Respect stan666Ok, so this thread will be allowed to exist as it is enjoyable to see a war brewing, but do not let this thread descend into a cesspool of insults and flame or else it will be immediately locked.
I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.
Indeed, lol. I actually remember at the time before your first raid telling my member to type /dynmap hide minutes before you showed up. I'm not trying to say that your faction's raids were connected. When Portugal raided us, I can confirm that none of us were visible on the dynmap. The timing of my chat conversation with rng11 and when Portugal showed up, as well as the fact that he essentially implicitly admitted to it, indicates that he sicked them on us.Now I don't want to defend rng11 too much. It's not my battle to fight, and I obviously don't know the whole situation. But, what I have experienced myself is that he asks most his allies at least once to merge with him. He approached me in Parallax about the same thing around three months ago. After I rejected his proposal, we remained close allies with only comical jabs back and forth about it after, and are still close allies at the time of me writing this. Again, I obviously don't know the whole story, but I suspect Portugal raided you for the same reason I myself raided your faction: you were a target. Your members and officers commonly neglected to do /dynmap hide, and you're accessible from the world spawn. I was not contacted by rng to raid you, and I doubt Portugal was either. Just my two-cents.
It is pretty bold publicly exposing him, I know, but I wouldn't say that this is nearly as underhanded and cutthroat as betraying an ally and using a outside pvpers to bully that faction into giving up its sovereignty and merging. Moreover, I seek to avoid a full-on war, and if it does come to it, I don't want to annex Edensgate. Xia simply wants to defend my opinion, airing y'alls dirty laundry out on the forums like this, 'exposing' hip and his messages to the public, and trying to turn other factions on him is just as, maybe even more, underhanded as him wanting your city and msging you about it
Personally I'd just war both of themif you dont want a war to start why'd you have to expose his private shit like that lol, ill legit help him go ahead if he wants to war you because thats such a low, scummy thing to do. Even more scummier then what he was trying. If you blurred his name instead of trying to expose him and get some moral highground out of this then it would be completely fine but you're obviously just looking for conflict.