Société Du Quartier D'ithanie


Sophia Du Polignac
Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
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The society for the Ithanian arrondissement has been established to upkeep the standard the Ithanian districts have had in the past. Enhancing the quality of the Ithanian districts through community participation, creating safe and liveable districts and communities.
As of recently, the society has been established by the hand of Madame du Polignac, following the harsh events the city has had to endure in recent times. Because of that, the Ithanian districts have seen a difference of races, wealth and behaviour in their direct environments.

Because of this, the Sociéte du quartier D'ithanie has been established, to create a better and even more cultural enriched society.

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The Society du quarier D'ithanie will organize the following:​

- Parties and special events, either especially for the neighbourhood or open to everybody.
- Fundraising for different purposes, which could be charity but also investments into the district.
- Political discussions, with special guest speakers.
- Voting's on matters in the district. (Only open for residents)
- Special trips.

The society is open for any members of the Ithanian districts of Regalia, however also accepts members who aren't living in these districts yet they have no say in discussions or votes regarding the Ithanian district, but can partake in any other events the society holds.

It is advised for all the residents of both ithanian districts to join the society.

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If you are a resident of the Ithanian district, please fill in this form if you wish to join our society. (please note that almost all of these requests would be accepted, and your char doesn't have to be Ithanian!)
If several members of one household wish to join, please all fill in this form, or all in one.​

Address, please clarify in which Ithanian district :

If you are not a resident of the Ithanian districts, please fill in this form if you wish to join. Please note that you are required to send a letter along with your request, stating the reason you wish to join. Pen the letter to the office of Madame du Polignac.​


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Hello! So I decided to start a little thing to spice up the RP a bit in the Ithanian districts. Simply because I noticed a lot of new and active people acquiring houses in the new and old Ithanian districts and the recent changes in these district as well.
Trying to see how discrimination would develop if all the neighbours were connected in one society, of course the majority being white Ithanian Ailors.
Besides yelling that I started this order, I will not lead it alone. There will be a board of several people who would be picked to sit on the board with me, or maybe even voted into the board? We'll see how that will develop in the run!​
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Name: Francine d'Eluise
Race: Ithanian Ailor
Gender: Female
Address: d'Eluise Country Estate.
Age: 82

*A small letter would be sent to the du Polignac office. The letter would be sealed with a turquoise wax with the d'Eluise family crest imprinted on it.*
Cher Madame du Polignac,

I've heard you are forming a society to enrich the Holy City citizens of our wondrous culture. I, being from this culture would love to embark with your organization and discuss with other peers our traditions and what not. I would also love to help donate to any charity work or fundraisers for the Ithanian district if you do ever have such of an event.

Take care,

Francine d'Eluise
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Dear Madame D'eluise,

It would be my utmost pleasure, to invite you to our society. I am sure you have alot to offer us in ways of culture but also your warming attitude is already reason enough to invite you.
I welcome you to our society.

With grace,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD.]

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Monsieur Laviette,

Hereby I am very happy to inform you that you have been accepted in our Society. We hope to work with you and others in our community.

Kind Regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithania.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]​

Dear Madame D'eluise,

It would be my utmost pleasure, to invite you to our society. I am sure you have alot to offer us in ways of culture but also your warming attitude is already reason enough to invite you.
I welcome you to our society.

With grace,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD.]

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Monsieur Laviette,

Hereby I am very happy to inform you that you have been accepted in our Society. We hope to work with you and others in our community.

Kind Regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithania.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]​
Well my former assassin character just joined the honeowner's association
Name: Clara Beauvaisis
Race: Ailor (Ithanian)
Gender: Female
Address: Haute Road 3
Age: 19
Name: Limba Tara
Race: Yanar(mer seedling)
Gender: N/A
Address, please clarify in which Ithanian district : Ithanieboat3 (not sure which district)
Age: 20
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Madame Beauvaisis

After our lovely chat, I am very happy that I am able to welcome you in our community, I eagerly await our first gathering.

