Archived Some Havoc In Regalia

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The Local Chav
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
England is my city
The Spanish Inqusition
Like, since there is the V3 coming soon then don't you think there should be something to actually have a reason why it changed? I mean, have a giant hurricane swoop by and break the town up or maybe a natural disaster. Have the lower sections become flooded or have some buildings fall down in the poor district and make it hard to navigate. There is like, a bunch of Regalian houses thought that aren't really used at all. Not even for sale, use them.. Have a fire, I can start fire, delsin like fire.
Seriously though, some sort of disaster would be nice just because there is a reason why Regalia had to change so much, have Regalia anger a more advanced society that can like, drop bombs with steampunk ships or something.
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Well, Regalia is currently at war with the Qadir Sultanate. While I'm not completely up to date on the happenings of the war, I'm pretty sure they outnumber our troops. Qadir are also superior to Ailor. So.. more troops, better troops. Odds don't seem to be in our favor, do they?
A giant ass storm should just come, Qadirs decide to sneak into Regalia and steal a Naval vessel from the harbour. One team pilots the ship and bombards the naval defences and then the other goes around town causing havoc. Due to all this havoc and stuff, all the vampires start coming out and then it just turns to hell by that.
I find searching for a reason for Regalia to change in this aspect redundant. Personally, it's best to think of the change as such:

The Regalia you currently live is its own dimension. The new Regalia is another dimension. The two dimensions are ironically on a path to collide with one another. Once the two dimensions collide, the one we're in collapses into that one. Everyone seemingly gets over fine, and it's like nothing happened to us but a huge cosmic shizzle wazzle that we'll never even experience. Everyone's timeline now suddenly perfectly matches with the new Regalia, and it's like the old one never existed in the first place. You could say our life right now in old Regalia is completely redundant in that aspect. We're redundant in that aspect. Because, to us, the new Regalia will actually just be where we've been this entire time, and that old one never existed.

It's all quite simple really.
I find searching for a reason for Regalia to change in this aspect redundant. Personally, it's best to think of the change as such:

The Regalia you currently live is its own dimension. The new Regalia is another dimension. The two dimensions are ironically on a path to collide with one another. Once the two dimensions collide, the one we're in collapses into that one. Everyone seemingly gets over fine, and it's like nothing happened to us but a huge cosmic shizzle wazzle that we'll never even experience. Everyone's timeline now suddenly perfectly matches with the new Regalia, and it's like the old one never existed in the first place. You could say our life right now in old Regalia is completely redundant in that aspect. We're redundant in that aspect. Because, to us, the new Regalia will actually just be where we've been this entire time, and that old one never existed.

It's all quite simple really.
That's a really verbose way of saying 'things change OOC but don't change for our characters'.
Staff will explain everything when it is needed, Until then.. LET US.. DREAM!
As far as I know, we're to assume that Regalia has always been in the state that Regalia V2 will be in once released. Nothing should change, but again, that's what I've heard.~
as others had said, it is simply to be assumed regalia has always been the way it will be.
No event will happen, it's just that regalia V2 will have to be the actual regalia you have in your backstory. Idk, my bran flakes hurt.
You do know, that the changes aren't lore compliant. I mean by that, that if Regalia V3 comes out, you shouldn't start saying that Regalia has changed. It simply always looked like that in Lore. So if you start roleplaying like: "Wow, Regalia has changed, what happened?", it won't be lore compliant or atleast correct. Regalia always looked like that, in Lore, ofcourse.
So you should just go to the tavern, and not mind the changes. Atleast, I thought I saw a staff member say this once. I think it was MonMarty (I think) who said that the upcoming changes aren't changes. That it just is how Regalia looked. So yeah, that's what I've heard, atleast.

Friendly greetings, Theboomyfly.
I find searching for a reason for Regalia to change in this aspect redundant. Personally, it's best to think of the change as such:

The Regalia you currently live is its own dimension. The new Regalia is another dimension. The two dimensions are ironically on a path to collide with one another. Once the two dimensions collide, the one we're in collapses into that one. Everyone seemingly gets over fine, and it's like nothing happened to us but a huge cosmic shizzle wazzle that we'll never even experience. Everyone's timeline now suddenly perfectly matches with the new Regalia, and it's like the old one never existed in the first place. You could say our life right now in old Regalia is completely redundant in that aspect. We're redundant in that aspect. Because, to us, the new Regalia will actually just be where we've been this entire time, and that old one never existed.

It's all quite simple really.
Just a bunch of wibbly wobbly timey wimey.... Stuff