Hiya! So, as you probably know, Regalia V2 was released recently. This thread is not just in regards to that, but also in general. Whenever an event is hold, some new world is released, or something is renovated. This regards all of this. And, this applies to you. Anyway, let me get to the point- the Staff work so hard on this server. For years now, I've seen so many staff putting hours into this server, when they really do not have to. They could log off one day and then never even come back! Every single staff member puts in their own efforts to better MassiveCraft every single day, and, some of you, don't even care.
You're probably like "Kk, get to the point." So, here's the point. Today, I was in Regalia V2, oggling at all the pretty architecture. Which, I could never create. And, I heard people complaining and saying things about 'nothing being labeled' and lag, etc. etc. This happens a lot. Nothing is ever right with some people. I think many people are blind when they complain about things like this, but it's not hard to open your eyes. I wouldn't know, but if I put hours into something, and all someone told me was 'But, that thing, I do not like it,' I would most likely not feel very good. So, instead of nitpicking things and complaining about the tiny details, be happy! Thank someone! Show your gratitude!
Sometimes, when people complain about tiny things like that, they could never achieve what it is they're judging and nitpicking. So, all I'm asking, is to open your eyes a bit! Even if this doesn't apply to you, if you see someone doing it, just give 'em a lil nudge in the right direction. I'm sure everyone would like it if MassiveCraft was a friendlier community! It's not hard if you put some effort into it and look at the brighter sides of things!
You're probably like "Kk, get to the point." So, here's the point. Today, I was in Regalia V2, oggling at all the pretty architecture. Which, I could never create. And, I heard people complaining and saying things about 'nothing being labeled' and lag, etc. etc. This happens a lot. Nothing is ever right with some people. I think many people are blind when they complain about things like this, but it's not hard to open your eyes. I wouldn't know, but if I put hours into something, and all someone told me was 'But, that thing, I do not like it,' I would most likely not feel very good. So, instead of nitpicking things and complaining about the tiny details, be happy! Thank someone! Show your gratitude!
Sometimes, when people complain about tiny things like that, they could never achieve what it is they're judging and nitpicking. So, all I'm asking, is to open your eyes a bit! Even if this doesn't apply to you, if you see someone doing it, just give 'em a lil nudge in the right direction. I'm sure everyone would like it if MassiveCraft was a friendlier community! It's not hard if you put some effort into it and look at the brighter sides of things!