Preserved Sheet Skjáld Wyvernbow, The Pathfinder Of Grebor

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Skagger Dad
Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
The Abyss

"It's better ta' stand 'n' fight then ta' live wifou' hope!"

Basic Information - "Here I am, now what do you want?"

Full Name: Skjáld Óinhl Wyvernbow

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Race: Humorrin Dwarf

Languages: Dwarven, Skodje, Common


Skill Information - "The how is just as important as the why."

  • 50 Total
  • Proficiency Points
    • +30 Common Shortbow (+10 School of Huntverk, +20 Points)
    • +15 Tracking (+10 School of Huntverk, +5 Points)
    • +10 Trapping (+10 School of Huntverk)
    • +10 Sneaking (+10 Points)
    • +10 Dwarven Axe (+10 Dwarf)
    • +5 Unarmed Fighting (+5 Points)
  • Culture Points
    • +40 Husbandry (+40 Points)
    • +20 Smithing (+20 Dwarf)
    • +5 Horticulture (+5 Points)
    • +5 Cuisine Cooking (+5 Points)
  • Languages: Common, Dwarven, Skodje, Vashlakurr

Visual Information - "Haven't found anything that will kill me...yet…"

Eye Color: Smokey Grey

Hair Color: Fiery Red

Hair Style:

Skin Color: Pale

Clothing: Leather and fur Armor

Height: 4'10

Body Build: Stocky


Personality and Abilities - "You know what I am, now you wanna know who, eh?"

As seen by strangers: To most he meets, Skjáld isn't a shining Paragon or someone most want to get to know. He comes off as blunt, speaking his mind with little to no regard of the consequences, this often leading into his reckless behavior as he seems to have no care for his own safety. Though he is willing to sacrifice his time and health to help those weaker then he. Skjáld above all else is relentless, not giving up until either his goal or himself lay broken and conquered.

As seen by self: Skjáld sees himself as a curious being, one who wants to learn but can't pull himself away from the needs of others to explore his own interests at times. He values others above himself and it shows as he will stop what he wants to aid those in need, whether it be a friend or stranger. This behavior has always been a part of him, only strengthened by the training and codes of his schooling. This leads the dwarf into a interesting disposition, in which he both inspires and limits himself.

Towards family and friends: To those who do manage to get close to the Dwarf, they will find him untrusting of almost everyone, the exceptions are his are his friends and family. Oddly enough, they will find him speaking with an idealistic point of view, his words oddly carefully chosen, contrasting strongly with his generally careless lifestyle. He treats friends with respect, as to become his friend the must show they are worthy of his respect. To his family, and most other Dwarves, he treats them with loyalty and admiration, he generally considers those who would fight with him to the Void and back as family.

Morality: Skjáld can best be described as Lawful Good by other Dwarves, taking great pride and care in the laws and traditions of the Dwarven people. To all others he may seem Chaotic Good as he has little regard for other's laws and such, merely wanting to help people who are too weak to help themselves. This seems to give people a split view of him as he can change to a near opposite from person to person. Despite this split, everyone can agree Skjáld is more of a good alignment.


Likes - "Money, ale, and warfare. What more do you need?"

  • Money

  • Fighting

  • Metallurgy
Dislikes - "You for starters."

  • Dakkar

  • Sea food

  • Most Elves

"I don't like people. They're loud and self-serving."





Life Story
- "Even I don't like this."

Birth | 255 A.C.

  • Born on October 31 255 A.C. to Björlum Hammerhead and Tassyl Bronzeheart in Grebor, Ellador.
Childhood | 1 - 10
  • 9 - Begins helping his father in the family's forge forge

  • 10 - Saved by a Dwarven warrior during Orc raid

Early Teenage Years | 11 - 15

  • 11 - Takes a heavy interest in the School of Huntverk
  • 10 - Enrolls in School of Hunverk

  • 14 - Receives a eyebrow piercing from a traveling Ailor merchant
Later Teenage Years | 16 - 19
  • 18 - Goes on hunt, killing an Elladorian Badger
Young Adult | 20 - 25

  • 20 - Graduates School of Huntverk
  • 21 - Begins weight lifting to build up muscle
  • 24 - Forges his own Dwarven Axe to use
Recent Times | 26 - Present
  • 31 - Takes part in a raid against Dakkar
  • 36 - Goes on hunt, killing a Frost Wyvern and its rider
    • Wraps the limbs of his bow in its scales and uses the skull as an axe decoration
  • 48 - Comes to Regalia, seeking wealth and a new start
  • 49 - Serves in the Elven battles
  • 50 - Becomes vengeful to Isldar due to the destruction of the holds
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Hello there @Eternal_Wrath! I love all the thought and detail you've put into your application. I've a few edits listed for you below but once you get to implementing those we can look to getting this approved for you.

  • Prideful is more related to self respect and self glorification. I feel like the term patriotic might better suit in the place of prideful.

  • The mention that his quick witted nature 'leads to brash and unwise decisions' contradicts with his patient personality trait. I feel like patient also teeters on contradicting with his general outspoken and aggressive nature. I'd suggest editing that section out of the quick witted trait, removing patient and replacing it with another personality trait that better suits the character.

  • Perfectionist isn't a valid weakness, I feel like it's not debilitating enough considering the only downside to it really is being wasteful. I'd suggest replacing it with another weakness.

  • Morals is also a bit of a cop out weakness. Any good person has morals. Whilst it's okay to keep it included I'd challenge you to add another weakness to balance out the character more.

Other than those things everything else is up to scratch! Please tag me when you've completed the above edits and highlight all changes you make in green.
@JarlJade I have done the edits,
Prideful is now Patriotic
Quick witted is now Resilient
Perfectionist is now Reckless
Morals is now Angry Disposition
@JarlJade I have done the edits,
Prideful is now Patriotic
Quick witted is now Resilient
Perfectionist is now Reckless
Morals is now Angry Disposition
Eh, i just want to point out that what you written at Reckless is not the full mean of the weakness and you made it look a bit like a strength. The full meanings of Reckless are:

Stupidly Brave,
Not care about the consequences of your acts.

I think that after you mention the four points, the weakness should be good.
Reckless: For the most part Marhük seems to be a decent fighter, until one sees his tactics. His tactics are very unpredictable and can be called "high high reward", for example; when fighting a stone body mage, he will try to use his shield and a sled, skating beneath them and swing his mace at their groin. His tactics seem very suicidal and can be at times.

I love this description so much.
@JarlJade I have done the edits,
Prideful is now Patriotic
Quick witted is now Resilient
Perfectionist is now Reckless
Morals is now Angry Disposition

All of these edits are perfect. Maybe add a sentence to reckless mentioning how Marhuk is...

Stupidly Brave,
Uncaring about the consequences of his actions.

...and you should be set. Although considering that's a quick fix I'm going to approve this for you now and you can include that when you're able, happy roleplaying!
All of these edits are perfect. Maybe add a sentence to reckless mentioning how Marhuk is...

...and you should be set. Although considering that's a quick fix I'm going to approve this for you now and you can include that when you're able, happy roleplaying!
Thanks and made the slight edit to Reckless
My sole review is that in the life story it states he graduated as a champion at the age of 35. It should be 36 given it takes 18 years to fully complete the training!

Make that one edit in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Approved. Remember to register your special permission!
Review time!
  • As he is only 39, he only has 39 proficiency points. Either edit his age or points accordingly.
  • Remove the talents section. Also the special permissions section.
  • It says School of Command in the points section, yet Storsmede in the life story, edit one!
Make all edits in a new color and tag me once done!