Archived Social Forum Permission Additions

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
Combing through my social forum to clean it up, I looked through a few permissions and whatnot and noticed a few permissions that could be added to better manage a community.

Specifically, there are a few permissions that need expansion:
  • Edit post by self
  • Delete post by self
  • Edit thread title by self
This allows the OP of a thread to manage their own threads. However, from a forum owner/moderator standpoint, having players solely control their own threads makes for a few challenges, namely:
  • deleting threads that no longer fit the social forum (aka, recycling a social forum into a different one)
  • trying to update outdated thread lists created by OPs that have gone inactive.
  • self-moderate social forums by removing threads that would violate massive rules
My suggestion is to create three new permissions for social forum owners to assign to various ranks:
  • Edit post by other
  • Delete post by other
  • Edit thread title by other
These permissions would allow forum owners to manage their forums much more effectively, by having the ability to bypass certain parts of a thread to edit/delete/add content.

I suppose the thing to compare this to is how staff members can moderate the normal MassiveCraft forums, but only applying it to social forums. I'd like to think it's possible, since a forum owner only has elevated perms in their social forum and nowhere else.

The downside I could potentially see is that social forum owners or mods could delete threads on the social forum for no reason whatsoever. But at the same time, they can already remove players at will, and they own the social forum. And I don't expect there to be a lot of "abuse" cries coming form social forums, since their just player groups that people can leave and join as they wish.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I have always found ir peculiar that social Forum moderators and owners cannot delete other people's threads within a social Forum theyre a moderator of
It would be nice if there was a... more obvious way to invite people to a social forum. I have had mine for months and never used it because... I honestly dont know how to invite people.... maybe im dumb but um. Yea.
It would be nice if there was a... more obvious way to invite people to a social forum. I have had mine for months and never used it because... I honestly dont know how to invite people.... maybe im dumb but um. Yea.

On top of that, I think we should be able to edit the message that get sent in the conversation to somebody when you invite them, you could make it more personal or more in tune with your forum.

All this being said it really does rely on what the staff are able to do with the Forum software, because it is third party