Kind Regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithania.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]

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Madame Tara,

It is my utmost pleasure to welcome you as one of our, floatable members of the community. We eagerly look towards our combined work.

Kind Regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithania.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their boat.]
Name:Si'Silion Z'eti Keys
Address, please clarify in which Ithanian district : SalonRue4
Age: 45
Name: Roselyne d'Eluise
Gender: Female
Address, please clarify in which Ithanian district: New Ithanian district, Reynaudroad2
Age: 22

Madame du Polignac.
This sounds fun. Count me in.

Roselyne-Geraldine d'Eluise.
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Madame Keys

Hereby I am very happy to inform you that you have been accepted in our Society. We hope to work with you and others in our community.

Kind Regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]

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Madame d'Eluise,

It it really a pleasure to have someone of your status in our society. I am sure that you will be a great asset to us and prove to be very valuable, I hope that we as a society can be just as valuable to you.


Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]
Name: Odo de Montagarde
Gender: Male
Address: Effleurlane7
Age: 29

To the Affable Madame de Polignac,

Perhaps this society of fellow countrymen might interest me, despite not being the most culturally informed I would like to enjoy the presence of good d'Ithanie traditions and works. Along with this, I would also my patronage to this society, if it catches my eye of course.

Theomar's guidance,

Altgrave Odo de Montagarde of Rennais,
Baron of Rouzig and Montpellier.
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Altgrave de Montagarde,

It fills me with joy that our society fills itself with those of higher classes and enjoyers of life. Therefor I didn't have to think long to accept you into our quicklygrowing community.

I do hope that we as a community, can mean alot for eachother.

With kind regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]
Name: Margerie Pheobe Beringer
Gender: Female
Address, please clarify in which Ithanian district : Newest addition, EffleurLane1
Age: 23

Dearest Madame du Polignac,

I wish to participate in your well-constructed society and commit my full power in bettering the neighborhood. I assure you I'll contribute my watchful eye and party attitude. Of course, we need to stay together to truly benefit our commune.

With care,
Margerie Pheobe Beringer
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Dear madame Beringer,

Thankyou for your participation and your letter. It is a great sign that people wish to help their community develop.

I welcome you to our society.

With grace,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]
Name: Basil Kourtikios
Gender: Male
Address, please clarify in which Ithanian district : EffleurLane14
Age: Twenty-five
Name: Ron Vezina
Gender: Male
Address, please clarify in which Ithanian district : HauteRoad7
Age: 46

@Ellimairy now don't let the Sith know my identity. :)
Name: Juliette Vauclain
Race: Ailor - Ithanian/Alt-Anglian
Gender: Female
Address: Vauclain Estate
Age: 16

Dear Madame Sophia du Polignac,

I write to you today go ask for permission to join your wonderful club for the Ithanian District. Being half Ithanian myself (the other half that of an Alt-Anglian) I couldn't help but be drawn to the idea. For the majority of my short life, bearing I'm only sixteen, I lived in Ithania and only moved here a few months ago (tragically two weeks before our occupation by Freya Lo). I would be honored to be allowed to join in your festivities if I am allowed and able to join, sometimes not being able to make it due to my patrols with the Vigilanf Shield. Not only will this be a great opportunity but may help ease my homesickness.

Spirit bless,
Lady Juliette Alosïa Vauclain
Madame du Polignac,
& esteemed members,

I noted on your society's flyers, that you host special guests to speak to your membership. I would be interested in making such an appearance. As a councillor and seated member of the Bluesteel Council, I believe I have some note worthy topics for the residents. On both the district as a whole, and Ithanian culture itself. I shall pen this letter openly, for all your membership to ponder over.

Spirit's Blessings on you all,
Divine Regent,
Religious Councillor,
& Reverend of the faith,
Médard Erulon Ravenstad.​
Name: Maya Rowan
Gender: Female
Address, please clarify in which Ithanian district : Old Ithanian district, Hauteroad10
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Monsieur Kourtikios,

Thankyou for joining our society, I hope that we will share our knowledge and best interest.

