Preserved Sheet Solitaire | The Clowned King

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Feb 25, 2019
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"Chaos is merely order waiting to be deciphered."


Name | Evarha Panoukla
Aliases | Solitaire, The Crimson Oracle, Strider
Age | 73
Gender | Female
Race | Half-Isldar, Half-Kathar (Mortis Cav)
Preferred Weapon | Daggers, Arming Swords and Swordbreakers



Total Points | 60 from Age
Combat Proficiency Category
+20 Fast Blades Combat Skill (5 from Race, 15 from Points)
Knowledge Proficiency Category
+5 Magical Knowledge (5 from Race)
Racialism Info
Arts Proficiency Category
+20 Literary Arts (20 from Points)
+5 Musical Arts (5 from Race)
+5 Visual Art (5 from Race)
Body Proficiency Category
+15 Athletics Training (15 from Points)
+10 Rogue Training (10 from Points)

Body Shape
Physical Stat |
15 (from Fast Blades Combat Skill) + 10 (from Literary Arts) + 30 (from Athletic Training) = 35 (capped from Race)
Body Shape | Athletic
Body Fat | Low

Kathar Dialect
Sulavey Elven (8/10)
Common (10/10)

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
Undeadism | Mortis Cav (Arkenite Cav)


Eye Colour | Ghostly Purple
Hair Colour | Midnight Black
Hair Style | Worn Short
Skin Colour | Pale White and Translucent
Clothing | Jester Uniform
Height | 6'6"



Alignment | CE
Personality Type | ENFJ
Character's Religion | Void Worship (6/10), Rikkira Worship (4/10)


➢Evarha was born to an Isldar devoted to Rikkira and a Shenath Kathar within the Dread Isles. Prior to his new found life in the Dread Empire, her father had pursued a career of art, something that would be instilled upon her from a young age.
➢Her father pushed her in his own trade, whereas her mother was readying the child for the culture of the lands they lived on. This placed enormous amounts of stress on the child, causing her to under perform in both aspects of her life, leading their father to turn abusive.
➢This cycle continued, the halfling receiving more and more life long scars, physical and mental, although, she was turning into quite the performer in her father's eyes.
➢Contary to her father's beliefs and wants, Evarha grew far more comfortable with parchment and quill than she did performing. She would grow to be quite the prolific author, jotting down whatever poem, or extract, came to mind. Upon discovering this passion, her father cast her notes into the flames of their fire place, punishing her dearly for her apparent disillusion, with her mother nowhere in sight to aid.​
Early Adulthood
➢It was not long before the Halfling found herself enveloped in the various rituals and traditions of the Kathar, participating in everything and anything placed before her. She wasn't quite the greatest warrior, but she most definetely could talk for her life, utilising a peculiar fighting style to dazzle and confuse, before striking true.
➢Being pleased with her growing skill as a performer, Eva's father began to speak on leaving the Dread Isles with her, and pursuing a life travelling on the road to perform all over, something she most certainly didn't like the idea of.
➢Evarha would flee from her homestead, finding refuge within a Temple of Void Worship. Here, her faith for the Void strengthened, and her goals slowly began to align more and more with the Dread Empire, as her mother had hoped.
➢Soon, temple life grew to bore Evarha, stalking off yet again. From here, she elected to work with the State as their equivalent of a guardsman, slowly, but steadily working up the ranks, with her artistic interests on the backburner as a hobby.
➢The next phase of her life came with her departing from the empire, setting off to smuggle herself and a handful of Dread Loyalists into the Daendroque Plains. She travelled from here to the harbour cities of Daen, quickly enveloping herself in the criminal culture there, utilising her performing arts as a front.
➢From this point, the halfling encountered a face that felt familiar, yet one she had never known before. The man was a full-blooded Isldar, and after some discussion and connecting of the dots, the duo discovered their relation as half siblings.
➢The two became quite the double act, sharing many qualities with one another bestowed by their shared parenthood, both the good and bad. Soon, their gimmick would quickly form, being their clown inspired attire and rhythmic speech patterns.
➢The duo created quite some noise in their area, taking great pride in their creation of sheer chaos, going on spiels regarding their political ideals on the daily. This was until they were rooted from their hide-away, splitting the criminal duo for the time being.
➢Requiring passage out of the city, Evarha found herself a stowaway once more, eventually finding herself in the ports of Gallovia. This land was incredibly foreign to what she was used to, as well as far more hostile to her heritage than she would have thought.
➢Eva spent a handful of years here, smuggling all-sorts in and out of the docks. Her usual loud persona dying down substantially, not wanting to draw anymore attention than her Neflin features already attracted.
➢She took a far more performer approach in this setting however, her various skills in the arts proving very entertaining to the local Ailor population. The halfling began to experience some doubts about her career choice following the upracious applause the audience provided her, however, some incredibly harsh instances of racism knock this from her very quick.
➢Inevitably, Evarha discovered a void cult within the city, aiding them from time-to-time with smuggling goods, raising moral etc. After completing a job for the group, she found herself confronted by a local guard group; history repeating. After recieving a great deal of broken bones and flesh wounds, she managed to scrape by by the skin of their teeth, miraculously finding herself within the hold of a ship, before fading away into unconsciousness.​
➢Evarha stowed her way to Regalia, seeing an opportunity in her criminal activities, founding the Carnival Phantasm alongside the Witchblood Avanthar, Saff.
➢Eventually, the Witchblood destroyed and betrayed the ideals of the group, causing a burning hatred for the man to burn within the Halfling's core.
➢Soon after, her brother would reappear on the scene in the Holy City, the two with high dreams to make a scene on the crime stage laid before them.
➢The Halfling sustained fatal wounds during a Henate's duel. With the guiding hand of a knowledgeable one at hand, she underwent a ritual to morph them into a Mortis Käl. With an unbridled rage and thirst for revenge, she struck down the Altalar who inflicted the killing blow, ravenously drinking their blood and undergoing the transformation to Mortis Cav.​
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Here is your review.
  • In the sexuality section, either put an actual sexuality or just take out the column, there is no need to fill it if you will not give it an actual answer.
  • There is no Roguecraft Training. I believe you meant to write Rogue Training.
  • The lifestory is rather short for an 63 year old character. Remember that 63 years is almost a lifetime for most people. Try to add a few more sentences into the life story to fleshen out the character a bit more.
Make the changes in red and tag me when you're done.
Here is your review.
  • In the sexuality section, either put an actual sexuality or just take out the column, there is no need to fill it if you will not give it an actual answer.
  • There is no Roguecraft Training. I believe you meant to write Rogue Training.
  • The lifestory is rather short for an 63 year old character. Remember that 63 years is almost a lifetime for most people. Try to add a few more sentences into the life story to fleshen out the character a bit more.
Make the changes in red and tag me when you're done.

Thanks for the review! Apologies for the silly mistakes, I will admit myself that the sheet was rather rushed. I've made the edits, for whenever you're available! Thanks again!