Archived Soft Cap Axes At 40 Bonus Damage To Armor.

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Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
I think axes should be soft capped at 40 bonus to armor damage. (2,000 axes currently). This will prevent future nerfs in axes, like the last one, and at the same time, capping at a fair armor bonus damage, so they won't be THAT Op.
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With that people might actually finish training for once lol.
I can't recall how many times we have to tell people to take MCMMO issues to the MCMMO devs since we do not make this plugin.
Yup, the only way to address that in the current MCMMO code would be to put a hard cap on the max Axes level.

    public void impactCheck(LivingEntity target) {
        int durabilityDamage = 1 + (getSkillLevel() / Axes.impactIncreaseLevel);
        for (ItemStack armor : target.getEquipment().getArmorContents()) {
            if (ItemUtils.isArmor(armor) && Axes.impactChance > Misc.getRandom().nextInt(getActivationChance())) {
                double durabilityModifier = 1 / (armor.getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment.DURABILITY) + 1); // Modifier to simulate the durability enchantment behavior
                double modifiedDurabilityDamage = durabilityDamage * durabilityModifier;
                short maxDurability = ModUtils.isCustomArmor(armor) ? ModUtils.getArmorFromItemStack(armor).getDurability() : armor.getType().getMaxDurability();
                double maxDurabilityDamage = maxDurability * Axes.impactMaxDurabilityModifier;
                armor.setDurability((short) (Math.min(modifiedDurabilityDamage, maxDurabilityDamage) + armor.getDurability()));
Didn't you edit the plugin so it would do half the armor damage as before?
We do not edit anything in the plugin and refuse to do so because there are base balance issues of the plugin itself. You'd be doing everyone using the plugin a favor by making a strong case with the MCMMO devs.

Besides that I myself think MCMMO is completely ludicrous and should be replaced with an in house plugin.
Ofcourse levels would be kept 100%. What those levels do will be debatable however.
I like this but personally i think armor damage should cap at 1000 not 2000 it already feels OP at 1000
I have no idea what those numbers mean, I prefer to speak in regular "amount of hearts" damage.
blegh 8 AM in the morning.
Axes isn't really meant for killing people fast, it is meant from wrecking their armor.
We do not edit anything in the plugin and refuse to do so because there are base balance issues of the plugin itself. You'd be doing everyone using the plugin a favor by making a strong case with the MCMMO devs.

Besides that I myself think MCMMO is completely ludicrous and should be replaced with an in house plugin.
If the plugin cant be configed in any way i suggest we just drop the subject. As for a house plugin, this means Starting Over and i myself DO NOT feel like Starting Over.
Ofcourse levels would be kept 100%. What those levels do will be debatable however.
Sorry for some reason i did not catch that part. Also axes have already been nerfed, from what i understand, armor damage at 2000 is equal to what it was at 1000 before the nerf. I personally like the fact that the harder you train the stronger you become.
I think it means a plugin developed by the server programmers, which would allow the server staff to change or edit the plugin whenever they feel like it.
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