Preserved Sheet Solaine Audrea D'vaud

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A whole mess
Nov 7, 2015
Reaction score




  • Full Name: Solaine Audrea d'Vaud
    Common nicknames: Soli, Sol
    Caedmon exclusive: Lassie, Fae
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor, Lexxon
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Rapier

    • A pouch with a random amount of regals between 5r and 100r (determined by rolls)
    • A notebook with business and personal notes, including a pencil
    • 2 small portion sized bottles of wine, one red, one white. One bottle contains 2 portions of wine.
    • A decorated pocket watch

    • Solaine currently runs the Wunderbar as Head of Management. She's basically the owner, but what can you do. She originally came to Regalia with her family, pretty much instantly running a bar. It's become a habit, one could say. She's stayed in Regalia on and off for about 6 years, usually coming back to meet her old friends again.
    • Growing up in a rather strict household, she was always treated as "the spare". She was sent off at an early age for education purposes, staying with her aunt and losing the potential sibling bonding she could have had. She has an older sister, brother and a twin sister from her blood family. She never mentions her parents' names, as her mother passed away at the birth of her twin, her father being denounced from the family not long after.
      As of now, she knows nothing about her direct family or what happens within them. To her she's alone with no family bonds.
    • Solaine wants to start a family of her own, seeing as she doesn't have one she can rely on. It isn't her primary goal, but it's one she will always hold near her heart. All her other blood-siblings had children, so why shouldn't she?




Total Points: 49 Points (29 Base Points + 10 Talent Points + 10 Hobby points = 51 Points)

  • +6 Rapier Combat (+6 Base)
  • +6 Linguistic Science (+6 Base)
  • +10 Keyboard Instrument (+7 Talent, +3 Base)
  • +10 Vocal Singing (+2 Talent, +8 Base)
  • +5 Bodycare Training (+4 Base, +1 Talent)
  • +4 Baking Art (+3 Hobby, +1 Base)
  • +3 Cooking Art (+2 Hobby, +1 Base)
  • +5 Brewing Art (+5 Hobby,)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 8.5 (+6 Melee Combat, +2.5 Bodycare Training)
  • Average Body Shape
  • Moderate Body Fat


  • Leutz-Vixe Dialect (Mothertongue)
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • d'Ithanie (learned while working in Ithania, +3 Linguistics)
  • Skodje (learned from family relations, +3 Linguistics)




  • Eye Color: Light blue
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Hair Style: Loose
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Varying dresses, often blue and/or black
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Solaine's face is slightly rounded with a sharp jawline. Her face is adorned with freckles, her eyes a sky-blue shade and slightly rounded. Her eyebrows are well kept and proper, and no real blemishes or imperfections can be spotted. Her lips are plump and her nose petite.
    Her hair is a fair blonde, well kept and rarely pinned up unless absolutely needed. She can, on occasion, be seen with small blue bows adorning the sides of her head, attached to a sling of hair that connects in the back into a singular ponytail.

  • Solaine stands at 5'4", her body curvy and skin fair. Even with her curvy figure, she often hides its true shape with her varying dresses to make it appear slimmer than it truly is. She manages to keep her waist thin with the aid of corsets, thus creating the hourglass figure.
    Solaine has little muscle, just enough to get by with her daily work, but not enough to last in a fight. Her muscle build isn't noticeable in her arms, but some are defined in her abdomen and her shins. If her skin were to ever be exposed, she evidently has little to no body hair. She takes good care to ensure she is as soft as a pillow at all times, mostly to make it comfier to sleep in soft bed sheets. The only affliction to her skin is one scar across her right thigh, from the look of it alone it's clear it originated from some sort of slice of a blade.

  • She is often seen wearing dresses, and in public it is unlikely she'd be seen with anything else. She does, on occasion, simply wear trousers, a button-up shirt and boots. The colors of her clothing mostly stick to blues and black, but for when she wears the shirts they can be white or black. She rarely wears jewelry aside from a necklace, but the kind of necklace varies from lockets to wooden carvings.
    She owns a rapier but rarely carries it with her anymore, though on the rare occasion can be seen with one in a sheathe decorated in d'Vaud colors, the old family crest proudly displayed in great detail.

