next to a faction because it would leave some RP fun and excitement for the faction could try and take on the en-devour themselves or hire adventurers or mercenaries to eradicate the dungeon.
I have an outpost in Fendarfell...the mobs leave me alone and me them.
I know that player built outposts exist, but I would like to see more things like dungeons and bandit camps laying around the worlds. .-.
What if the mobs could claim (save) then edit and inhabit that spot for a few days and then (load) and move the pact somewhere else to restart the process of moving their base (basically a moving dungeon)
OR! (still a moving dungeon but)
Even better would be they remain where they are until a player or players defeated the dungeon.
The dungeon would disappear leaving the land back as it was before the mobs came.
This would not even be that bad if they claimed right next to a faction because it would leave some RP fun and excitement for the faction could try and take on the en-devour themselves or hire adventurers or mercenaries to eradicate the dungeon.
This isn't a bad idea at all, but the idea of claiming would be a little bad in my opinion. I suggested that the terrain isn't claimed so it doesn't show in the dynamic map. It would completely kill the fun of looking for dungeons.

Dungeons created near factions can be a thing, but claiming land near one could disturb it a lot and make the plugin get bad feedback from faction owners. I suggested that mods choose the area the outposts are created so the mobs don't cause trouble to people that build structures in the wilderness, as they don't have enough money to make a faction. With mods making sure the land isn't used by anyone, the mobs wouldn't be able to cause any grief in my opinion.

I would like to bring attention to this part though.
Even better would be they remain where they are until a player or players defeated the dungeon.
The dungeon would disappear leaving the land back as it was before the mobs came.
I thought about making dungeons include some sort of redstone system, making players activate pressure plates when entering rooms with loot. This could lead to pistoms opening a way for a beacon's light to go through, making mods see that the dungeon was cleared and a new one is required.

I would like that mobs are the ones responsible for building the dungeons, so even the mods could have fun with them, as they don't know what the mobs built, nor where(I mean traps and rooms), but making mobs build pre-made redstone systems may be something really complicated. I'm not sure if this is possible, but making it real would be awesome.
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