Kind regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]

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Monsieur Vezina,

How glorious that you also wish to support our community and quartier, as so many have done before you. If you know of more people who are willing to join, please tell them to send me a letter, with every letter, we can do a bit more for our community.

With high hopes,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]

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Madame Juliette Vauclain,

I wish to welcome you to our society with my entire heart. Having more members of noble blood will only prosper our cause. It is grand to hear that someone who is only half Ithanian, yet I believe you feel that you are it for 99%, joins our ranks.

Our activities will certainly cater to your needs, wishes and demands.


With love,

Sophia du Polignac.

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Madame Rowan,

Welcome neighbour, and friend ofcourse. I am happy to see that you decided to join me in my adventure aswell. I am sure that you understand why we haven't spoken in a while, especially after our last conversation, yet the society is taking up all my spare time.

If you have any questions, please come find me. I am sure I will be able to create some time for you.

Thankyou, Maya.

With kind regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]
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The society for the Ithanian arrondissement has been established to upkeep the standard the Ithanian districts have had in the past. Enhancing the quality of the Ithanian districts through community participation, creating safe and liveable districts and communities.
As of recently, the society has been established by the hand of Madame du Polignac, following the harsh events the city has had to endure in recent times. Because of that, the Ithanian districts have seen a difference of races, wealth and behaviour in their direct environments.

Because of this, the Sociéte du quartier D'ithanie has been established, to create a better and even more cultural enriched society.

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The Society du quarier D'ithanie will organize the following:​

- Parties and special events, either especially for the neighbourhood or open to everybody.
- Fundraising for different purposes, which could be charity but also investments into the district.
- Political discussions, with special guest speakers.
- Voting's on matters in the district. (Only open for residents)
- Special trips.

The society is open for any members of the Ithanian districts of Regalia, however also accepts members who aren't living in these districts yet they have no say in discussions or votes regarding the Ithanian district, but can partake in any other events the society holds.

It is advised for all the residents of both ithanian districts to join the society.

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If you are a resident of the Ithanian district, please fill in this form if you wish to join our society. (please note that almost all of these requests would be accepted, and your char doesn't have to be Ithanian!)
If several members of one household wish to join, please all fill in this form, or all in one.​

Address, please clarify in which Ithanian district :

If you are not a resident of the Ithanian districts, please fill in this form if you wish to join. Please note that you are required to send a letter along with your request, stating the reason you wish to join. Pen the letter to the office of Madame du Polignac.​


Hello! So I decided to start a little thing to spice up the RP a bit in the Ithanian districts. Simply because I noticed a lot of new and active people acquiring houses in the new and old Ithanian districts and the recent changes in these district as well.
Trying to see how discrimination would develop if all the neighbours were connected in one society, of course the majority being white Ithanian Ailors.
Besides yelling that I started this order, I will not lead it alone. There will be a board of several people who would be picked to sit on the board with me, or maybe even voted into the board? We'll see how that will develop in the run!​
Name: Zyrus Blain
Gender: Male
Address, please clarify in which Ithanian district : The Ithanian District, Haute Road 8
Age: 71

To Madam Du Polignac,

As a new member of society I am very interested in joining your society and think you could really help me out in my work in setting up my orphanage here at Haute Road number 8, which I intend to use to help as many of the poor urchins of the streets. I also wish to be able to help the community however I can and seeing as you are a major part in it I would much appreciate if I could join and help you in any way I can. I am a man of honour and good will and it is my main ambition to help as many people as I can before my time is up. After all, even if I am a simple momentary spec in an indifferent world, I might as well help who I can no?