  • Solaine's voice rarely holds any aggression, calm and, some have called, endearing. She always seems chipper and uplifting when she speaks, often letting out warm and soft chuckles and giggles. Even when she is upset or sad, the softness in her voice doesn't fade, but it loses that happy tone it tends to carry of course.
    Thanks to her many years of singing, it has helped her voice grow warmer over time. Her voice only ever stutters when the woman gets flustered or sad, mostly due to not being able to find the right words at that very moment. If a certain nerve is hit and she turns into a tomato, more or less, her voice grows a good few octaves higher.





  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    Solaine often hums soft melodies when she is happy, a natural smile on her lips at the times she feels the best. She often shows her joy with a happy, giddy smile with many chuckles and giggles. She's.. Pretty bad at hiding her joy.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    When afraid Solaine freezes like a statue, the only movement being her lips that gently quiver. Her eyes widen, her thoughts going wild as she's trying to figure out how to escape from the situation at hand.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    Solaine suppresses her long term stress until it boils over, occasionally breaking down into a sort of panic attack. Even then, she works rather well whilst under momentary stress, becoming hyper focused on whatever it is she's doing.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    She does her best to follow the law as it's written, but often sees the current people in charge as corrupt. Many laws she considers to be a complete waste of time in both the court system and the guards' time. She never mentions her dismay in public, worried she would face scrutiny for it.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    Solaine doesn't mind other races at all, having a standard of "character before perception". Through her years of running customer service businesses she has met people from all walks of life, often proving themselves to be better than their stereotype. She lets the person show if she should like them, or dislike them.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    As long as a religion is not forced upon her, she does not care. She follows her own as others follow theirs, being rather lax in that regard as it stands.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    She finds magic and the world of the arcane quite fascinating in a way, despite being wary of its use. She admires those who choose to do good with the abilities, such as healing or protecting others.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    She has always been a family woman at heart, and feels lost without a family to belong to. She's been mistreated a lot by her families in the past, but even then she loves her birth family to the very end. Even now she would be saddened to hear of any tragedy that befell them.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    Solaine holds little pride, but what she does hold pride in is her musical abilities. She's confident in herself about it, and often enjoys singing for others if ever asked to. Even if it was only a hobby to begin with, she found it to be her favorite thing to do for others if they ever feel down.

  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    Those around her often bring her the spark to move on from past losses or wounds, striving to better herself for them. The possibility of a better future where she can find new paths with those around her is enough to give her a boost.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    Her history. She's often afraid to speak of certain events of her past, worried it would put people off. She's worried she would be judged because of what she has done or experienced in her youth.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    Being used or abandoned. Solaine is deathly afraid of being left behind by those she trusts or loved, having been raised on the idea that if she wasn't careful that would be the outcome in her life.

Caedmon Súdrach @Hell0There
Solaine's best friend by far. Meeting in a peculiar situation, getting to know one another over healing sessions and drinks, she sees no reason to dislike the Gentle Giant. Even if he is 2 feet taller than her.

Alexa Haaven @midnight_moon123
Solaine's former Palest. Solaine and Alexa never truly bonded whilst Alexa worked under her, but as time passed she grew to consider Alexa one she trusts with everything.

Katarina Kreiburg @Boss_of_Runes
Her former sister. Solaine loves Katarina a lot, and will always hold her closest out of all the Kreiburgs. If she could choose, she'd want her to be her genuine blood related sister.

Noelle de Piedmont @Depressed_Bean
One of the few friends from the peerage she is happy to keep. Even if they met on rocky terms, she finds comfort in knowing her and the Lady managed to get along decently well in the end.

Theopold Kreiburg @Nathan
Her former brother, and current boss. Her relationship with him is strained for sure, but even then she cares for him.





Raised in the d'Vaud family, later known as von Rahm, Solaine grew up with her older brother and two sisters, one older and the other her twin. However, at a young age Solaine was sent off with her aunt to further her education and career. During her studies she made many friends who shared her interest in musical arts, as well as culinary. She picked up these traits on her offtime from her studies, experimenting with new foods and, when not hungry, playing the piano and practicing her vocals. She later focused her education on business management and economics, knowing full well what she wanted to pursue. Deciding sitting on a bench wouldn't teach her much, she soon began travelling more frequently. During her travels she continued her musical and culinary hobbies, but now also began learning to handle a rapier. She was told it was for her own protection, and also to gain her some training, soon also focusing on her figure to keep it in a shape she preferred.

