Archived Some Ideas+suggestions

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S A D B O Y S 
Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Bunch of ideas+suggestions I've had over the past month


• Fly traits are very powerful and low costing at only 50 points
If possible, offer two tiers with the second being significantly more costly and faster than the first tier

• Strike traits should cost more than revenge traits
• Weakness and stun too costly while a much more effective trait (arguably) like slowness is lower costing and longer lasting
• Starve seems to be much weaker than the other +50 abilities
• Harmstrike is incredibly weak. The 2 hearts of damage is without taking into account armor which heavily reduces the usefulness

• Buff unholy given how hard of a counter holy is to it and that holy water can be used by anyone

• +40 for HealAlways, Healwater, Healvegitation and Heallight despite HealAlways being much more useful

• HarmImmune doesn't prevent damage from harm pots

• Strength boost under situations. I.e: In water, at night, during day, etc.
• FireStrike trait that cant be put out by water (Not sure of the possibility)
• Lumberjack trait & Miner trait (Similar to how Harvester works. Also Harvester isn't listed in any category, just the main list)
• Call down a lightning bolt or attacks have a %chance to hit the target with a lightning bolt
Perhaps require some item like fire charges with the fireball traits
- More magic related traits in general would be interesting​
• Trait that is able to detect when riding a horse (or pig:D) and provides some bonuses to damage or something like that
- Also a trait to boost the health of your horses would make them much more viable​
• Traits which impact your wolves or cats
• Traits that provide biome-specific bonuses. For example: Desert Nomad trait provides the water drinker trait at a much lower cost but only when in desert
• When enchanting you have a chance to keep a % of the xp you spent
• Healer Trait - Think yanar back in the day

Side notes on Traits:
• Time to change traits should be increased. 30seconds/3 minutes if you took damage takes away from using set builds when you can change so fast.
•Provide a section on the forums for people to discuss different trait builds
• Remove toggle-ability of absorptionII
• This is also a pretty legit idea:

Premium Features
•Create 'Parties' -
Essentially just private chat channels between people who aren't necessarily allies/faction members/etc.

•Ability to craft/obtain cosmetic and meta id items.

•Premium only Quests

• Multiple character card profiles (As suggested by @Artemis_Hanzo )

Suggested Changes:

•Improve AI
Mobs auto-agro
Return to set position rather than over extending​

•Sense of Progression vs. Chaotic Battles
Both are gucci but provide different styles of enjoyment
Perhaps create dungeons in which the player must progress past monsters who don't provide much loot in order to reach the final boss and treasure room
•Connect PvE to Quest Plugin
Create quests in which the player is sent on a quest to kill some boss
Ensure that the player can only do the quest once
((Also some sort of quest log to keep track which you've completed would be pretty cool))
•Connect PvE to Lore
Was done during the mekket hive event.
Brings together roleplayers and pvpers ((lol who am I kidding))
Adds more interest and depth to the events
•Automate the Events more
Maybe create it so you /spawn demon_lord and have the npc have all the proper gear rather than having to go thru the process of creating npcs, armor, weapons, etc. Seems like it takes a lot of time at the moment during which people get mad angsty
•Create Randomly Spawning Events
If 'x' players are within an area perhaps they get a message of a battle near them that they can go and assist. This could be anything from a few bandits, to an entire invasion of void demons depending on the number of players in that area
Overall, a lot of potential with PvE aspect of the server with events ranging from defending against the void, to raiding a mekket hive, to much more in the future I am sure. Personally, these events have been extremely fun and challenging, perhaps even more so than conventional PvP. Based on the reaction from the player base, these events have done exceptionally well at creating a level of buzz and hype that I haven't seen in a long time (Y)

• Add a kill counter
• Add leaderboards for overall wins+kills
• Create more arenas like Siege
• Change the classes in siege adding enchants and potions into the mix