Zyrus Blain
Name: Cixo-Swan
Gender: Male
Address, please clarify in which Ithanian district:: Effleurlane13
Age: 28
Name: Alga Birkwood
Gender: Male
Address, please clarify in which Ithanian district : New Ithanian District, ReynaudRoad12
Age: 19 (almost 20)
Sorry for late response:

Name: Zilka Tilthan
Gender: Female
Address (Ithanian Dist): Effleurlane8
Age: 32

Also, (Not sure which district off the top of my head it is in)

Name: Lunatheli (Redwood) Artiemus
Race: Avanthar/Altalar
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Address: Assistreet2

Letter (Just in case):

Dear Madame du Polignac,

I write to you in request to join Société Du Quartier D'ithanie. My reasoning is as simple as wanting to help the community grow with my retaining social status and connections within the Regalian community as a whole. I feel it would be beneficial to make myself present.I can also persuade my husband Theodore to also aid the development in the community, but I leave the choice to you.


Lunatheli R Artiemus
[After a time of rest from Forum RP, etc. I am restarting this!]
Name: Katrina Elyana C'Aelrith
Race: Altalar
Gender: Female
Address: Effleurlane14 and hauteroad7 (I share the house with Blackfish__ both ICly and OOCly. He plays Kat's brother.)
Age: 48

*A letter, penned to Sophia would arrive in her office, penned in elaborate ink finished nicely to the last detail. On the back, a light blue wax seal held the letter in place, imprinted with the image of a fox*
Dear Madame Du Polignac

Upon receiving your invitation and attending that meeting in your home, I've found myself in possession of a deep desire to join this society, if it would not be too much to ask. As such, my brother also lives in the Ithanian district, so if possible, it would be very much appreciated if he could be invited too.

Spirit's blessings,


Dear Monsieur Blain,

I sadly have to say that your letter got misplaced, only stumbeling upon it a few days ago. But nevertheless I would still love to invite you to our Société, even if you have changed houses, I strongly believe that you, with your kind heart, would be a valuable asset to our society.

With kind regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]

Monsieur Swan,

I am horribly sorry for not responding to your letter earlier, I had misplaced it and completly forgot about it. nevertheless, even if you have changed houses by now, would still love to have you in our société.

With kind Regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]

Monsieur Scott,

Pardon me for writing to you this late, your letter fell behind my desk, to be forgotten, but luckily my niece found it. I would still love to have you as a member at our société, even if you don't live in one of the Ithanian districts anymore.

Thankyou once more for joining.

With kind Regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]

Monsieur Voren,

I do hope you forgive me for writing you this late. In the uproar of all, your letter was snatched by Miss Puffles, my lovely Ithanian Long Fluff. Yet, she kept it safe and for some reason, decided to return it today, so I am most joyfull that you had decided to join us. If you have moved houses, that is not a problem, I would still love to have you as a member.

With kind Regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]

Monsieur Birkwood,

I am sorry for my late responce, for I thought I had already answered your letter, but to my suprise I had not. I do hope you can forgive my horribly late responce, and the société would still love to have you as a member.

With Regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]

Dear Madame Tilthan,

First of all, I wish to state that I am horribly sorry for my late responece to your letter. For some reason, it was delivered at the neighbours house who forgot to hand it over to me. I do hope that, even if you moved houses, I can still count my amongs the members of the society?

Thankyou for writing.

With kind Regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]

Dear Madame Artiemus,

I already thought it was odd that you didn't sign up after you spoke to kindhearted over our société, yet little did I know you had send me a letter, which somehow got burried in the back of my closet. I do hope, a member of the community like yourself, can forgive me for that.

I would love to still have you in our midst, if you would find that still interesting.

Spirits bless,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]


Spirit's blessings,

Dearest madame C'Aelrith,

Thankyou for your kind words, that is just wonderful to hear. And it is most certainly not to much to ask, I would love to have both of you in this société. Oh, and I will remind you when we have another of those parties in my townhouse, it was fun, indeed.

With kinds Regards,

Sophia du Polignac.

[On the bottom of the page, there would be a small badge pinned. The badge was formed after the crest of the Ithanian district, along with a french lily and the letters SD. Besides the letter, a small box would also be send to the adress, containing a gold and white banner with the crest of the Ithanian district, with the words ''Société D. Q. D'ithanie.'' A small note would inform the person to please hang the banner on the outside of their house.]