Preserved Sheet Solenne Aveline

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Jun 2, 2015
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  • Full Name: Solenne Melisant Aveline
    • Nicknames: Sol or Soli.
  • Age: 30
    • Birthday: 17 June 276
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor | Ithanian/Velheim
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual



  • Proficiency Points: 30
    • Science
      • + 14 Alchemy (+14 points spent)
      • + 8 Medical Sciences (+8 from points)
    • Body
      • + 12 Bodycare Training (+10 Racial Bonus, +2 points spent)
    • Combat
      • + 6 Thin Blades (+6 from points)
  • Body Shape
    • Physical Stats: 6
    • Body Shape: Toned
    • Body Fat: Average
  • Languages
    • d'Ithanie | 10/10 ( Childhood language; "The language of my mother.")
    • Common | 9/10 (Learned from a friend of hers; "You have to speak their language, Sol.")
    • Leutz-Vixe | 7/10 (Hired a Tutor to teach her the language)

  • Eye Color: Icy Blue
  • Hair Color: Raven Black
  • Hair Style: Wavy Long | Braided
  • Skin Color: Ithanian Pale
  • Clothing: Solenne prefers to wear loose fitting clothing, usually in the house colors of de Letoirneau.
  • Height: 5'5"


✦[At a glance] Solenne is charming to everyone she meets. With a smile on her face and a quick wit, she easily becomes the topic of many conversations. If someone happens to be fighting in public, she will become diplomatic, and can usually defuse a situation before it gets too out of hand. Although she may seem as if she is the sweetest person in the world, she can be highly deceitful; a trait that she picked up during her younger years. Growing up without a mother has 'trained' her to learn how to care for herself, even if it means hurting others in order to do so.

✦[Regarding her inner workings]; Solenne is insecure. Growing up not knowing her own mother put a toll on the young girl's mind, and has caused several doubts regarding her own identity. Her father was around though, and he told her stories of how her mother was brave while standing in the face of danger, and how she never backed down. Solenne merely believes these to be just that; stories. Until she meets her mother, she will never be fully trusting of things she hears. She also has a fear of being alone, and when it comes to any sort of close relationship-- whether it be a friendship or a lover, her anger gets the better of her; usually scaring off the one she directed said anger to.

[In regards to friends and family] Solenne is loyal, at least she is to the ones she knows. She does not know her mother, and therefore, does not care to stay loyal to her. Solenne is a lover; always wanting to please her friends, family, and maybe eventually her spouse-- if such a thing ever came into her life, because she treasures and craves the idea of serious relationship, wanting nothing more than to be truly loved by someone that she can build her life around. But regardless of her upbringing, Sol is a fiercely protective woman; willing to lay down her life for her loved ones if it came right down to it.

[Morality] On the morality scale, Solenne is seen as lawful neutral. Her entire life is a gray zone; not really able to see a difference between black and white. What is right to her might seem like something entirely wrong to another; yet in her mind, everything is neutral. There are some occasions where yes, what she does to further herself in life can be wrong. But, to her, every little thing she does is to benefit herself (and sometimes, it can benefit others), and the choice of helping solely falls to her. In her world, she is the puppeteer-- never bending to the will of those in power unless her life absolutely depends upon it.



Played & Met Characters Only.

Gabriel de Letoirneau
(@Friendly_Gal) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡~ Solenne has only known Gabriel for a short time, but in that span of time, she has come to fully trust the young Ithanian-- knowing that she can tell him anything and he'd keep it a secret. Solenne never grew up with siblings, but she really considers him to be like her brother.

Enzo de Letoirneau
(@ZiggyStarDusted) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡ ~ Solenne respects this member of the de Letoirneau family and can share most secrets with him. They have bonded over their love of flowers-- and liquor.

Jacques Martyn
(@Ludicro) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡ ~ As soon as Solenne arrived to Regalia, this fellow Ithanian met her immediately, telling her that her mother had tasked him with caring for her. Ever since, Sol has looked up to Jacques, seeing him as a fatherly figure.

Cyprien de Letoirneau
(@Nathan) ♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ~ The commander of Le Regiment de Tonnerre. Solenne looks up to this member of the de Letoirneau family and would do anything for him. She does not entirely know what to think of him though.