-Leave your thoughts below
versace versace medusa head on me like i'm illuminati
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Add profiles for Char Cards like two or three set profiles.
Some of these are good. Others aren't, and some are not EULA compliant. If I haven't given a reason for what I say now within 24 hours. Poke me.
• Buff unholy given how hard of a counter holy is to it and that holy water can be used by anyone

Only one I disagree with. You want the 75 extra points to get buffs, you gotta take the risk.
Very well thought out bsavs I like them. However for the fly perk don't know if this is possible but for the sake of pvp perhaps when you enter pvp you are unable to fly for three min or some other set time to prevent pvp shenanigans with flying.
Bunch of ideas+suggestions I've had over the past month


• Fly traits are very powerful and low costing at only 50 points
If possible, offer two tiers with the second being significantly more costly and faster than the first tier

versace versace medusa head on me like i'm illuminati
Not hat bad idea actually. Two different tiers for the fly traits would actually be useful.
@Zero_00 He doesn't think people should fly. Rather changing the current Fly traits. (that is how i understand it.)

Bunch of ideas+suggestions I've had over the past month

• Strike traits should cost more than revenge traits
• Weakness and stun too costly while a much more effective trait (arguably) like slowness is lower costing and longer lasting
• Starve seems to be much weaker than the other +50 abilities

Strikes should cost more than revenge. WHY? It just depends on if you get hit more than you hit others.
Weaksness and stun too costly. I don't know enough to comment on this subject.
Does starvestrike cost 50 points. That is a bit too much.

Bunch of ideas+suggestions I've had over the past month

• Buff unholy given how hard of a counter holy is to it and that holy water can be used by anyone

versace versace medusa head on me like i'm illuminati
I will have to agree with @Terrariauk

Bunch of ideas+suggestions I've had over the past month

• +40 for HealAlways, Healwater, Healvegitation and Heallight despite HealAlways being much more useful

versace versace medusa head on me like i'm illuminati
You can have several healtraits. So if you want to have more than one you have to pay.

Bunch of ideas+suggestions I've had over the past month

• Strength boost under situations. I.e: In water, at night, during day, etc.
• FireStrike trait that cant be put out by water (Not sure of the possibility)
• Lumberjack trait & Miner trait (Similar to how Harvester works. Also Harvester isn't listed in any category, just the main list)
• Call down a lightning bolt or attacks have a %chance to hit the target with a lightning bolt
Perhaps require some item like fire charges with the fireball traits
- More magic related traits in general would be interesting​
• Friend of the Wilderness - Passive mobs follow you as if you were holding wheat (Not sure of the possibility)
• Trait that is able to detect when riding a horse (or pig:D) and provides some bonuses to damage or something like that
• Traits which impact your wolves or cats
• Traits that provide biome-specific bonuses. For example: Desert Nomad trait provides the water drinker trait at a much lower cost but only when in desert
• When enchanting you have a chance to keep a % of the xp you spent
• Healer Trait - Think yanar back in the day

versace versace medusa head on me like i'm illuminati
Strength boost. I agree about different traits that require special conditions. This sounds cool.
FireStrike, what about poison or wither? Almost the same. But sounds cool
Lumberjack. That had a bug so should not be re-enabled.
Miner trait. Most people will just enable it when they are mining. Which means more items which means deflation. So no
Lignting bolt. YES
Firend of Wilderness. I think they already do so
Riding horse traits. Sounds cool
Wolf and cat traits. Be more specific
Biome specific bonuses. Yea
Enchanting things. sounds cool, and i guess most people won't wait 5 minutes to enable it, when enchanting. So they should have to use it all the time when darkrooming.
Healer trait. I am unsure.