At the age of 18 she arrived in Regalia for the first time, spending most of her life with her family and running her then business, The Azure Premise. She made many friends over the years, spanning from all walks of life. She saw her family grow with great pride, however she always felt like an outcast. As her siblings had formed a close bond, she couldn't even recognize her twin after all the years that had passed. Her experience differed from theirs, yet she pushed onwards. As her focus was mostly on the Premise she often got reprimanded for her care-free nature and her kind approach to new people, a great contrast from her military centered family members. As time went by she began travelling more, taking care of the business from afar, yet received news of it being given to another from her family during her trip back to Regalia. Feeling betrayed and misused, she announced her departure from the family she felt had abandoned her from the beginning, leaving the Noble scene.

Upon hearing the news, Solaine's first friend in Regalia, Anastasia du Polignac, offered to adopt her into her noble family. Solaine accepted the offer, becoming the sister to Anastasia and taking the name Solaine de Letoirneau-Polignac. Her time in the family was an odd one, many plans falling through and her own goals unclear. She worked mostly as a business assistant to various operations abroad, doing her best to help her family grow as well. To her dismay, her family fell apart and lost their titles, yet she stuck by their side for a long time afterwards. Eventually however, she entered the commoner scene again in Ithania, working in one of the local restaurants in the area. Her work heavily focused on serving customers and taking care of finances of the business, her kind nature aiding her in keeping up with her slightly more expensive lifestyle. She preferred working for her money, and she adored the new faces she saw each day just as much as the familiar ones.

Her ventures in both culinary and the brewery business continued onwards, though she still made time for herself with her now hobby of playing piano. Her alone time mattered to her a lot, needing a break from the stress of work and the heavy social life she led. She didn't mind it of course, seeing as she had many friends she now mostly contacted by letter. On one of her work days she met a man she would later meet on her time off in town during her weekly round of shopping. The two got along swimmingly, and she later learned his name was Theopold Kreiburg. In their conversations Solaine spoke of her experiences in life, and eventually her lack of family was brought up in conversation. The two formed a bond like family, and after Theopold's departure from the region she received a letter, offering her to accompany him in Regalia as family. Before her departure, which would arrive in a few months time, she continued her diligent work. She soon returned to Regalia, holding the name Solaine Kreiburg, proudly standing by Theopold's side as his adopted sister.

However, even in her happy days with her newfound family, Solaine found herself longing for the life she had as a commoner. After a certain event caused a drift between her and Theopold, her name as a Kreiburg was revoked. As her birth family had changed their name in their later history, she adopted Solaine Audrea d'Vaud as her official new name.
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Altered some of the proficiency points, added Brewing Arts.
Also need a new reviewer considering Anarchizm's removal from the staff team
Did another small edit since I realized I goofed up the points a bit, changes were:
- Changed so points were actually calculated properly, 49 points instead of 51, and thus removed a point from Winemaking arts and Cooking arts
Hello! Sorry for the delay, here's my review:

Basic Information
- No issues here​
Skill Information
- No issues, your edit fixed all gripes I had with your points section.​
Visual Information
- No issues​
- No issues​
Life Story
- No issues​

The only thing I found mildly questionable on the app were the two free languages, which I didn't feel were warrented at first, but I'll let it slide since most Kreiburgs also have free d'ithanie, leutz, or genevaud all in pairs of twos. Approved.
Some changes were made!

  • Name change! Small explanation in the Life Story.
  • Personality format has been changed
  • Points have been altered a bit. Winemaking arts were removed entirely, and points were added into baking arts and cooking arts, some into Keyboard instruments
  • Also added relationships under a spoiler
  • Also removed the Genevaud Dialect as a language since I never used it anyway, and altered the languages accordingly
  • Aaand added some expansion stuff, that's pretty much it.

    All changes are marked with this color!
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