Archived Small Change To Void Worship

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elf appreciator
Jun 6, 2016
Reaction score
under your bed
There's not much to really say about this one, but given what some of the lines of worship can do, I propose that an approved application be required to use the abilities listed on the page for each worship. Not even as a special permission, just have to be approved to use it to make sure everything is in order.

*If this is already an unspoken rule, forgive me, but I figure clarify it on the page. Unless I missed it.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Can you elaborate on what the benefits would be? Would it prevent people from misusing/abusing void worship abilities and keep up the quality of role-play?
Can you elaborate on what the benefits would be? Would it prevent people from misusing/abusing void worship abilities and keep up the quality of role-play?
Simply put the abilities feel too strong to be able to use without any prior checks. To recap:
  • Bleeding Crown - One of the weaker ones, causes sleepiness and haunting dreams.
  • Shredding Claw - Speeds up magic education by 25% (Needs an application + trustee to be used, however)
  • Thousand Eye God - Can gain random information through touch.
  • Broodmother - Really creepy.. Child eating for instant pregnancy. Uh. Yeah.
  • Dread Fist - Increase of strength and size by 20% from losses.
  • Scarlet Scourge - Immune to fire.
  • Chaotic Maelstrom - Ability to genderbend and shift into basically a corrupted and non corrupted form.
  • Black Betrayer - Make someone perceive another as an enemy and drive them to try and eliminate them.

They're certainly not TERRIBLY strong, but enough so that it should warrant an appoved application. Not only does it show commitment to the character, the ability used can't just be changed willy nilly on a whim like "I don't like this anymore", and limits the possibility of abuse.
I don't like the idea of having to make a character app for what is akin to a racial ability. This is a good suggestion, and everyone loves a good nerf, however Void worship gods really help me focus my characters strengths and intentions. This is the fifth paragraph of the personality to me. As soon as OP void worship becomes an issue, then I say godspeed with this idea. But otherwise I think I can make my own character weaknesses to balance my char. Also, Void worship is an executable offense, I think that's a good enough already to keep people in line with their flashy powers. Take my opinion with doubts, since I don't RP around these void worshipping folks much.

Edit: Adding to this, clearly the benefit of requiring approved sheets would be so that people would have to stick with the religion they've chosen. Are there people who like dipping their toes in every ability? What are the adverse effects of this?
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There's not much to really say about this one, but given what some of the lines of worship can do, I propose that an approved application be required to use the abilities listed on the page for each worship. Not even as a special permission, just have to be approved to use it to make sure everything is in order.

*If this is already an unspoken rule, forgive me, but I figure clarify it on the page. Unless I missed it.
I don't see the point of arguing this when things such as vampirism don't require character applications..

Don't get me wrong I agree to a degree when it comes to Black betrayal and Dread fist but the rest are reasonably balanced to the point where abuse is difficult.
With the worship of maelstrom, I don't agree with the use of minor mutations such as maybe a little bit of bone growth and maybe an extra few eye on the face just to be able to gender bend

When people switch out different worships, it's usually due to the lack of use in RP or just see what fits.

tl;dr I don't agree with this bar it happening to black betrayal and Dreadfist.
Honestly, the only one I'd say would need a character app would be Dread Fist (and Shredding Claw but that's a given) mainly because I think it could so easily be used by power gamers. The rest, though, aren't really enough to warrant a character application, and I don't think more things should have to be locked behind a character app. They aren't really any stronger than some of the innate abilities some races have, and I think the only one that can be really abused is Dread Fist and maybe Black Betrayal tbh, the rest just drive rp.
Should Shendar, Avanthar, Wulong, Solang, and Vampires require a character app to be played because they have special abilities?
Also, does anyone have any experiences with people using the void worship abilities to powergame? It'd help me see why they need a character app. I don't think something like this should require a character app until it's abused enough to require it.
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