???, Soham: New Ceardia; Day Iii, 295 Ac

The young girl sat on the curb of the street. It was the morning hours and the sun was peaking over the tips of the rooftops overhead. Maids and butlers with full chamber pots, emptied their contents for their respective masters, the muddied road growing in stench. It had been three days to the young Ashley's recollection. Three days since she had abandoned her home on the fringe. No longer would she experience the ominous silence of the woodland line. Her rations of four potatoes was falling short. She had limited herself to a half spud a day, leaving her with two and a half remaining. She would last the remainder of the week, yet if the previous days had shown anything she would not be able to afford herself a meal past that.
The hours went by and the girl sat on the stone edge. The sun continued to rise, now laying atop the clouds themselves, viewing down on the bustling city from the heavens. Ashley had nodded off in this time, her diet lacked any true nutrients, only enough to fill her stomach. The hours passed and the sun began to lower it's gaze on the opposite side of the road, sending arms of branching light in between the uneven cracks and gaps between structures.
Finally, it was nightfall. Ashley awoke. Cold, alone, and hungry. A lone carriage moved down the road, sending the muddied top most layer in a variety of directions, some of which landed near the feet of the girl. If Ashley wished to survive, she would have to find a solution to this. The colonial lands were forgiving in comparison to the woodland outskirts. And the wind blew harder, marking the end of third day.
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