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Snakes In The Garden

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Snakes in the Garden

The following is a letter sent from Tobie Peirgarten, to my loyal cousin and heir, Richarr Ravenstad.

What can be taken from this letter? Well. It seems at least one Peirgarten has recognized me as King of Brissiaud, despite his apparent distaste for me. It also appears he wishes to take power for himself from the matriarch Amelina, with the help of my cousin. Naturally, my cousin Richarr is staunchly loyal to his King and country, and would never accept such a treasonous request. But what does this say of the Ser Tobie? Clearly, he'd like to seize power in the region, and is seeking to sow dissent among me and my own. This is rather curious, for a man speaking of honour to attempt the dishonourable act of sneaking, rat-like politics. Is that not...Below a man like him? Is this what House Peirgarten has resorted to? Infighting and dishonourable tactics? I've been quite upfront with you throughout the occupation and conquest of Brissiaud territory, yet you've been unable to uphold the same. I recommend House Peirgarten to mend their internal power struggles first, before attempted to unrightfully come after us. Nevertheless, I do appreciate your proclaiming me King, I'm sure I can focus on winning your heart and mind later.

@Vivamente @seoulmate @AntonVoron
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Reading this, Tobie struggled to rize from his seat on his cane; he gave a shrude laugh.

"And here I thought Richarr was a wise man who would not stand for this sort of childishness."

A horrific cough came from the man in his ill health, scrunching up the proclaimation and shaking his head as he stemmed his cough.

"If he wishes for war, then he'll die in the midst of it."