This was the traits, more to come
versace versace medusa head on me like i'm illuminati

•Connect PvE to Lore
Was done during the mekket hive event.
Brings together roleplayers and pvpers ((lol who am I kidding))
Adds more interest and depth to the events
•Automate the Events more
Maybe create it so you /spawn demon_lord and have the npc have all the proper gear rather than having to go thru the process of creating npcs, armor, weapons, etc. Seems like it takes a lot of time at the moment during which people get mad angsty
•Create Randomly Spawning Events
If 'x' players are within an area perhaps they get a message of a battle near them that they can go and assist. This could be anything from a few bandits, to an entire invasion of void demons depending on the number of players in that area​
I've been on a server (it was closed due to Eula so I'm allowed to mention it) that had a quest system like this. The problem is, that with so many quests, there ends up being a large item surge due to mob drops and quest rewards.
Last time I checked, the economy needed a decrease in supply using item sinks, not an increase using quest goodies. And until I see any updates by staff that show them actually working on fixing the economy, I see no point in making it worse.
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The strength was going to be added and it glitched a lot for some odd reason. Atleast what i've been told
I appreciate you linking my post, I dont think it got noticed by staff at all besides @Th3_Drunk_Monk throwing it towards @Cayorion
I love it all actually, Pretty cool stuff!

I also made a post somewhere about wolf traits. I am sick of my wolves doing absolutely nothing
Very well thought out bsavs I like them. However for the fly perk don't know if this is possible but for the sake of pvp perhaps when you enter pvp you are unable to fly for three min or some other set time to prevent pvp shenanigans with flying.
The fly traits are already part of the trait list. Not sure if it was made clear that I was talking about the flywater, flylava, flyweb traits.

Strikes should cost more than revenge. WHY? It just depends on if you get hit more than you hit others.
Strike traits have the added chance of proc'ing with thorns and thus can be useful when both dealing and taking damage

You can have several healtraits. So if you want to have more than one you have to pay.
Not really what I was talking about. Healalways is more useful than every other heal trait yet costs the same

Lumberjack. That had a bug so should not be re-enabled.
What was this bug? I don't recall it.

Miner trait. Most people will just enable it when they are mining. Which means more items which means deflation. So no
I doubt this would cause any significant "deflation" given how fortune III and super breaker both provide similar effects and their introduction did not result in any "deflation". As well, this is why I added that changing traits should take a longer time

Healer trait. I am unsure.
Healing has been in the game in the past with no significant drawbacks

Last time I checked, the economy needed a decrease in supply using item sinks, not an increase using quest goodies. And until I see any updates by staff that show them actually working on fixing the economy, I see no point in making it worse.
I don't think quest rewards would have any significant effect on the economy seeing as how anyone can enchant several god weapons in the time it would take me to complete the quest.
A lot of this was good, the flying would have to be a regalia only thing (if they make a race that can fly)
The PVE RP mix thing would make me cry.
I'd suggest some Mage traits. I found an amazing plugin where you can control terrain (stone dirt water air fire lightning), it's called Minecraft: The last airbender, you control it with player's physical actions (crouch punch left click), that kind of stuff would be awesome for magic RP, you could maybe have something where if a player has diamond material stuff (blue, looks like lapis equip) then it would somehow weaken the mage and their powers. You would have several levels for each of the mages which would vary in power and lapis affectance. Also, stone body mage skin change command... That would be awesome.

EDIT:I apologize for the grammar in advance... I got a little excited there
A lot of this was good, the flying would have to be a regalia only thing (if they make a race that can fly)
The PVE RP mix thing would make me cry.
I'd suggest some Mage traits. I found an amazing plugin where you can control terrain (stone dirt water air fire lightning), it's called Minecraft: The last airbender, you control it with player's physical actions (crouch punch left click), that kind of stuff would be awesome for magic RP, you could maybe have something where if a player has diamond material stuff (blue, looks like lapis equip) then it would somehow weaken the mage and their powers. You would have several levels for each of the mages which would vary in power and lapis affectance. Also, stone body mage skin change command... That would be awesome.

EDIT:I apologize for the grammar in advance... I got a little excited there

He doesn't mean add a trait that can Fly in the air... He means the flywater, flylava and flyweb traits....
These are good ideas. A "healer" trait would be fantastic, and some of the traits certainly need some re-balancing.