Ana de Letoirneau (@Miss_Silver) ♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ~
The matriarch of House de Letoirneau. Solenne holds a high level of respect for this woman and would lay down her life for her if need be.

Lambert (@R_O_B_E_rt) ♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ~
The incredibly confusing Url. Solenne only knows him as the petty officer of her squadron, and that he was close to her mother. Other than that, she knows nothing of him.

William Seidel
(@Nationalizm) ♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ~ Solenne doesn't entirely trust William yet. His too friendly nature disturbed her, and she really doesn't know what to think of this man that once courted her mother.

Isaac dei Pellegrino (@Ebrima) ♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ~ Solenne has much to learn about this Dressolini-- but for the time being, she enjoys being around him.


☾Childhood☽ | ▼
Solenne was born on June 17th 276 AC to Torleif Ohlsen and Freya Aveline in La Rivière du Prospérité.
A year after she was born, her mother disappeared one night; leaving her in the care of her father and maternal grandmother, Helena Aveline. This decision by her mother would impact the way Solenne viewed the world and everyone in it.
Solanne began to show rebellious tendencies at a young age, and urged by the girl's grandmother, her father took it upon himself to train her with the Skagger Axe in hopes that the skill of combat would quell her desires to rebel. But the young girl did not take to the art of such a weapon, finding it to be too 'barbaric' for her tastes.

When Solanne turned ten, she became interested in alchemy after stumbling across an old abandoned workshop near her family home. Her father and grandmother were not happy with her choice, but they obliged. After that, the young girl caused no more problems as she was too busy to do other things.
☾Adolescence☽ |
As time went on, Solenne became more well versed in the finer arts of alchemy as well as the art of bodycare. After that, the young woman became more aware of how she looked and strove to hold herself in a higher regard.
Once Solenne reached thirteen years of life, she began to hear more stories of her mother; and they varied from person to person. This only solidified her hatred, making her want to do more to keep herself from becoming too bitter of a person.
Her grandmother had been feeling ill for some time, and passed away in her sleep. Solenne was only eighteen, and this event had a large impact on who she had formed herself to be, leaving her devastated for quite some time-- causing her to almost give up on her hobbies.
☾Adulthood☽ |
Still distraught by the passing of her only maternal figure, Solenne resorted to making more dangerous potions; selling them to shady and seedy people she would find in dark alleyways. Her father eventually found out, and tried to control his daughter by scolding her. Upset, she ran away from home, making her way to Havenreach. There, she flourished, and her potion business took off.
She stayed there in Havenreach for nine years until a letter came to her. It was from her mother. She spoke of a Holy City, and said that Solenne would love it there. She assured her daughter that they would not cross paths.
☾Present Time☽ |
◄ Solenne has boarded a boat to Regalia. Only time will tell what happens to the young girl during her stay in the Holy City.
Solenne has come under the employ of House de Letoirneau as a medic. She is not sure how this will work out, but she is confident that she can serve the family to the best of her ability.
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Edit Log:
  • 10/18: Changes to her nicknames, visuals, relationships and life story
  • 10/20: Added Theme and Pinterest. Fixed the spoiler on Relations.
  • 10/23: Bumped her age up and changed her proficiency points.
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Hello, I will be reviewing your character application.

Skill Information
  • Under your languages section, you have three languages learned. With how we calculate languages now, its 1 per 10 years. As your character is only 28 years old, she can only know two. As such, please remove one.
  • Skagger Axes is a proficiency that only applies to characters raised in the North. As your character was born in La Rivière du Prospérité, you need to remove the axes proficiency, and instead use the Ithanian one (This being +10 Bodycare). If you change your characters upbringing to have taken place in the North instead of La Riviére, then thats fine as well. But this edit must be made.
  • Add more detail to the second, third and fourth paragraphs of your personality section, as they seem to be lacking. Go into a little more detail, expand your character out a bit.

Make these edits in blue and then tag me @VirtualStardust
@BillyTheScroofy Alright, I have made the suggested changes, and used this color to mark said changes. If anything else needs editing, please let me know.

Hey Billy. Sorry for the sudden changes, but I wanted to bump her age up a bit and change her proficiency points (skill information) around. I made the changes in this lovely purple color.

Sorry to tag you again, but I made some slight changes to her skill information. It's in the purple color I mentioned in the post above.